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This type of thing is clearly wrong. What would be interesting is for the Police in WI to investigate every single one of the e-mails in question and compile a list of everyone who sent the death threat e-mails and their political affiliations.

My prediction is that a significant number of the total will be from Walker supporters trying to discredit the opposition as it would be an action right out of the Leftist playbook.

I predict that people who make abstract ludicrous assumptions pulled from thin, are in dire need of mental help and or intervention.
No thanks. They don't seem to be helping you very much.

You know how it is with us "Elitists" :lol: For the record I did look up the definition and I find myself questioning exactly how some one who believes that the rights of the individual take precedence over the rights of the State could ever meet the below posted definition.

elitism (ɪˈliːtɪzəm, eɪ-)

— n
1. a. the belief that society should be governed by a select group of gifted and highly educated individuals
b. such government
2. pride in or awareness of being one of an elite group

This type of thing is clearly wrong. What would be interesting is for the Police in WI to investigate every single one of the e-mails in question and compile a list of everyone who sent the death threat e-mails and their political affiliations.

My prediction is that a significant number of the total will be from Walker supporters trying to discredit the opposition as it would be an action right out of the Leftist playbook.

What an interesting world we live in. One where true outsiders like Libertarians are called elitists and Sarah Palin has a legitimate shot at being POTUS while candidates like Herman Cain & Ron Paul are marginalized by the mainstream media and both parties as they represent a change from the status quo.

I don't know about that. Opposition is good at their own self destruction. I'll be surprised if this links to the right. They have been known to lead with their head.
You know how it is with us "Elitists" :lol: For the record I did look up the definition and I find myself questioning exactly how some one who believes that the rights of the individual take precedence over the rights of the State could ever meet the below posted definition.

elitism (ɪˈliːtɪzəm, eɪ-)

— n
1. a. the belief that society should be governed by a select group of gifted and highly educated individuals
b. such government
2. pride in or awareness of being one of an elite group


Because thats what you liberal progressives think you are.
The tax payers are the ones who won in WI

MPS teacher total comp: $101k (includes $23,820 health ins plan w/ NO premium)
Avg WI worker: $48k comp + $14,656 plan w/ 20% premium.
DOJ investigating threats

The Department of Justice is investigating threats against state GOP Sens. Scott Fitzgerald and Dan Kapanke as well as "several other threats from a variety of sources."

The agency said it would not confirm anything beyond that.

Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, released to the media earlier today a death threat he received via e-mail.

UPDATE: 2:28 p.m. -- Here's the text of an e-mail that Sen. Dan Kapanke's office said it received last night. A Kapanke aide said the office is not releasing any identifying information and has forwarded the e-mail to Capitol police.

Because thats what you liberal progressives think you are.

OK and exactly how am I a "Liberal"?

I support REPEAL of the 16th Amendment
I Support Ron Paul both publicly and financially
A strident Civil Libertarian
A firm belief that the rights of the Individual ALWAYS supersede the rights of the state.

ALL of the above are the antithesis of Liberal ideology and dogma.

The only reason I can come up with for your non stop rudeness and insulting behavior is that you fear people who arrive at their points of view without carefully consulting the Republicrat Enslavement Playbook. Some of your response remind me of the novel "Animal Farm" written by Orwell. "Four legs good, two legs bad", "Four legs good, two legs bad", "Four legs good, two legs bad" starts to sound like" Obama Bad, Republicans Good", Obama Bad, Republicans Good", Obama Bad, Republicans Good".

Liberals are alot like my ex- "What's mine is mine and what yours is mine" My view is, "What's mine is mine, get your own like I did". Hardly complimentary views
OK and exactly how am I a "Liberal"?

I support REPEAL of the 16th Amendment
I Support Ron Paul both publicly and financially
A strident Civil Libertarian
A firm belief that the rights of the Individual ALWAYS supersede the rights of the state.

ALL of the above are the antithesis of Liberal ideology and dogma.

The only reason I can come up with for your non stop rudeness and insulting behavior is that you fear people who arrive at their points of view without carefully consulting the Republicrat Enslavement Playbook. Some of your response remind me of the novel "Animal Farm" written by Orwell. "Four legs good, two legs bad", "Four legs good, two legs bad", "Four legs good, two legs bad" starts to sound like" Obama Bad, Republicans Good", Obama Bad, Republicans Good", Obama Bad, Republicans Good".

