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2014 Pilot Discussion

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USA320Pilot said:
[SIZE=10pt]My “patience with USAPA has run out” too.[/SIZE]
Who cares? The only thing you've ever been good for is laughs, and your pathetic predictions can, for the entirety of your sad life, be summed up as follows:
1) The sky is falling! It really is!...RUN!!!
2) The time to surrender unconditionally was yesterday!...Today may be too late to even beg for mercy! Current conditions always compel us to fearfully grovel at the feet of whomever!..The company's feet always!...But even the APA will do for now!
3) "Armageddon!...Armegeddon!" (and don't forget to shed some more "manly" crocodile tears when next nearly sobbing that in abject fear of anything even half so lethal as corporate failure.... 😉
4) The UAL merger is a "Done deal".
Did I miss anything at all of "importance"?
"[SIZE=10pt]If the East pilots want to let another UEL train wreck proceed so be it." Sigh! See 1), 2) and 3) above[/SIZE]. Rinse and repeat and change the order as deemed needed for most amusement. I'd suggest first imagining some crocodile tears and mindless mutterings of "Armageddon!" for best chuckles. 🙂
Ya' know "USA320"? Our time on this earth is very finite, and hopefully; more so that within our remaining commercial airline careers. Have you ever considered even attempting to grow at least some semblance of a spine, before either/both are done with?
USA320Pilot said:
AA Seniority Integration Committee Chairman Mark Stephens' Declaration filed Under Oath in Federal Court
[SIZE=10pt]AA Captain and Chairman of APA’s Seniority Integration Committee Mark Stephens made a Declaration in the U.S. District Court in D.C. in USAPA’s M-B lawsuit. Stephens holds an Electrical Engineering degree from the United States Air Force Academy; an M.S. degree in Aeronautical Science from Embry-Riddle University; and a J.D. degree from Texas Wesleyan University School of Law.  [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Here are four interesting points from Stephens’ Declaration:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Paragraph 14[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] - USAPA’s December 19, 2013 draft did not refer to merger committees representing the pre-merger pilot groups in the seniority integration process. Instead, the draft provided for negotiation and arbitration of the seniority integration between “USAPA” and “APA.” The effect of this proposal was to give USAPA continued control of the participation of both the East and West pilots in the seniority integration process, even after it ceased to be a certified bargaining representative; and to prevent APA, after certification as the single bargaining representative of the integrated craft or class, from exercising its representational authority by providing for separate participation for the “West” pilots in the seniority integration process, if APA so chooses. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Paragraph 17[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] - Paragraph 2 of the January 17, 2014 APA proposal provided as follows with respect to the pre-merger groups’ merger committees Under this proposal, once APA was certified as the single bargaining representative of the combined pilot group, it would assume responsibility for the structure of the pre-merger groups’ merger committees consistent with its legal obligations including, if APA so chooses, the discretion to provide for the separate participation of the West Pilots in the seniority integration process. To similar effect, paragraph 20 of the January 17, 2014 SIC proposal provided, with respect to “further elements of the seniority integration protocol”: Further elements of the seniority integration protocol may be established by written agreement.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Paragraph 34[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] - APA and the SIC were unwilling to agree to such a reservation of rights, for the precise reason that USAPA had argued to the court in Addington v. US Airline Pilots Ass’n, No. 13-cv-00471, Doc. 298 (D. Ariz. Jan. 10, 2014), that only the certified bargaining representative is a proper party to the seniority list arbitration, albeit with separate committees representing the pre-merger seniority list pilots, and that APA would be that representative when the arbitration would occur under the MOU. The court held that it “has no doubt that—as is USAPA’s consistent practice—USAPA will change its position when it needs to do so to fit its hard and unyielding view on seniority. . . . The Court’s patience with USAPA has run out. . . . And when USAPA is no longer the certified representative, it must immediately stop participating in the seniority integration.” A copy of the decision is Exhibit 11, quoting language at 20-21. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Paragraph 40 & 41[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] - On March 9, 2014, Mr. Jones responded to APA’s proposal, indicating that either option was acceptable to the Company. 41. USAPA has never responded to the Company’s or to APA’s proposal.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Commentary:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Captain Stephens’ Declaration is startling because it clearly shows that not only is USAPA misleading the pilots, the union is directly lying to the pilots group. USAPA never truly tried to reach a PA TA per the MOU and instead is attempting to break the pilot’s contract (again) with its NMB filing and M-B lawsuit. In light of unfolding legal events USAPA has placed the NAC on part-time status during JCBA talks and now seems to be focusing on a UMTA, GA, and lawsuit settlement so certain union leaders/attorneys can remain relevant/get paid FPL and billable hours versus focusing on the JCBA with items important to US Airways pilots and an ISL that does not result in a DFR claim or hurts the Company.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]I find it revolting that the union is hiding behind closed session meetings, conference calls, and the guise of strategic planning while jeopardizing the NAC’s ability to effectively have constructive input into the JCBA and providing APA tremendous ammunition to badly hurt US Airways’ pilots in the M-B ISL process.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Let me get this straight. USAPA is misleading/lying to the pilots, the union is clearly violating its contract again, USAPA is suing two of the four M-B ISL arbitration parties seeking an agreement, USAPA is asking the NMB to violate the MOU, and then USAPA wants the NMB’s help to forestall SCC. Yea…that approach will be successful just like when the UELs used this tactic when it did not tell the pilots the Company offered to freeze the DB Plan, when they used over 50 “roll call” votes to provide the Company a concession greater than the “ask”, giving up 19,33% equity, and then not telling us what George Nicolau told the MC during the AWA-AAA arbitration.   [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]My “patience with USAPA has run out” too. If the East pilots want to let another UEL train wreck proceed so be it. In conclusion, if you’re interested in Captain Stephens’ Declaration I encourage you to closely read the attached document, which is quit revealing and damaging to USAPA.[/SIZE]
Gawd, Chip.....your patience has just run out now? Ours ran out with you about 13 yrs ago with the United deal. Do you really think we give a s**t about what you think anymore?
The opinion of Mark Stephens carries about the same weight as your opinion, which has been proven to be wrong much more than right. 
Get a life!
Chippie and his patience with USAPA has run out? The same USAPA That got him his job back. You just cannot make this up.
luvthe9 said:
Chippie and his patience with USAPA has run out? The same USAPA That got him his job back. You just cannot make this up.
Indeed. Words just fail me on that.
Posted 25 July 2007 - 07:29 PM



