Sellouts? When was the last time we voted yes for a deal where Tulsa voted NO?
I dont think that the line has it in for Tulsa, we just pray that one day very soon Tulsa may learn to say "NO, enough is enough" and TWU Aircraft Maintenance wont be the laughing stock of the industry. The Flight Attendants have proven time and time again that they as a group have biggers cajones than we do.
Where did you read where the line wants to sell you outt?
I just look at it this way.
#1 Majority rules in ANY Union.
#2. When the AMFA Drive was in full swing, you joined me in blaming the TWU Consitution, the undemocratic leaders removing you from Office, and the appointments to higher cash flow for the SELLOUTS.
#3. When you are a TWU Officer, you hold the negotiating secrets on demand, and return to "blame Tulsa" agenda.
I said "WHEN" the LINE is the majority TUL will be dooomed. You dispute that? I doubt it.
I don't dispute that TWU has reported in the past that Tulsa passes POS labor agreements, but I don't have as much confidence as you that their reported results are real. You seem to believe everything they say when it frames your current arguement. I know you are shackeled by your TWU Officer position but I never thought they would conquer your pride that way again. Thus I lost trust in you also.
I asked on more than one forum what the "Line AMT thought was fair" when it comes to wage seperation. All I got was how you work midnights, weekends, live aircraft, and in the weather. I want specifics about how much division wihtin the union you and others are seeking.
This so-called union has allowed so many divisions and us against them fighting, and it appears the line has been a willing participant this time in negotiations. The problem is the TWU doesn't demand a bigger pie, they just accept the companies offered pie and begin cutting it up for membership distribution. So in the end, your demand for higher Line Pay is not just a simple increase, iit is a smaller piece of pie for your union brothers,
Well consider me from here on as another , "OUT FOR MYSELF" too, as this is the only survival method with the TWU representing us. Unless someone shows me specifically what the negotiating committee plan to ask for in the event of a rejecting vote outcome. I am accepting this as the best the TWU can do for me, and will not risk some other greedy group taking away the small peice of pie I have coming in this T/A and putting on their plate.
No arguements with you, I surrender, you are right about everything, and the best there ever was.