Liberals are alot like my ex- "What's mine is mine and what yours is mine" My view is, "What's mine is mine, get your own like I did". Hardly complimentary views

I'm well aware of libertarian views. But thats not you. Not being rude or insulting. Just saying, if you call yourself a Libertarian, your views posted here seem more liberal, progressive-ish.
I'm well aware of libertarian views. But thats not you. Not being rude or insulting. Just saying, if you call yourself a Libertarian, your views posted here seem more liberal, progressive-ish.

OK, Fair Enough. Now lets look at my point that the rights of the individual supersede the rights of the state. In WI, the State in the embodiment of Scott Walker and the Republicrats are attempting & succeeding in taking away certain freedoms and liberties afforded any citizen and that is the right to band together for their common good and to promote and act in their best interests. A group of Educators comes to mind.

No one who is sane and aware of the free market could come to a conclusion that Educators in WI are anything but under-worked, overpaid and under performing. However the State should NOT be able to legislate away what I consider basic rights and civil liberties because of states inability to have the moral fiber or political testosterone required to negotiate with the NEA and its various locals.
OK, Fair Enough. Now lets look at my point that the rights of the individual supersede the rights of the state. In WI, the State in the embodiment of Scott Walker and the Republicrats are attempting & succeeding in taking away certain freedoms and liberties afforded any citizen and that is the right to band together for their common good and to promote and act in their best interests. A group of Educators comes to mind.

The state is broke. What part of broke is hard to comprehend? The premise of allowing collective bargaining for public workers is absurd. Its not protecting them from some supposed rich fat cat capitalist as often spewed by unions. The person they are bargaining against is WI tax payer. If you don't understand that and aren't offended by it, then i guess nothing offends you.

Negotiating with the unions in the past in WI failed and led to good teachers losing their jobs. They walked down that road already and it failed.

No one who is sane and aware of the free market could come to a conclusion that Educators in WI are anything but under-worked, overpaid and under performing. However the State should NOT be able to legislate away what I consider basic rights and civil liberties because of states inability to have the moral fiber or political testosterone required to negotiate with the NEA and its various locals.

Federal employees don't enjoy CB that the states do and they seem to be doing just fine. Are you know saying that all federal employees have been getting the screw because they are not allowed CB?
CNN Money: It’s kind of looking bad for unions these days

Two years later card check is dead, Obama is out promoting free-trade deals, and his health care reform plan — passed without a government option — faces an uncertain future in the courts. And now a costly new front has opened in labor’s struggles: the states, where budget-cutting governors are targeting union salaries, benefits, and even collective-bargaining rights.

Not even the most union-friendly President in three decades can soften this harsh political terrain — a problem sure to vex his 2012 reelection bid.

Unions spent $80 million on behalf of Obama and other Democrats in 2008. Combined with a sharp increase in direct contributions to campaigns, this independent money gave union-backed candidates a big edge, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

For all of the screaming over the Citizens United decision and the hysteria over independent expenditures in political campaigns, it’s useful to recall this chart from the midterm cycle:


The three largest PEUs in the US outspent conservative action groups in the last cycle, $171 million to $140 million. Needless to say, it didn’t help much, and the next time around, it may help even less. The unions have had to fund defensive efforts in places like Wisconsin that will seriously drain their resources ahead of the 2012 cycle
The tax payers are the ones who won in WI

And the kids are the ones who will ultimately lose...

I'm not saying there haven't been some threats, but this one is laughable. "On a pike in the Madison Town Square?" Where is this "town square" in MSN?

Throw the bums out...

...Or lock 'em in, like they did today for awhile. Ya know, whichever...

The state is broke. What part of broke is hard to comprehend? The premise of allowing collective bargaining for public workers is absurd. Its not protecting them from some supposed rich fat cat capitalist as often spewed by unions. The person they are bargaining against is WI tax payer. If you don't understand that and aren't offended by it, then i guess nothing offends you.

It is absolutely a guard against corporate interest.

I'll assume you've read the bill. The entire thing is a paean to corporations. No bid sales of state-owned power plants, repeal of clean water regulations, you name it...

Negotiating with the unions in the past in WI failed and led to good teachers losing their jobs. They walked down that road already and it failed.

Actually, it's led to quite a long history of labor peace in WI.

Federal employees don't enjoy CB that the states do and they seem to be doing just fine. Are you know saying that all federal employees have been getting the screw because they are not allowed CB?

I wonder what will happen if the TSA votes to organize?

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