Given the level of frothing at the mouth that has been going on this afternoon and the reaction, I'd say that a certain person scored a bullseye.
Amazing how one is defending the actions of another person that is purportedly not related to that person. My, oh my.
I'm also laughing now how certain newspapers are right and some are wrong. What makes one right and one wrong? The particular party line perhaps?
BTW, I know Ted Reed. A complete straight shooter. So, if you're so concerned about the facts about the article, why don't you talk to Teddy or Steve.
Amazing how one is defending the actions of another person that is purportedly not related to that person. My, oh my.
I'm also laughing now how certain newspapers are right and some are wrong. What makes one right and one wrong? The particular party line perhaps?
BTW, I know Ted Reed. A complete straight shooter. So, if you're so concerned about the facts about the article, why don't you talk to Teddy or Steve.