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Yea or nay

Do you think this contract will pass?

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 38.6%
  • No

    Votes: 54 61.4%

  • Total voters
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I have heard many guys over 50 saying they are a yes vote as they do not lose thier retiree medical. I am under 50 and I have 25 years seniority, so I am screwed for starting at a younger age?? Very smart move AA!! So go ahead you all over 50 and vote yes!! Enjoy your thought of security for 3 years!! Because when the next contract comes due we who have already lost our retiree medical will negoatiate yours away for anything, maybe a piece of gum..........................remember what goes around comes around!! This is the sadest display of unionism the TWU has ever shown. This is nothing but a divide and concuer contract! Sell Out Sell Abration #2. I am working on the T shirt!!! I think it is time for an AMFA drive again!! Our only hope is to merge with US air and have a vote between IAM and TWU because this dog has proven it sure in the hell will not hunt!!!
Majority I talked with today in TUL would be a NO vote.

A&P's upset that Welders and Machinist are getting more than them in pay increase.

Most agreed the line premium was OK.

The 50/49 age cutoff for change of Retirement Medical is a major concern.

Steve Luis might have made some points with the Welders and Machinist but the A&P base mechanic just turned on him.

There are some who only compare this to the earlier company proposal as a gain but most are not fooled.

The TWU remains on the property due to the NMB decision that denied us a vote not because folks in TUL like the TWU.

This will be rejected unless Steve Luis plays the FEAR card and tells everyone a STRIKE is the next step if rejected or the International accepts regardless of ratification outcome.

Once rejected the demographics of those rejecting will allow for the deal to be sweetened and a quick second vote to take place.

TUL Nominations for Election is this month and elections will take place in JUNE/JULY

I talked with 6 people today that are currently 49 and will be 50 by the end of the year that are mad as hell about the prefunding changes.

This will have to be modified to ever be ratified. So just consider it a starting point not a done deal.

What makes you think that AA will keep TUL as is after a strike?

Tell me exactly what you think happened to the NWA mechs.

Tell me exactly what you think happened to the UAL base in IND after their bankruptcy.

I understand your point, but things in the industry have changed, and right now we're doing OK. What other aircraft mech gets a pension, and make's as much as we do. You CAVE men should keep
you pie holes shut. "classic"
What makes you think that AA will keep TUL as is after a strike?

Tell me exactly what you think happened to the NWA mechs.

Tell me exactly what you think happened to the UAL base in IND after their bankruptcy.

I understand your point, but things in the industry have changed, and right now we're doing OK. What other aircraft mech gets a pension, and make's as much as we do. You CAVE men should keep
you pie holes shut. "classic"

There are no guarantees either way.
What mechanics gave up what we did?
And before you answer with "thousands of mechanics lost there jobs"...I'll preempt you and remind you we still had layoffs after our industry leading concession contract.

The company can do whatever they want to the base stations and line stations....Regardless of whether we vote this contract in.
I haven't heard if the TWU committee voted to bring this to the membership. Hasn't this been the usual practice? If so, considering the impending elections, the membership should know how their reps voted. Also, there are "no guns pointed at the heads" of the negotiator as they claimed in 03'. Let's not get'em next time, let's get'em NOW.
I voted against it.
Here's some of the reasons why;
-We didnt even offer a counter offer like Stores, they ended up getting a skill premium that they never had before.
-this deal makes very little progress towards restoring our 2003 contract, depending on where you are, what shift you work and what title group you are in everyone is different. OH A&P gets hit the hardest, their real wage will decrease by around 9% from 2008 to 2013 with an end loaded contract, all the increases coming in the last three years of the five year deal. OSMs who get license pay are pretty much the only ones who see some progress. Line maint gets brought back to 2006 pay levels if they start between 2000 and 0400 (the shorter window will allow the company to eliminate MRT by changing the start times, presently there is no way they can have 24 hour coverage and not pay MRT), otherwise we end up back slightly below 2008 levels, only now we, like everyone else, would no longer have bridge insurance and be subject to the other concessions.
-We continue have less than industry standard Holidays and Holiday pay, when you factor in the two Holidays and .5 less pay its adds up to around $2500/year less in Holiday pay (lowers our Total Value by around $1/hr)
-The change from automatically off to automatically on for Holidays removes any incentive, and any contractually based arguement from the union, to get more people off on the Holidays. In the past we would look at the schedule and get the company to give more people off.
-We continue to have less than industry standard for Vacation, After 5 years we have three less days than pretty much everyone else ($-800, take another subtract another 38 cents from the hourly wage)
-We have the least amount of IOD , 600 hours is common, we get 80, which forces us to burn sick time, time that we now need to pay for Bridge insurance.
-We accumulate 30% less sick time than industry norm but the company wants to charge us at least 45% more for the coverage. The company admits that on average 5 days of sick time is used per employee, that means that on average we can only save 3 days per year, so it would take 50 years to accumulate enough sick time to pay for retiree medical (3days x 8hrs=24/yr, 20hrs/month x 60 months=1200hrs, 1200/24=50 years) So you would have to start on payroll at age 10 to retire at 60 to have enough sick bank to cover you, on average. (19 years of perfect attendance)
-No increase in shift differentials. If you work shifts, regardless of location or title group, you should collect a premium for that, .01, and .02 is not enough.
-The term is too long, 5 years with only a 6% increase is nuts. We should never ever sign a contract longer than 2 years onless its front end loaded with very good increases. We know that if the company locks themselves into a long term deal they can get out of it by simply running up debt and saying they are going to file BK unless we agree to open it, we saw that with the 2001 contract, we also know that if we sign a lousy deal and the company has a windfall they will not open the dealk and we will have to eat it, we saw that in 1995. So deals longer than two years are bad for us. The company likes long term deals for both of the above examples plus the fact they get better terms on credit. Its been claimed that we had to go to a five year deal because otherwise the company could not get any credit, however they have had open contracts now for the past several years and have aquired billions in credit.
-Permanent probation for Crew Chiefs, I'm against this, we have enough problems with management pressuring Crew Chiefs into violating company proceedures and FARs in order to make on time departures, we dont need to give management more leverage.
There are more but its turned out to be a nice day and I'm heading out.
I think it is time for an AMFA drive again!! Our only hope is to merge with US air and have a vote between IAM and TWU because this dog has proven it sure in the hell will not hunt!!!

