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1 Union, 2 Visions

In a sense, their differing styles may reflect differences in the cultures of their two cities."We come from labor, steel mills, blue-collar workers," Xidas said. "The culture is different than in Charlotte. They are like little daffodils. They wear their hair in a bow and say `I just hate that for you.'

"Charlotte is very delicate -- gentle, soft souls," she said. "Pittsburgh is rough and tough. We're rough around the edges. We like to rumble."

This part was interesting. I'm sure some members of the St. Johns basketball team can attest to how rough and tough f/a's are from Pittsburgh and how much they like to rumble huh? 😀
Hey everyone,

I am new to the boards and have been busy reading these replys for about 1 hour. First of all, the article in the Charlotte Observer was totally appalling. For a union president in Pit to make those remarks about flight attendants that she supposedly cares about is outrageous. Have any of you heard of the person running against Teddy in Pit? I have heard that she has good views but take a more rational and professional approach than getting nuts on everyone. We all know that Teddy has posted on this site, so how does she find time to do it when she is supposed to be helping the flight attendants in Pit? Her job is not to be on here posting thousands of messages!! She needs to take care of the day to day business of the flight attendants. I have read comments here that she works 24/7/365. Have you personally visited the local? I have heard that flight attendants have gone to the office at 11:30 am and no one has been there. And this is not on just one occasion. If you don't know what goes on there, then do not comment. But I am sure there is some excuse. Also, I would be curious to know if she plans on flying again if she loses the election. Also, if a new person gets elected as the President of Pit, that doesn't mean the company will walk all over them just because they listen. It means that they will probably handle it in a more professional manner than the one displayed for 2 1/2 years. PITBULL is slamming what Ferrara said to the Charlotte Observer and they have probably never met so how does PITBULL know about Ferrara and what her views are? People should not comment or slam people if they(PITBULL) don't know what they are talking about!

Born to Fly

"PITBULL is slamming what Ferrara said to the Charlotte Observer and they have probably never met so how does PITBULL know about Ferrara and what her views are? People should not comment or slam people if they(PITBULL) don't know what they are talking about!"

These are other quotes from your post:

"For a union president in Pit to make those remarks about flight attendants that she supposedly cares about is outrageous."

"I have heard..."

If you haven't met her, maybe you should not slam her - just as you advised others.

Born to fly,

I've heard that when the sec/treas (the present candidate) worked in the local office, she never showed up every day like she was suppose to, but expected to be PAY protected for the entire month by AFA dues. That's where the personality conflict came in perhaps?

Care to explain that since you claim to know the workings of the local? Maybe your "related" some how?
uza said:
PITbull said:
Born to fly,

I've heard that when the sec/treas (the present candidate) worked in the local office, she never showed up every day like she was suppose to, but expected to be PAY protected for the entire month by AFA dues. That's where the personality conflict came in perhaps?

Care to explain that since you claim to know the workings of the local? Maybe your "related" some how?
message deleted by moderator.
Folks it doesn't take a rocket scientist here to figure out who Uza is. This person is clearly Teddy's opponent in the upcoming LEC election. Go back and readover the posts. Would you want this person in a position of authority in the union? God, I hope not.
It's so obvious what is going on here.

Do you think the PIT base is going to elect a 16 year flight attendant to run the LEC? Hell no. I think the remarks on this board and in the paper are a set up, plain and simple. Good news is everybody sees through it.
Flying Hippie and Eye: Ya, know these were my exact thoughts all along. But then on the other hand, I guess I was being naive. I would hope whoever is running against Teddy wouldn't stoop so low. That is not the kind of person I would want representing me. <_<

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