Look usa320, lets opine on M/B.... If the larger union is allowed to represent both sides in a seniority integration, what are the chances they will represent anything other than an advantage to there original side?
Do you really think you would advise a friend to just use the same divorce lawyer as their spouse? Really? How stupid are you trying to pretend to be?
M/B will require representation elected or appointed by the elected representatives from both parties involved in the arbitration. Anything else is a waste of time...
What are the chances APA would accept a seniority proposal that puts all usairways pilots on the bottom? And whats the chances that their appointed representatives of the usairways pilots would accept such an arraingement?
Do you not see the stupidity of not allowing both parties to have their own representation?
Laws in the US sometimes assume the level of mental apptitude of the parties involved. In certain cases where the parties might not be up to speed, attorney's are appointed.
We have attorney's that wouldnt allow such an injustice, just as the APA does...for the same reason...
Now, do you really want us to think your that stupid? Or are you so vain, you think we're that stupid? ...... (me thinks.. LOL)