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2014 Pilot Discussion

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EastUS1 said:
I must differ with you there sir. Consider the laughter value in the workplace those ties provide. I've only seen one so far, but it immediately brought to mind an image of a "spartan" tripping over his mighty "Shield", no kidding there, and I had to smile. 🙂
Well, I have to agree. After flying across the Atlantic and being dead tired, I saw one of those ties in the Philly airport. Not only was the idea of it comical (considering the way the West pilots will fall for anything), but I couldn't get Bozo the Clown out of my mind. What a joke.
mrbreeze said:
Well, I have to agree. After flying across the Atlantic and being dead tired, I saw one of those ties in the Philly airport. Not only was the idea of it comical (considering the way the West pilots will fall for anything), but I couldn't get Bozo the Clown out of my mind. What a joke.
Indeed. Disneyland properly costumes it's characters to elicit smiles and laughter. Should we honestly take offense at an "army" that only exists inside Fantasyland doing anything less than that?
EastUS1 said:
I'm naturally, completely and utterly crushed by that!...And here I'd secretly and desperately longed for some kindly "knights" in PHX to eventually adopt and care for me in my dotage...Sigh!
Being reminded of just exactly what "you'se" truly are (and are NOT) must prove irritating to you, mighty "spartan". That's entirely "you'se" problem.  "Not only are Cactus pilots sick of you,....."? = Wager's always open punk...? Would it assuage your fears if I promise not to bring any AWAsome "Shield of Leonidas"? Feel perfectly free to do so "you'se" self, of course...and don't forget to proudly sport a "liberty" tie.  🙂
Umm...I take it you weren't happy with my tie critique/IQ test? "Man up" and show the whole world what that proudly "Designed by Army of Leonidas" $675 tie is really worth!...? Or not, in which case all are just left to their reasonable assumptions.
snapthis, on 01 May 2014 - 10:44 PM, said:What were the results of the FBI investigation?
EastUS1: "That one of "you'se" most vocal "spartans" wasn't fit to be employed by them." What did "you'se" take such exception to there, except the truth, of course?
I've heard it before, the $675 tie. Psst....I've made much larger donations and got nothing in return other than the satisfaction it was for a good cause. You may not grasp this concept, it's called fundraising. The more money you raise for the beneficiary...well, that's the goal. I've heard a lot about an LLC on your side of the Mississippi. You already lost, you don't have the unity to pull it off, nor the integrity for that matter because nobody likes or will support a cheat.

A cheat you are.
Hey East, I'll let you visit out crew room and the thoughts of a reserve Naval Aviator. You might want to brush up on your integrity.

"Yes. Many AMR and some Easties here. The Easties were running there mouths this time until I asked them the following Q:

Do you think as a Senior Leader in the United States Navy your voting record and petition signatures in support of USAPA's aggressive behavior in avoiding its signed agreements with the West, LCC and APA as well as the chicanery of 10h within the MOU fall within the boundaries of the United States Navy's Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment? Would you be proud the present your USAPIAN legacy, while wearing your Navy Uniform, to the sailors whom you command as an example of behavior for them to emulate both inside and outside the United States Naval Reserve?"
I look forward to a long, disjointed, evasive and incoherent response.
snapthis said:
Hey East, I'll let you visit out crew room and the thoughts of a reserve Naval Aviator.
I look forward to a long, disjointed, evasive and incoherent response.
Per "I'll let you visit out crew room"? How kind of you, but unfortunately you don't own it, nor have any authority whatsoever over it. Delusions don't much count in life.
How's this for short and succinct regarding "thoughts of a reserve Naval Aviator."? = "You'se" ain't nuthin' of the kind, "spartan" punk. What the hell can you even imagine gives YOU the right to address "the boundaries of the United States Navy's Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment?"  ...An "Integrity Matters" T-shirt?...Or perhaps being a "battle"-tested-"knight"? 😉 Sigh! Just go buy "you'se" self another "patriot/liberty" tie and keep pretending that you personally matter at all.
snapthis said:
I've heard it before, the $675 tie. Psst....I've made much larger donations and got nothing in return other than the satisfaction it was for a good cause. You may not grasp this concept, it's called fundraising. The more money you raise for the beneficiary...well, that's the goal. I've heard a lot about an LLC on your side of the Mississippi. You already lost, you don't have the unity to pull it off, nor the integrity for that matter because nobody likes or will support a cheat.
A cheat you are.
Is that why your wife now has to drive something lower than a Bentley?

I'd make excuses for not wearing that God awful looking thing too.
snapthis said:
A cheat you are.
One with an open wager to the sorry likes of "you'se", with funds only to be held in the hands of a mutually agreed upon agency, and disbursed only after contractual terms are completed. 😉
"You'se" might want to someday study actual Spartan history. They were NOT much known for your sort of perpetual whining.
To the extent APA multiplies their hostility toward USAPA, they magnify both the prescience and the necessity of MB.
snapthis said:
I've heard it before, the $675 tie. Psst....I've made much larger donations and got nothing in return
Well then, I'm sure you're well pleased with AOL.

Enjoy your hopes of a bright future with the APA .

