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2014 Pilot Discussion

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traderjake said:
As the years rolled by most of us left our Junior High School days behind.
Obviously you didn't because you still think peer pressure means something. 
HA, obviously you don't have a clue as to what peer pressure is.....must be the air quality from having your nose so far up Chip's arse.
Phoenix said:
Trader is uncomfortable about the conclusion that the laws obviously dictate, thus he prefers to turn the conversation to arguments about personalities.
He is just afraid to check out that's all, thus wanting failure for his co-workers. What a real ars. Bet he bought a Liberty tie.
President's Memorial Day Message

Fifty years ago my father would take me and other children in the community to the local cemetery to honor family and friends who had died in service to our country in WWII. It was Decoration Day, now known as Memorial Day. We would decorate the graves of those who served and our community remembered those who had fallen. Memorial Day celebration locations today include Arlington National Cemetery, commemorating all the men and women who have died in military service to our country. An American flag is placed at each grave, and it is customary for the President to give a speech honoring the dead and to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

I learned as a child of another tradition that remains from the First World War; that being the Memorial Day Poppy. Each year around Memorial Day, Veterans of Foreign Wars distribute millions of bright red poppies in exchange for donations to assist disabled and hospitalized veterans. But why the red poppy?

The poppy is an annual plant that flourishes in Europe. Poppy seeds will lie dormant in the soil for a long time. The seeds will only germinate if the ground is disturbed.

Following the outbreak of WWI, a Canadian soldier by the name of John McCrae enrolled with the Canadian Expeditionary Force. McCrae was 41 years old and also a physician. He had the option of joining the medical corps because of his training and age, but instead volunteered to join a fighting unit as a gunner and medical officer. In April 1915, McCrae found himself in the Flanders region of Belgium when the German army launched an attack. He and his Canadian forces held for over 2 brutal weeks of chlorine gas and battle. When the fighting ended, over 100,000 lay dead. John McCrae then attended to the burial of his friends.

A few days later he awoke at dawn and upon exiting his tent, found that the shattered earth and acres of burial grounds had somehow given life to vibrant red flowers. He then composed the following poem, which I learned to recite with my classmates in elementary school and recite for you here today. Tearfully we remember those who served.


