Unions proposed former US Airways CEO for board

USfliboi asked:

Wow what ever happened to "not judging " at least with out the facts!

DCAflyer answers:

You are allowed to judge people you elect to office. That''s the democratic process at work, and you gotta love it! Where is AFA''s response to all this upheaval? That is what I''d like to know. I didn''t receive an e-line, yet two AFA officers (pres and PIT rep) are quoted by the media on this issue. I will judge any AFA elected official harshly who dares attempt to have that sludge we call Gangwal represent us on the board. There are no excuses for that and they should have known better. They should have known that we would react negatively. There is nothing they can say to me that would ever convice me he should be our board representation.

I see you miss me....

I find it utterly amazing  that MANAGEMENT HAS NOTHING ELSE TO OCCUPY THEIR TIME SINCE THE EMERGENCE FROM BK, then to go after AFA as a union, and specifically 1 LEC AFA local president in Pittsburgh. We still have a new "sick policy" that's been implemented that no one knows how the hell it applies, NOT CO. OR UNION. We have displacements commencing on May. WE have ITD lines of flying GONE in PIT in May. We have INVOLUNTARY furloughs commencing in May and June, why? Because this company could not find it within them to OFFER MORE MEDICAL!

But, we have YOU, management,  preoccupied and fixated, and obsessed with 1 local president of Pittsburgh; what she does, what she advocates, and what she does not.
 First, the local president of Pittsburgh never wrote in ANY correspondence to her members to vote "NO" on the contracts.  Her purpose was to communicate with her members her position and why she could NOT support these proposals for the reasons we sit and suffer today as labor. While 17,000 employees were sacrificed so that we here as labor can have a job, SENIOR MANAGEMENT RANKS INCREASE, specifically Labor Relations Dept. so they may play their "Art of War" games with our UNION, AFA.

Please reread you last two sentences and find one present union leader at U who agrees with those "labor friendly" statements....

Why would this management have such an intense fear of a couple of unions getting some BOARD SEAT advice from an EX CEO. What are you all afraid of up there? Huh?

The Facts:

[SIZE= 10pt]For the record: Mr. Gangwal’s name was brought forward. A ‘meet & greet’ the candidates (notice the ‘s’) forum was held. During the question and answer forum Mr. Gangwal withdrew his name from consideration.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE= 10pt]I find irony in the fact that out of all the newspapers in the United States only Mr. Gangwal’s name was given to a Charlotte newspaper. I find it disheartening that the one union leader who represents PIT flight attendants, and uses all her energy, day and night, stand in the "line of fire", and be outspoken on behalf of the flight attendants she represents. I guess with that loudness and strength comes many enemies.  I find it suspicious that the only AFA names listed are the two leaders who are caught in management’s crosshairs. Additionally, these very same leaders are targets of the previous AFA administration that were voted off the property.Folks, I find it eery, and odd that  management is so concerned about OUR Board seat. I guess we are russeling a few of them   feathers up there! 
[SIZE= 10pt]Since your Management....how proactive are you being with the SARS issue? 

YEEEAAAAA,   think you should be quite busy.... [/SIZE]
Bob ! Swa as you pointed out is at this time paid higher in most cases and in the past has had a incentive for its company to prosper ie stock options etc.... as swa grows (example piedmont/psamerging into us forming a large company) it will have major problems. In fact i see that happening shortly. I agree money isnt everything its all a package. Dcaflyer...... see the new topic i started concerning Perry> You and i both know nothing about Gangwald. Neither of us are in the place to judge what he has done based on spin rumors and appearances. The facts are at best fuzzy i for one know perry hayes and he would do whats best for the union not u or i as an individual. He makes judgements based on facts not rumors or spin>>Regardless its alllll mute it aint happening so you move on .

I guess its all about me AGAIN.

Well, I would like to address your last statment....we already have Lorenzo(s) on the BOARD.

When it was first released that Wolf/Gangwal/Nagin were given $35 million, I didn't know it was a "pension pay out". I thought it was some kind of contract trigger/bonus money. That's why I particularly made that reference in the beginning. Subsequently, when I was given more information,  my particular stance changed on these boards.