These ARE the 'good ole days' for you.
Claxon said:
Posted 28 July 2007 - 06:29 PM


At this point with Roland Wilder indicating he can tie up the lawsuit for up to 5 year's in court and the East pilots having the ability to live under LOA 93 for at least 7 year's who cares what the Nicolau Award says because it is not going to be implemented for a very, very long time, if ever.
Therefore, it might be better for the AWA piltos to enter into Section 6 negotiations and for the East pilots to seek a pay raise because as management indicated earlier this week to Wall Street and the News Media, "the right thing to do is to pay everybody the same" and "not running a good operation is extremely expensive."
Munn is known across the industry. USAPA as well for showing ALPA the door when they refused to correct the Nicolau.
Poor SNAPTHIS. Warned time and again he would lose the Nic if he would not fence. It would be here now, but his greed got the better of him. Now? Never. Never will it come to pass.
The APA can rattle all they want their sabers. They too can face the uncertainty of arbitration. Their electrical engineer merger wonder can go up against Bill Wilder.
He may be able to wire a speaker, but is he able to wire a labor integration when he goes up against a labor lawyer? Let him bear the blame when those wide body orders get opened to the entire seniority list.
Begging the NMB to corrupt a Federal Statute is like pulling Gs in a spiral dive.. Pull harder and the MB noose will get tighter. Ground impact is inevitable.

Begging a court to corrupt a Federal Statute is like doubling the G load when you start to see the ground rush.
Claxon said:
Munn is known across the industry. USAPA as well for showing ALPA the door when they refused to correct the Nicolau.
Poor SNAPTHIS. Warned time and again he would lose the Nic if he would not fence. It would be here now, but his greed got the better of him. Now? Never. Never will it come to pass.
The APA can rattle all they want their sabers. They too can face the uncertainty of arbitration. Their electrical engineer merger wonder can go up against Bill Wilder.
He may be able to wire a speaker, but is he able to wire a labor integration when he goes up against a labor lawyer? Let him bear the blame when those wide body orders get opened to the entire seniority list.
Did you miss the warning in Exhibit 20 or were you still on vacation?
"While Matthew Bradley of USAPA  has informed you that USAPA will decline to participate in this arbitration, the Company and the Allied Pilots Association intend to file a motion with the United States District Court for the District of Columbia to compel USAPA to engage in this arbitration pursuant to the requirements of the Railway Labor Act and Paragraph 20 of the MOD. According to a scheduling order issued by that Court, the motion will be filed on or before May 2, 2014, and we believe the motion will be resolved prior to the June dates offered in your message. We will keep you fully apprised regarding the status of the motion and any ruling."
I have been lobbying for a F&E 3-way ISL arbitration since PA talks broke down and rumors began surfacing the only hold up for USAPA to have a guaranteed seat the at M-B ISL table, if required, is by agreeing to a PA that permits the West to have their own, independent seat at the M-B table. USAPA continues to mislead and misinform the pilots (which I believe lacks total character) under the guise of strategy, closed session meetings, and conference calls.

Furthermore, USAPA's actions to ask the NMB to set aside a part of the pilot's contract and their M-B lawsuit has further saddled the union with a credibility problem, which certainly cannot help US Airways' pilots moving forward. And, the union does virtually nothing but take actions to irritate and cost other people money including AAG, APA, AOL, and all US Airways pilots in legal fees and dues.

USAPA seems more desperate than ever in its attempt to focus on post SCC relevancy by now seeking a UMTA and GA, so some people continue their "ease of life"/FPL, billable hours, and staff work in exchange for a lawsuit settlement. Would it not be better to return the NAC to full FPL to focus on a JCBA and work with AAG/APA on a 3-way M-B arbitration, which will provide a F&E process, instead of APA deciding our future?

In my opinion, USAPA can either have a 3-way arbitration today, which will permit each party to argue their constituent's best outcome, or USAPA can wait until after SCC and then have a 3-way arbitration with APA deciding the US Airways pilot's future. I believe it's better for USAPA to stop this nonsense now, stop trying to punish the West pilots at all costs, and stop "pizzing off" those the union needs to work with.
P.S. He was never taken off of the payroll or benefits. Stop lying. Furthermore, USAPA was not in existence and ALPA grievance had little to do with what really happened. More UEL misrepresentation by their minions. 
The finish line is near and USAPA will cease to exist in the not-too-distant future. The good news is that the US Airways pilots will finally have honest representation. This week's legal filings and declaration by APA and AAG just put a stake through USAPA's heart and USAPA's desperate attempt to remain relevant with their focus on a UMTA and GA.
What this about is Contract Law trumping Statutory Law because the pilots ratified the MOU; as described by Judge Silver.

The MOU does nothing to harm the statutory provisions of M-B process.

As described a bright individual, "On the contrary, it enhances or exceeds what A/M requires (just as ALPA Merger Policy was much more robust than A/M too). I know what you are going to say, 'How can it enhance when USAPA is excluded?' First, the MOU always provided that JCBA must be completed 30 days after NMB SCD, and second, SLI could not commence until we have a JCBA. That means there was always going to be only one union during the SLI; that being APA. USAPA will not be a party, but no one is wanting to exclude the east pilots (and by extension separate status for the west) from a fair and equitable process. The problem here is the fact that USAPA is still wanting to step on the neck of the west pilots rights in the upcoming SLI. That is a DFR problem for the APA and company during the SLI. USAPA going away and the APA providing rights to both the east and west is the only way to solve the problem."

"We all voted in favor of the MOU, and now that usapa doesn't like the future the MOU holds, they want to void it. Solution: Stop trying to step on the West pilots' neck and all will be well OR hold on to the current strategy and live with the contract. Pretty simple, but not so much in USAPA's world," he correctly explained.

APA an AAG gets this, which is why USAPA's existence is about to end and the finish line is near... 
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