Gary Hummel, President

In Flanders Fields

By John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place, and in the sky,
The larks, still bravely singing, fly,
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead; short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe!
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high!
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
flyer63 said:
West efficiency recovery program. Read about it on USAPA website. Is the west going to share the one million with the east?. And if not why not. We shared profit sharing.
I agree.  Plus, I won't support anything that the west wants until I know how many have written letters opposing the PBGC action for the East, even though it doesn't effect them.  As far as I'm concerned, if even one westie has opposed it, they can go pound sand.
I remember very well the opposition to pay parity, which actually began their downfall, since it made them more expensive to the company.  That one action may have caused a lot of the downsizing in PHX, even resulting in their furloughs.
Bill Brasky said:
I agree.  Plus, I won't support anything that the west wants until I know how many have written letters opposing the PBGC action for the East, even though it doesn't effect them.  As far as I'm concerned, if even one westie has opposed it, they can go pound sand.
I remember very well the opposition to pay parity, which actually began their downfall, since it made them more expensive to the company.  That one action may have caused a lot of the downsizing in PHX, even resulting in their furloughs.
I just did the math and the amount they get individually, depending how the "dire wolves" will fight amongst themselves over the scraps of about $850 a piece.  It would probably go to their liberty ties after taxes.  What a waste.
end_of_alpa said:
I just did the math and the amount they get individually, depending how the "dire wolves" will fight amongst themselves over the scraps of about $850 a piece.  It would probably go to their liberty ties after taxes.  What a waste.
That's perfect.  Enough money to buy an extra liberty tie so they can have one in reserve when they have to send the first to the dry cleaner to remove the drool.
I know we are ending a holiday weekend, but it has now been four weeks since the BPR passed their resolution(s) to provide APA a new draft PA, UMTA, GA, and MBLS offer. And, no news. What's up with that? Is USAPA being ignored by APA or is there progress at hand? Does Judicial Estoppel = Pyrric Victory?
Tomorrow should be an interesting day with AAG and APA's Reply briefs due to be filed in the District Court for D.C. I wonder what the two strategic partners will have to say about USAPA's lawsuit and AAG/APA's counter suit against the pilot's union?
To my fellow Vets and to those serving today is a day that is about remembrance for those who have served and their families. God bless.  
USA320Pilot said:
Does Judicial Estoppel = Pyrric Victory?
NO!  Give it a rest already.  I've responded to you on this forum why you are wrong and you mix your message in with a remembrance.  Man are you the lowest of the low.
How come you won't respond to MY legal analysis, Chip?
end_of_alpa said:
NO!  Give it a rest already.  I've responded to you on this forum why you are wrong and you mix your message in with a remembrance.  Man are you the lowest of the low.
How come you won't respond to MY legal analysis, Chip?
All my AA buddies want this thing to drag out as long as possible so they like us can capture as much attrition as possible, they realize MB can really hurt the AA boys. I'm starting to get mad at Mike and Tracy for getting Munn his job back.
USA320Pilot said:
I know we are ending a holiday weekend, but it has now been four weeks since the BPR passed their resolution(s) to provide APA a new draft PA, UMTA, GA, and MBLS offer. And, no news. What's up with that? Is USAPA being ignored by APA or is there progress at hand? Does Judicial Estoppel = Pyrric Victory?
Tomorrow should be an interesting day with AAG and APA's Reply briefs due to be filed in the District Court for D.C. I wonder what the two strategic partners will have to say about USAPA's lawsuit and AAG/APA's counter suit against the pilot's union?
To my fellow Vets and to those serving today is a day that is about remembrance for those who have served and their families. God bless.  
Pyrrhic Victory, chip.  At least learn to SPELL!!
end_of_alpa said:
NO!  Give it a rest already.  I've responded to you on this forum why you are wrong and you mix your message in with a remembrance.  Man are you the lowest of the low.
How come you won't respond to MY legal analysis, Chip?
He can't. He has no original thoughts, he can only repackage bad legal reasoning he heard from somewhere else. For him to answer your post, he would have to understand his own regurgitated gibberish. Until someone relays something to him that he can try to reparse into what appears to be some original thought of his own, don't expect a real or reasoned reply.
end_of_alpa said:
NO!  Give it a rest already.  I've responded to you on this forum why you are wrong and you mix your message in with a remembrance.  Man are you the lowest of the low.
How come you won't respond to MY legal analysis, Chip?
la, la, la he can't hear you!
ROACLT said:
He can't. He has no original thoughts, he can only repackage bad legal reasoning he heard from somewhere else. For him to answer your post, he would have to understand his own regurgitated gibberish. Until someone relays something to him that he can try to reparse into what appears to be some original thought of his own, don't expect a real or reasoned reply.
I don't particularly like to sugar coat things but I've tried to be willing to quote what the law says and compare it to what the parties are claiming.  So what the Company and the APA responds by tomorrow (not that he would know where to find if and when responses and answers are due).  USAPA is very correct: 10e of the MOU rules the roost and the federal court has jurisdiction to adjudicate the rights of the parties....not arbitration.  M-B is incorporated by reference into the MOU and the APA/the Company are stuck with it.  Unfortunately nothing will be heard until at least LATE this far after discovery is in and completed.  By next year this time MAYBE there will be a ruling from the DC Circuit and MAYBE after that the Ninth will have heard oral arguments and will have a ruling as well.
In any case another YEAR after that until any SLI will be complete and even IF the APA becomes the CBA for the pilot group they will not be allowed to control the process EXCEPT as provided under M-B and the incorporation thereof into the MOU.  Two years plus and counting.  Stagnation for West pilots and their own "PYRRHIC VICTORY".  
USA320Pilot said:
I know we are ending a holiday weekend, but it has now been four weeks since the BPR passed their resolution(s) to provide APA a new draft PA, UMTA, GA, and MBLS offer. And, no news. What's up with that? Is USAPA being ignored by APA or is there progress at hand? Does Judicial Estoppel = Pyrric Victory?[/size]
Tomorrow should be an interesting day with AAG and APA's Reply briefs due to be filed in the District Court for D.C. I wonder what the two strategic partners will have to say about USAPA's lawsuit and AAG/APA's counter suit against the pilot's union?[/size]
To my fellow Vets and to those serving today is a day that is about remembrance[/size] [/size]for those who have served and their families. God bless. [/size] [/size]
Discussing 'pyrric victory' then the holiday is really poor form.
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