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Bronner! Well Restructureourselves, Or With You!

BoeingBoy said:

Your link lead me to the sign-up page so I don't know if I read the same article. Here's what I saw:

"It appears that [Lakefield] has been a very active board member and has been involved in some of the key strategic initiatives they have undertaken recently, the negotiations with the ATSB [Air Transportation Stabilization Board] and the labor talks," said Standard & Poor's analyst Philip Baggaley.

I took that to mean the ATSB talks back in Feb, not more recently. Certainly didn't see "during recent weeks" in there.

We all know who USA320Pilot is. And we all are familiar with his MO of using half truths to suggest false conclusions.

You have done a fine job of uncovering the real truth!
Posted on Apr 21 2004, 07:24 AM

bankruptcy......................here we go again! 320's subtle spread of fear!


Actually, unless management has done everything possible to save costs within the current CBA restraints (or creates the perception that they have); then bankruptcy is the only way the current CBAs will be changed.
Phoenix said:
Employees have given several billion dollars of concessions.

Unlimited Rat Jets are now authorized.

The pensions are already gone.

20,000 employees are furloughed and slowly being offered employment at Express.

There are several hundred systematically, deliberately, perpetrated contractual violations.

The Dr. doesn't have a clue as to how true his words are. "If present trends continue there certainly won’t be a USAirways.â€￾

But personally I think that is the “going forward planâ€￾ that Chip Munn so enthusiastically embraces.
Get over yourself, already. They will go on with you or without you. So quit whining and lamenting about what use to be. . . and accept that those days are gone, long gone. Look to the future, or find another job.