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1 Union, 2 Visions

.........and Merry Christmas to all!


Agree to disagree. A Webcast is coming this Wednesday.

Listen to the man with the plan.

Vote yes or Vote no. It's up to you. Period. End of story.

I find it hard to believe you are truly a management type from U. If you truly are, then explain your performance since Siegel took over. Please explain why our operating costs are rising while AMR, DAL, CAL, NWA and other legacy carriers are falling. Please explain why your team cannot fix PHL. Why our Express carriers continually bump paying pax and issue free tix for weight restricted flights. Who makes these decisions?

Explain why your team cannot lead, motivate and inspire the employees of US Airways. What is the difference between Jack Welch and Dave Siegel? Between Gordon Bethune and Dave Siegel?

He had a chance to get us on the team when he got here. He blew it. You know it. I know it. Bronner knows it. And, with the exception of the gutless ALPA pilots, the rest of our unions know it. And until we rid ourselves of your incompetent team the concession stand IS closed. Because giving more money to you guys is like giving vodka to an alcoholic who says he'll quit after just one more bottle. YOUR TEAM is destroying US Airways. Not Xidas. Not IAM. YOUR TEAM.

You need a good dose of reality.

I will say it again S-L-O-W-L-Y...We are running this business, not you, therefore I don't have to answer to you.

If the unions want to play hard ball, the members will fall hard, the members, not us.
uza said:
You need a good dose of reality.

I will say it again S-L-O-W-L-Y...We are running this business, not you, therefore I don't have to answer to you.

If the unions want to play hard ball, the members will fall hard, the members, not us.
If you think you are doing a great job at running this company, why don't you go ask Standard and Poor's?

I think they will tell you otherwise as Wall Street has.

If you want to compare yourself to Frank Lorenzo or Carl Icahn, they might tell you that you are running the company just like they did and you see where their place in history is and you will soon follow.

The employees have been here before you got here and they will be here long after your gone!
And may I ask you sir in what capacity do you contribute to our company?
No you may not!

I am management's worst nightmare, I am someone who is a true trade unionist and make you corporate greedy pigs adhere to the CBA's you sign.
uza said:
You need a good dose of reality.

I will say it again S-L-O-W-L-Y...We are running this business, not you, therefore I don't have to answer to you.

If the unions want to play hard ball, the members will fall hard, the members, not us.
and you need a good dose of reality!, when the team has countless loosing seasons its not the team that is fired but the coaching staff! :blink:
PITbull said:

A great more than you do to OUR company....
I feel I made my statement loud enough and with some luck it was heard and you will be left looking in.

The contributions you make only sets us backwards, it's time you moved on and let another person that is more capable with a sense of responsible take a turn.

At this point you are only harming and not helping, its time to move on to other avenues in your life, this phase has pasted you by.
longing4piedmont said:
From the article


2 VISIONS When US Airways Chairman David Bronner met with leaders of the flight attendants' union early this month, Teddy Xidas, president of the Pittsburgh local, introduced herself in her characteristically outspoken manner.

"I said, `I read about you in the paper and, with all due respect, Dr. Bronner, I can tell you that I don't like you, and if you knew me, you wouldn't like me either,' " Xidas recalled."

You have to register to see the article.

If I were a FA, I would be outraged at my representative behaving this way...as labor I am just embarrassed. This type of behavior would only be possible in a union represented setting.

I feel sorry for you Teddy, you think people look up to you for actions like these, the sad thing is that some do...that doesn't say much for your peers that do.

The easy thing to do right now is this kind of behavior, it take courage to take a real look at the issues, and make decisions based on sound reasoning and critical thinking...I would think you owe that to your FA's you represent, and your profession.

Your emotions and ego are getting the best of you lately….
UseYourHead said:
Your emotions and ego are getting the best of you lately….
I agree and it's truly sad. The right thing to do would be resign and let the union and company move on.
mwereplanes said:
...with the exception of the gutless ALPA pilots, the rest of our unions know it....
Well, well, well,

Is this labor solidarity? I am gutless, as an ALPA represented pilot? I take exception to this....
uza said:
I feel I made my statement loud enough and with some luck it was heard and you will be left looking in.

The contributions you make only sets us backwards, it's time you moved on and let another person that is more capable with a sense of responsible take a turn.

At this point you are only harming and not helping, its time to move on to other avenues in your life, this phase has pasted you by.
dave"lorenzo" has done more to ruin this company and its employees in his SHORT tenure then in the past 54 years of this company.

The proof is in the pudding!
uza said:
You need a good dose of reality.

I will say it again S-L-O-W-L-Y...We are running this business, not you, therefore I don't have to answer to you.

If the unions want to play hard ball, the members will fall hard, the members, not us.
ok thats it i have been quiet here for a while . but i read your posts and i was disgusted. i am a very open minded person and i do beleive this company needs to change. there are many things wrong at airways that need to be fixed. staring from the TOP working its way to the bottom. the reason why we are in the situation we are today i feel is both management and the unions fault. plain and simple . the bickering the name calling and the foolishness by both parties is why this company is at such a low today. your comment about that "we are running this business is pure b/s. the employees run this bussines . we are the ones who everyday work hard to make sure that usairways is a success. the employees are in the front lines giving our customers the upmost in customer satifaction and the statistics prove that!! if you were are management and you were runnig this company we would be advertising in phl insted of wn. we would be sponsoring sports teams at our hubs instead of other airlines we would be painting our a/c in the liveries of our sports team instead of the ugliest promotional .com liveriy i have ever seen . the only reason the company even did this is because the paint shop in alabama or where ever it is messed up when painting these a/c with the lap joints. now these a/c can never be painted. so the company decided to put usairways .com on it. !!! they used the wrong non certified paint!!!!!!!!
if you guys were running this company alot of posotive things would be happennig. granted i know that we need to change in order to be succesful in the future. inkow that here are people out there willing to do uor jobs for far less pay. i understand that and i am willing to sit down and listen and open my mind up to what needs to be done here. but you guys need to put your part once this airline is back on track. start by fixing the morale issue!!!! everyone around here is pissed ,scared, and confused. they dod not know what is gonna happen. you guys over at the crystal palace need to start apreceating what we do a little more . because with out the employess you do not have an airline. and last i find it hard to beleive that you are management. i have had the pleasure to unformaly meet dave and speak to him on past flights. i do not think he would apreceate you rederict on here trying to stir crap up if you were a mangment type . but then you never know. :angry:
uza said:
UseYourHead said:
Your emotions and ego are getting the best of you lately….
I agree and it's truly sad. The right thing to do would be resign and let the union and company move on.
whats the matter????
you management lackeys must really be afraid of what she does and what she represents or you wouldn't be wasting your time here trying to blaspheme her good name and intentions.
my hats off to afa local 40 and their president

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