I thought you would be much busier with Labor matters in Corporate than to sit here and POST on these boards regarding one particular Local AFA Union President in Pittsburgh.

When you pm messaged me and threatened me with your "advice"...I responded back to you. I guess this post is your response back regarding labor on  how YOU , help ME, help US, with  this  EQUATION I presented to you.....

I will share it now with this Board's posters: (below is what I sent to FLY who pm me a few days earlier with his displeasure with my postion regarding Dave's team and to change my tone on the boards):


Still don't get it do you.

Now back to CCY, who has been waiting for me patiently
On 3/9/03 at 12:59:39 PM, Delldude wrote:

I see no difference here of pilots taking their 1 million lump sum at the sme time last year. Is there any difference:

On 3/9/03 at 1:06:35 PITbull replied:

Dell, In one respect with honoring contracts; there is no difference. However, there is a difference when you speak of performance. The pilots who retired did their jobs for years and years of service. No accidents; No reported major incidences. They did their jobs with perfection, dedication, and years of serving and ensuring the safety of the public. With these execs who were here only 6 years, their performance is definitely in question by many; it is not the same.

TODAY, PITbull writes:

When it was first released that Wolf/Gangwal/Nagin were given $35 million, I didn''t know it was a "pension pay out". I thought it was some kind of contract trigger/bonus money. That''s why I particularly made that reference in the beginning. Subsequently, when I was given more information, my particular stance changed on these boards.

So, PITbull, you knew as early as 3/9 that it was a pension pay-out and at that time you vehemently objected to Gangwal receiving $15 million after only six years of service. By your own acknowledgement, his "performance was definitely in question by many"

When exactly did Gangwal become your hero? Why this sudden reversal in your opinion of him. And what would prompt your "friends" in the upper-tiers of the AFA hierarchy to pursue the appointment of a past company president whose "performance" was in question.

Why would your "friends" in the upper-tiers of the AFA hierarchy want an individual of such reprehensible moral character that he would take advantage of the horrific events of 9/11, the mass-murder of thousands of individuals (a couple of hundred at the Pentagon in US Airways own headquarders city), and dozens in our own industry. You see, PITbull, Gangwal could have pulled our company together at that time. He could have led us in our grief of our fallen Americans and industry brothern. He could have been human. He CHOSE not to be. He CHOSE to begin making cuts before the dust settled because he thought he could. He CHOSE to terminate 478 probationary flight attendants. He CHOSE to take advantage of the attack on America while 45,000 of his employees were still numb. Even as I type this, I am physically shaking at the thought of what we experienced and what HE did. It still makes me want to vomit.

And this is someone AFA wants to represent us on the BOD. Please explain why?
USflyboi said:

Dcaflyer...... see the new topic i started concerning Perry> You and i both know nothing about Gangwald. Neither of us are in the place to judge what he has done based on spin rumors and appearances. The facts are at best fuzzy i for one know perry hayes and he would do whats best for the union not u or i as an individual. He makes judgements based on facts not rumors or spin>>Regardless its alllll mute it aint happening so you move on .

DCAflyer responds:

With all due respect, flyboi, you don't know me and you don't know what I know about whom. The facts are not fuzzy. Gangwal has never been a friend to labor and I find it it repugnant that our elected AFA leaders would attempt to advance him to the board when his "performance" was "in question by many", including without doubt our elected union leaders. In my mind, and I don't think I am out of line to say in the minds of many many others, it speaks to a question of judgment. If a person does not have the judgment necessary to a given job, he or she should be removed. How any elected AFA member could think that Gangwal would be acceptable to the members is beyond reason. So to me, and I am sure others, the issue is not moot or "mute." Sorry flyboi, but I respectully have to disagree with you on this one.
Lets see if we can get a petition up for Mr glass to resign or be canned! These tactics wont work here Mr Glass!
On 4/8/2003 4:24:40 PM usfliboi wrote:

These tactics wont work here Mr Glass!

I do believe that we already have our concessions for the next few years. Guess it did work.

DCAflyer, guess Pitbull hasn't organized their thoughts yet for a rational response.

