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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Thank God I do not have to fly with that idiot! I really feel sorry for the new hires who are stuck with plug man.
Claxon said:
Just like a little yappy dog, that likes to squirt a little pee to try to mark it's' inconsequential existence.
He likes to show off for the westies, he is hated by everyone here so he seeks attention from the west, maybe the AA hit squad will have him come in for a psych eval.
Phoenix said:
Those who ask leading questions and have no evidence are guilty of implicit assumptions, and are alone.
USA320Pilot said:
Is this an opinion or a fact?
Congratulations... You have asked another leading question and provided no evidence of your implicitly assumed conclusions. You can't change your spots. You magnify them.
Judicial Estoppel & a Pyrrich Victory are facts and not leading questions.
What do USAPA and Captain Vasili Borodin have in common?
As Andrei Bonovia said in the Hunt for the Red October, "You arrogant a_s. You've killed us!" 
Judicial Estoppel = Pyrric Victory.
USA320Pilot said:
[SIZE=10pt]Fact No. 1[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]- In the practice of [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]lawJudicial Estoppel (also known as estoppel by inconsistent positions) is an [/SIZE]estoppel which precludes a party from taking a position in a case which is contrary to a position they have taken in earlier legal proceedings. 
Irrelevant, as no such "contrary claim" has been made.    But even if it were a relevant legal argument, it is none the less an "argument" that you wish us to assume is a foregone conclusion (there is the implicit assumption again)... even if the judge considers this a legal argument worth considering, it still needs to be litigated...i.e. there still has to be a trial (though this argument is without merit, since there has been no "contrary position" asserted). 

USA320Pilot said:
[SIZE=10pt]Fact No. 2[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]- In the Addington II DFR trial Judge Silver unequivocally held that USAPA cannot participate once it is no longer the certified bargaining agent. [/SIZE]
Addington II was a DFR trial on the merits (SAY IT SLOWLY... A DFR TRIAL).  You are making an implicit assumption again.  No where did Silver's court accept or even consider a legal question concerning USAPA's MB rights... ergo, absent litigation of USAPA's legal rights under MB, the court obviously was incapable of making a legal ruling on such a question.  You want to talk about Judicial Estoppel... The court is estopped from making legal conclusion without conducting a legitimate trial of the premised question.   USAPA's rights under MB were never litigated, so obviously there is not a court order regarding them.  

USA320Pilot said:
Does Judicial Estoppel = Pyrric Victory? Me thinks so...
Yes, your leading question and Implicit Assumption... again.  At least you have now finally found something about which you can be consistent!  
USA320Pilot said:

Those who ask leading questions and have no evidence are guilty of implicit assumptions, and are alone.


[SIZE=10pt]Is this an opinion or a fact?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]A fact is that "Today completes the fourth business week since USAPA provided APA USAPA's ideas for a new Protocol Agreement (PA), Union Merger Transition Agreement (UMTA), Global Agreement (GA), and a M-B Lawsuit Settlement (MBLS) offer" and as of this week BPR members reported APA has not responded to USAPA's requests.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Another fact is USAPA's M-B Injunction lawsuit violates law and Judicial Estoppel.[/SIZE]
You broke your own rule... Never respond to people who point out you are wrong. 😀
USA320Pilot said:
Judicial Estoppel & a Pyrrich Victory are facts and not leading questions.
Estoppel and Pyrrich (sic) Victory are concepts, not facts.  You are dumber than a box of rocks (fact).
USA320Pilot said:
What do USAPA and Captain Vasili Borodin have in common?
I don't know.  What do USA320Pilot and Mitch Vasin have in common?  Both are bald.
Did you know that Sam Neill has hair plugs?  Maybe Vasili is related to Mitch Vasin.
You told Mitch to "pound sand."  Remember?
USA320Pilot comments:

Mitch has 3 years of active AWA service, he has flown about 1,500 hours of major airline service, and he is relatively inexperienced in the cockpit. Meanwhile, the Nicolau Award gave him gave him a senioity number of 4,367 that placed him between two 19-year US Airways East pilots with 2,000 pilots below him in seniority. If this is not an injustice I do not know what is. As far as I am concerned Vasin can go "pound sand".



Mitch is bald but never tried to hide it.  He opted for the Kojak look, and today presents a well groomed, professional image at work.
He saw the danger of an omnidirectional rats' nest from quacks such as Dr. Neil Niren and is the better for it today.
USA320Pilot, You preface your different quotes from the legal documents as "Fact" when actually they are "Claims". What is stated in them is something the APA would like to be decided in favor of the APA so that they would indeed become facts. Someone could claim another person is an idiot, but that would just be a claim and not a fact. Now if the issues went to trial, and the claims were proven in court, then it would be a fact (no longer a claim) that the said person was indeed an idiot... 
Bottom line... Claims are not facts...
Phoenix said:
-11 on this post of yours... Trader is going to be jealous.  
traderjake said:

Your obsession with gophers and chipmunnks is very disturbing.
I'm green with envy. 
USA320Pilot said:
As Pat Szymanski correctly argued in the Addington II DFR trial the RLA only permits the certified agent to bargain on behalf of its members, which is why ALPA ceased all representation duties once USAPA won the representation election.
There is a difference in the present situation. It may seem subtle, but I'm confident it will come out in court.
In the US/AWA merger, the SLI was already decided by the union, ALPA (the Nic). Once USAPA took over, they were the union in all aspects for both pilot groups. They legally represented every pilot for USAirways. The only reason the Nic wasn't used, is because the terms for its implementation were never met.
With US and American, the SLI has not been determined. That is the difference. Once the APA becomes the union, they will take on the responsibility for representing all of the New American pilots EXCEPT for the SLI. M/B will make sure of that. Once the NMB declares the APA the union, USAPA's role will become strictly about SLI. If you get in trouble with the company in CLT, it will be the APA that defends you against the company. The MOU even addresses this when it said once the APA becomes the union they would have the exclusive authority to negotiate on behalf of the pilots with respect to the JCBA. Once the SLI is complete, then it will be like the US/AWA merger in that USAPA will go completely away...
And one more point on the US/AWA situation. The bottom line is the legal requirements for implementing the Nic were never accomplished. That's the bottom line legally.
If you were to buy a house and signed the legal contract that you agree to buy it and assume ownership with conditional language. Say there is a pool in the back yard that must be filled in as you don't want a pool. So the legal language states you will buy the house as soon as construction company XYZ fills it in. Even though you signed the contract, until the pool if filled in, you are not yet obligated to execute the contractual provision of taking ownership of the house. And if company XYZ goes out of business, they can then NEVER fill in the pool, thus the contract terms could never be executed unless all parties agree to amend the terms... 
USA320Pilot said:
Judicial Estoppel & a Pyrrich Victory are facts and not leading questions.
What do USAPA and Captain Vasili Borodin have in common?
As Andrei Bonovia said in the Hunt for the Red October, "You arrogant a_s. You've killed us!" 
Judicial Estoppel = Pyrric Victory.
You have hung out too long with Mark C Doyal. You have mind melded with his schwantz.
Mark C Doyal lied to the FBI. You have lied to your fellow pilots, who regard you on the same level as whale excrement.
As Captain Borodin exclaimed as he viewed the ocean floor -" holy cow, it is Chip Munn ! Lower than whale$hit!"
" stop messing with me- it's a federal crime" Cat 3 productions....
america west pilots presentation David Braid.
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