AMFA @ AA & US in 2014
Many of us have worked at other carriers and so we know guys at USAirways it is time for us now to contact them see if we can all band together and remove the industrial unions from our class and craft.
It is not a time for us to be placing wedges/fences between the two as well as doing the same with the line and base.
We the mechanics need to stick together and become one Craft UNION.
AMFA @ AA & US in 2014
Tulsa we are still looking to you to help rid The NEW AA of the TWU.
DONT let them scam you anymore with lies.
They (TWU) has made every attempt to keep the dues coming in
many of you have paid into the coffers of the TWU for many yrs and watched your pay check get smaller.
Our Pension is frozen, 1/2 pay for sick days, 5 Holidays, NO Double Time, NO Holiday pay,
Less vacation for the guys with lots of yrs.
AA is going to follow the rest of the carries and widdle down what ever is left of the bases and send that work over seas.
It is the only way they will be able to compete since UAL/CAL/DAL/SW/USAirway/Jetblue ect... all have down sized thier overhaul facilities.
The line is NOT your enemy if you think the line local is out to make your test harder you are sadly mistaken the
company makes up the test along with the unions input I would assume. So Blame the TWU and the Company NOT the line guys.
Just ask the guys who have come to the line if they got treated bad or are/will come back.