This tentative agreement is not just splitting the union, its fracturing it, splitting Title I between line and base, base between A&P and OSM, Title II from Title I, Title II line from base, those over 50 vs those under 50, there are so many I'm sure I missed a few.well reread again because i am voting no. all this t/a is doing is splitting the union. hell we already have aa against x twa now they are wanting flight line a&ps against hangar a&ps. all i was stating is that all these people who think that $4000 dollars is great better step back and see the whole picture.
I agree that the members need to step back, what they think is a feast is just crumbs. We should not reward the company for stalling for two years, we gave so much they didnt know what to ask for. Anything less than 3% per year is an additional paycut on top of our 2003 concessions.This deal is offering 6% over 5 years, it falls 9 percent short of keeping us flat.This is clearly another long term (5 years) concessionary deal.
I also do not think the base is getting a better deal because of the lump, but I do think that the line premium must remain, what we need to do is get more structural raises from our last amendable date, restore our vaction, sick time, IOD time and Holidays and no concessions.
One of the things I said at negotiations was that for the last 20 years we've been burning the furniture to heat the house, theres nothing left, we cant approach negotiations with the mindset that we have to give up something that was fought for years ago and retains value despite inflation to get increases in wages, because those wages will be eroded by inflation, we have to negotiate from the mindset that OUR LABOR has value, that that value covers not only our wages but our benifits as well.
Then the vote was taken and passed. It was if I didnt say anything at all. Hopefully you will share this with your coworkers and they will value their labor more than the majority of the committee does.