Not that I think we could ever vote in AMFA we seen how that vote went...........dead man votein'!!! I sure liked the old TWU when the AMFA threat was real and they grew a set!! Well that dog did hunt for a little while. Time to get that lazy dog off the poarch and back hunting or I believe that dogs days are numbered!!!!
Just a reminder...........for my union brothers and PRESIDENTS!!


Definition An organization of workers joined to protect their common interests and improve their working conditions.
What makes you think that AA will keep TUL as is after a strike?

Tell me exactly what you think happened to the NWA mechs.

Tell me exactly what you think happened to the UAL base in IND after their bankruptcy.

I understand your point, but things in the industry have changed, and right now we're doing OK. What other aircraft mech gets a pension, and make's as much as we do. You CAVE men should keep
you pie holes shut. "classic"

Most get pensions, Continental gets a DB like us.

IBT, FED EX and SWA all make over $40/hr

I suppose there were some Texans who said, "Look at what happened to those guys at the Alamo. Me rindo."
C'mon company bootlickers, we want to hear your insight on this.
C'mon company bootlickers, we want to hear your insight on this.
Those individuals will probably lay low for awhile and let the initial uproar about this round of concessions die down a little. Then they will begin with the talk about how generous this contract is in such tough economic times. I look forward to how they can make the retiree medical debacle sound like a good thing. It should be humorous. :lol: {Cmon Bubba , run that car with no oil. You can save some money on it, who cares if it burns up the engine 20 miles down the road. It made out of the trailer park didnt it.}
Most get pensions, Continental gets a DB like us.

IBT, FED EX and SWA all make over $40/hr

I suppose there were some Texans who said, "Look at what happened to those guys at the Alamo. Me rindo."

Most get 401K, and Continental doesn't make over $40 an hour and they don't have base maint dragging them down pay wise (I think TUL anf AFW mechs do a great job, but they make $10+ more an hour then their competition at AAR). We can look at the NWA mechs as the Alamo defenders. They stood up and said they're not taking a pay cut and now they're not working at NWA anymore.

SWA, UPS and FEDEX aren't hiring right now, and none of them has Base maint.

Yes we all know that NWA pushed them into a strike...................but Bob's analogy was bad.

This is a 3 year contract and how well did AMFA work out for NWA and UAL.
What makes you think that AA will keep TUL as is after a strike?

Tell me exactly what you think happened to the NWA mechs.

Tell me exactly what you think happened to the UAL base in IND after their bankruptcy.

I understand your point, but things in the industry have changed, and right now we're doing OK. What other aircraft mech gets a pension, and make's as much as we do. You CAVE men should keep
you pie holes shut. "classic"

Who said anything about a strike?

We are still NOT at the end of the RLA Process
We have NOT been released from negoaitions
Progress was made and more progress can still be made if this is rejected.

Learn the Railway Labor Act and stop fearing the worst.
It looks like TUL and AFW will finally know what it feel's like to work for an airline. I don't think there is a lot of sympothy for the base guys, they have had it good for a long time. I'm sure the senior guys will still have weekends off. Welcome to working weekends and holidays to everyone else.
i worked flight line for 10 years and let me say one thing, flight line does not work any harder than overhaul. oh and another thing this is exactly what aa hope would happen with this contract, putting line mechs against overhaul mechs.
Sent my email to Jim Little demanding that he vote NO for us on this contract. I figure that since he voted YES for us in 2003, why not step up and do the right thing and vote NO this time. I asked him how he could allow a vote with so much anti-union divide and conquer language in it.

How about a systemwide petition to Little demanding that he use his 2003 proven "super vote" and vote NO.
Sent my email to Jim Little demanding that he vote NO for us on this contract. I figure that since he voted YES for us in 2003, why not step up and do the right thing and vote NO this time. I asked him how he could allow a vote with so much anti-union divide and conquer language in it.

How about a systemwide petition to Little demanding that he use his 2003 proven "super vote" and vote NO.

Your post indicates you presume Jim Little to be a Union Man.... :lol:

AA Management to Union President leaves much to question.

His actions leave much to be desired.

The youtube video of him being booed by his members still remains my first memory when I hear his name.
I voted against it.
OH A&P gets hit the hardest, their real wage will decrease by around 9% from 2008 to 2013 with an end loaded contract, all the increases coming in the last three years of the five year deal. OSMs who get license pay are pretty much the only ones who see some progress.


What is the plan for the "Shared Gain" pay for the overhaul base or does "base" mean base pay for all? Is this going to be pay or chicken sanwhiches?

Base Employee Gain Sharing plan: Mutually commit to develop a variable compensation plan and implemented within 180 days from DOS.

What is the actual cost per month of insurance if employee doesnt have enough sick bank? 20% of what cost?

If a retiree’s sick bank is insufficient to provide medical coverage until the retiree turns 65, the retiree will pay monthly premiums at the same rate as other groups that are post-funding for retiree medical coverage at that time (currently 25% of the cost).

Are all items to be negotiated to give us FINAL contract language or are we going to vote first and then let them finish negotiations?
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