Socplat13 said:
Tim Nelson is correct. The age old expression, "power in numbers" is age old for a reason. It works.
AMFA has been a dismal failure for the MX craft. The Northwest tragedy and United debacle has hurt the MX craft immeasurably.
Who came out better during the industry's convulsion from 2000-2009, US Airways mechanics or Northwest mechanics?
How did the craft union philosophy work out at Northwest?
The AMFAholics can't seem to shake the good feeling that AMFA's propaganda causes. You're highly skilled, which MXs are--and the unskilled drag you down. Cleanse yourself of the peasants and Utopia will finally arrive. It's all b.s. and hasn't worked at any carrier in which the philosophy was tested.
If the AMFA movement is a failure then why are the SWA and AS mechanics better off then the US/AA mechanics.
Even the auto shop guys make $5.00 more than a A&P at AA.
If the numbers game of the Big industrial unions has worked so well then How come the MX at US/AA are at the bottom of the food chain?
No Matter which union we the mechanics end up we just want it to be a choice WE made. Why is that so hard to understand????
I don't see how our class and craft effects any other. The pilots get what they negotiate, so do the F/A's, both of those groups broke away from the norm and have thrived.
The IAM/TWU in the opinion of maintenance has failed. Attempting to bring change from within has failed so it's now to try another path to better our class and craft and bring a voice to the floor. The Intl. and District Lodges have dictated to us when they are supposed to work for us.
Just like Tim Nelson said Fleet is bigger and since it's all about the dues paying members the leaders of the TWU/IAM will do what's best for the larger group. So that the Chair of the Lodge and the Intl reps keep their jobs.
As long as each union supports the other unlike what happened at NWA when the other unions crossed the picket line. That is all that matters isn't it?
I was IAM at EAL and then proud of what we did. Said enough is enough.
Disappointed that the IAM scabbed at NWA. Everyone asks why AMFA lost its members so didn't the IAM why no fight to keep or get a vote at Delta? it can be looked at and spun any way just to get a point across.
The IAM had no plan at Eastern, they failed at Continental, Failed at Alaska, did poor job at United and got voted out, failed at TWA as well, all of these have been debated and talked about but bottom line the IAM has as well failed. Maintenance is LQQKING for a change in our class and craft that will maybe bring stability to our choices.
Having union members NOT part of our class and craft telling us how bad the union we want to represent us is not a way to bolster a bond for the future of the unions at AA.
The IAM has done what for You here at USAir? TWO BK's and a non bk contract that still has you at the bottom of the pay scale. How has the IAM done a better job?
It's time to make a change that will effect all of our futures, make a change that will make a difference.
AMFA at AA in 2014, get a card sign it and help us effect that change. get involved in your craft, don't just let the other guy decide for you.