Why not, it works every single time with this spineless pilot group. Hurry vote yes or we might face the dreaded cost neutral arbitration. And the company is in a position of power as they are making all time record profits.EastUS1 said:
"Old tricks are the best tricks!" So it sadly seems, while another classic observation now applies as well: "Those who fail to learn the lessons of history..."
This BS's so old hat. Anyone with even the most basic education in business, psychology and negotiating could immediately see tried-and-true game moves here. Establish artificial stress through a contrived timeline and/or other devices. Sow uncertainty and disunity within the targeted group and undermine their governing agency and overall morale through direct propaganda to the group. See listings under crew news, etc. Perfect any deficiencies in one's "shell game" skills, so that those targeted are left mesmerized and willfully committed to play the game, while you take away whatever you want from them. See listings under: "Gosh! We really, really meant to have a detailed contract ready for your review, Honest, we did but, well, aw heck, just trust us!"
Act now while supplies last.