An ALPA decertification vote and union replacement may no longer be required.

Now that the EC, Rice Committee, US Airways MEC/NC, and the Company agree in concept that equivalent contracts (separate contracts of comparable value for US Airways and America West pilots), with separate operations, and that such separate operations are to be permanent in nature and include preemptive contract language to assure their continued application during any future merger involving both the US Airways and America West pilots...the East pilots no longer care what the AWA MEC and West pilots think. Why? They had their chance and snubbed their noses at the EC.

The AWA MEC has refused to participate in either EC resolution and as ALPA Paul Rice told the US Airways MEC yesterday in "open session" the intent of the EC Resolution and the Rice Committee is to now move the process of "finding solutions" to this issue forward. And if any party is unwilling to engage in this process, then we'll move forward in negotiations "without them."

CaptainZitface, the AWA pilots have a choice. Either participate in the process or be left behind because unless there is a "realistic solution" to the problems facing the East and West pilots the ALPA EC, US Airways MEC, and the Company are prepared to cut a deal with separate contracts and permanent separate operations.


EastUS1 said:
That one of "you'se" most vocal "spartans" wasn't fit to be employed by them.
East, you are clueless, pathetic and lonely. You don't get much attention at home do you? I'll take your thoughts as a compliment coming from a supporter of an organization that has the same mentality as the Westboro Baptist "Cult" .....USAPA has just become simply annoying.

Yousaps will get the message sooner or later and sent packing when the NMB rules. Not only are Cactus pilots sick of you, so is AA, the APA and a growing number of East pilots.

I'm looking forward to actual representation with dues at 1%.
snapthis said:
East, you are clueless, pathetic and lonely. You don't get much attention at home do you?
Not only are Cactus pilots sick of you,.....
I'm naturally, completely and utterly crushed by that!...And here I'd secretly and desperately longed for some kindly "knights" in PHX to eventually adopt and care for me in my dotage...Sigh!
Being reminded of just exactly what "you'se" truly are (and are NOT) must prove irritating to you, mighty "spartan". That's entirely "you'se" problem.  "Not only are Cactus pilots sick of you,....."? = Wager's always open punk...? Would it assuage your fears if I promise not to bring any AWAsome "Shield of Leonidas"? Feel perfectly free to do so "you'se" self, of course...and don't forget to proudly sport a "liberty" tie.  🙂
Umm...I take it you weren't happy with my tie critique/IQ test? "Man up" and show the whole world what that proudly "Designed by Army of Leonidas" $675 tie is really worth!...? Or not, in which case all are just left to their reasonable assumptions.
snapthis, on 01 May 2014 - 10:44 PM, said:What were the results of the FBI investigation?
EastUS1: "That one of "you'se" most vocal "spartans" wasn't fit to be employed by them." What did "you'se" take such exception to there, except the truth, of course?
Posted 28 July 2007 - 06:29 PM


At this point with Roland Wilder indicating he can tie up the lawsuit for up to 5 year's in court and the East pilots having the ability to live under LOA 93 for at least 7 year's who cares what the Nicolau Award says because it is not going to be implemented for a very, very long time, if ever.

Therefore, it might be better for the AWA piltos to enter into Section 6 negotiations and for the East pilots to seek a pay raise because as management indicated earlier this week to Wall Street and the News Media, "the right thing to do is to pay everybody the same" and "not running a good operation is extremely expensive."

Claxon said:
Maybe Chippie Munn will open his mouth again with another botched prediction. Oh look, he just did it again.
Ask him about his United predictions.
Did ya hear the one about the Kamikaze pilot who flew 50 missions ...
Aren't these $675 ties in contrast to the uniform policy, since they represent a political union position....the same as the yellow lanyards?
I think that every East pilot should file a complaint with management to stop this kind of trivial BS!
Freighterguynow said:
Did ya hear the one about the Kamikaze pilot who flew 50 missions ...
Sorry, but I have to ask.....was he the one with multiple hair implants?
mrbreeze said:
Aren't these $675 ties in contrast to the uniform policy, since they represent a political union position....the same as the yellow lanyards?
I think that every East pilot should file a complaint with management to stop this kind of trivial BS!
I must differ with you there sir. Consider the laughter value in the workplace those ties provide. I've only seen one so far, but it immediately brought to mind an image of a "spartan" tripping over his mighty "Shield", no kidding there, and I had to smile. 🙂
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