In regard to US Airways, the company must first reach agreements with all parties to implement to Transformation Plan.
I thought that's what we did last January,when we ratified the second 'restructuring agreement".
In regard to US Airways, the company must first reach agreements with all parties to implement to Transformation Plan.
Actually, what Chip now seems to be saying is that there must be concessions at UNITED to enable US to survive.700UW said:Chip,
Don't you ever learn? They took your pension after they said they would not, you can trust them the IAM and AFA for one will not.
How many times do you put your hand over an open flame to realize it burns?
I have to agree with Chip on this one.Chip Munn said:Moderator:
If a United story has implication for US Airways, especially since the story references US Airways, then I believe your decision to remove a link is inappropriate,
There is no question these two companies continue to talk with one another and the articles I hyperlinked are germane to US Airways.
With all due respect, I disagree with your editing and believe this action was unjust.
Pit It amazes me that people comtinue to say that statement about respect when you dont finish the story.The likes of herb and others being respected comes from one thing. These guys had the nasty work done when they arrived or they started out with low wages and really have never had to make their employees take any concessions. All they need to do is say great job and continue to give annual raises. The day that these guys have problems and begin asking for give backs is the day youll see this type of WHINING!!!!! This type of crap that these boards are now spewing is no help to anyone. The majority of employees do not feel the way that is represented on this rumor filled, back stabbing nasty name calling chat board.PITbull said:I believe a leader like Herb Kelleher, or Jet Blue CEO, or any CEO that inspires and values their employees with respect and regard. Simple concept, simple philosophy.
That should not be too difficult to find. Other corporations in other industries don't have these kinds of employee relation problems.
If those who think that all corporations are like U, then business could never be conducted because no one could trust one another. I have been working for 23 years of my life, and I have never encountered such a group who call themselves management and behave so egretiously towards their workers.
SW doesn't need to take cuts. They have a unique business model that works for them. Secondly, they have been in business for over 30 years. The last 8 quarters have been in the "black".usfliboi said:Pit It amazes me that people comtinue to say that statement about respect when you dont finish the story.The likes of herb and others being respected comes from one thing. These guys had the nasty work done when they arrived or they started out with low wages and really have never had to make their employees take any concessions. All they need to do is say great job and continue to give annual raises. The day that these guys have problems and begin asking for give backs is the day youll see this type of WHINING!!!!! This type of crap that these boards are now spewing is no help to anyone. The majority of employees do not feel the way that is represented on this rumor filled, back stabbing nasty name calling chat board.PITbull said:I believe a leader like Herb Kelleher, or Jet Blue CEO, or any CEO that inspires and values their employees with respect and regard. Simple concept, simple philosophy.
That should not be too difficult to find. Other corporations in other industries don't have these kinds of employee relation problems.
If those who think that all corporations are like U, then business could never be conducted because no one could trust one another. I have been working for 23 years of my life, and I have never encountered such a group who call themselves management and behave so egretiously towards their workers.