Oh, Pineybob, your comments on these internal employee issues don't hold any water. Also, please stop riding the fence.
I offer my sincerest apologies on behalf of the ''blue-collar workers'' of US Airways that our management team is now treating our customers with the same disrespect as inflicted on the employees. I would not be surprised if you and the cockroaches elect to take your business elsewhere. However, I do ask if this is the route you elect to take, please be certain to notify your contacts in the media.

How sad management elects to gloat on a day when notification of over 400 additional flight attendants will be involuntary furloughed. How sad when PIW flight attendants are being notified in addition to the concessions of round #1, round #2 and the 5% war clause deduction they will lose an additional $2,000 per month.
PineyBob normally I would agree with you. But look at how people are being treated. Not good. In the rudementary sense this type of treatment starts wars. Mark my words, there will be hell to pay when the time comes. It''s only human nature and it''s called revenge.
Piney has taken up Chip''s role as the most postings on the board. Interesting how our passengers are so consumed by our airline.
On 4/8/2003 7:04:37 PM Do_it_for_Dave wrote:

On 4/8/2003 4:24:40 PM usfliboi wrote:

These tactics wont work here Mr Glass!

I do believe that we already have our concessions for the next few years. Guess it did work. Remember who convinced the IAM that they were confused.

DCAflyer, guess Pitbull hasn't organized their thoughts yet for a rational response.

Oh, Pineybob, your comments on these internal employee issues don't hold any water. Also, please stop riding the fence.



The reason why you think my thoughts are not "rational" is because you CAN'T think on a level of "reason", and "fairness", or human. If you think you are going to "bait" me, I have been way AHEAD of you FOR SOME TIME NOW.

What I see here on these posts are a bunch of "union busters" going after AFA for decertification, because AFA will no longer go into that "night" with the "good old gang" in the Crystal Palace. Here in PIT, life is hell. f/as have thier lines of flying gone for May and possibly June and possibly for good....ANOTHER $2,000 PAY "hit" ON TOP OF WHAT YOU ALREADY TOOK. And don't even go there and say we agreed to all this in a nice and "labor freindly" way! It's just legal coercion. And we should have great attitudes because this is a NECESSARY EVIL?

We have medical increases AGAIN in May, and displacements, furloughs, because you "capped" the 4 monther (for God only knows why), and possibly moving Mid Atlantic to CLT, with mainline possibly leaving PIT. And the f/as in PIT are trying so hard to hold on...had a f/a who will be furloughed in May call me, and he just started to cry. PAT YOU ON THE BACK....NEVER!
I see Jerry Glass got a new assistant in Labor Relations.....that's because he is tooooooo busy on these boards trying to "brain wash" as many as he can, against our union. You think you can discredit Mr. Hayes and Teddy Xidas, two strong union advocates, to get folks to question their intentions....everyone in PIT knows what you are all up to.

As a management team...this is no way to behave and build bridges with your employees, in light of everything they have come from, gone through, and continue to do....


And if you think you can still continue to decrease the work force and get the same performance....think again. Your employees are reaching their "threshold" of burn out! Be wise enough as management TO RECOGNIZE THIS. If you think by shutting me up, it will go away...it won't. There are many others who will come after me...and after them, and will be more vocal then I, and much stronger than me. I ask those who post and puruse on these boards to question everyone and everything, including ones intent and motives for these postings.

Gangwal is not sitting on our Board. However, after reading all this from management...I wish he were. He would have never "stooped" this low to go after a union.

i would want my union leaders to do what they think is best for the membership based on what they may know, some of which may not be public information. i guess you would prefer that your union reps make decisions based on what is found in the press and in rumors, and yes, by the things management says about former employees. it''s easy to blame others and take no responsiblity...dave and company are experts at doing that.
wish it would be that easy to get jerry glass to leave....i''m sure he''d leave for a few million.

how come everyone is trashing gangwal for taking what he was contractully entitled to take when he left? every pilot at our airline has taken his contractual entitlement when retirement comes along.

who do you think current manangement and wolf want to make look like the one who screwed all the employees? and some of you people are buying into what they are saying.

for those who don''t know anything about the board seat...afa shares the seat with the twu...even though afa controls the seat, they have an obligation to the twu to consider candidates brought forward by that union...and if you ask me, nothing would irritate the current team of lackluster managers than to have to contend with gangwal on the board. i think it would be just what they deserve.

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