usfliboi I agree 100% Xidas is anything but a leader, and she proved it herself with that big ego that can't be filled. It's really sad that someone’s personal issues become an obstacle that we just don't need at this time in out history.usfliboi said:I dont have to be in local pitbull, as a afa member im concerned about a comment like that and surprised you would not be too. Im sure pit thought it funny and did a high five, but hopefully you can understand my point of view. Not trying to slam her, Teddy has done some good. Just was very surprised to hear that she would almost be proud of her comment. . Would you not agree or at least see where im coming from?
I agree....USA320Pilot said:I believe it's wrong for anybody to insult an individual and if we want to be called professionals than we need to act with decorum.
well I hate to flame and run but i actually have to go fly on one of your planes.PineyBob said:Well again Piney I appreciate the fact you help pay my way, but the fact remains we and not the union leaders determine the course of the company.
If you think I personally have an attitude then Xidas must be 100 fold up on your scale.
As far as personal destruction, I think she pretty well handles that issue with her legendary mouth.
Lets turn this around, as they say, fair play….NeedForSpeedNFS said:UZA, Go back to work tomorrow, refreshed, and feeling good about yourself. Your total disdain for the employees of this company are amazing! This management team will stop at nothing to try and divide the labor groups of this once, great company(the colodny years, and before) you probably dont even know that name. Keep working your magic, this company is finished, you may move on to bigger, and better things. so will we all. your divisive comments here our so transpearent, they bore me! GOOD DAY....MORE LATER