Why is it do you think that so many NON-AMT's care so much about what union the AMT's are in.
It's not like we are wanting to go non-union, Just in a different UNION, IT's still a UNION.
It comes down to this the Union works for me not the other way and if I feel the union is not doing all it can in
MY best interest then it's time to find a Union that want's too.
If the ramp is happy with the IAM/TWU fine let them go for it, I wish them all the best, But as a AMT and just out of a contract I have to look at what we AMT's were given to vote on and I know that it was voted in by the members of a beat in the ground bunch of old guys here at US.
Some of us are ready for a change and tired of being the lowest payed AMT's of the Major Airlines and with the Company making record profits and OUR UNION put's that sub-standard contract on the table for the members to vote on, What's up with this, They should have been using this contract to set the BAR up or were we sold out again.(we will get them next time BS.)
The IAM may be doing a good job for the ramp and other non-AMT's but what I pay them for as a AMT they have let me and my Profession down, Just like this sub-standard contract with the company making money hand over fist!
What would they have put in front of us if the company was not doing so good???.
Time for a change put in a AMFA card!!!
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