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Federal Judge Strikes Down Part Of Scott Walker's Anti-Collective Bargaining Law

Never said it was that way all over, I was just curious.

The wording in your post made it sound like the only reason my brother-in-law does not make six figures is becasue he does not work OT. That's because in your area make that amount with OT and you assumed.
Not a question of "Could I do a cops job", but "Would I do a cops job" and the answer is no !

Doesn't a cadet , who's applied to the police academy know before hand, what the general pay rates, pensions and insurance plans are before they apply ? It's a choice they make ! And don't mistake my answers for disrespect , because I respect anyone who puts their life on the line, when called to do so, but in the end, he made the choice to become a police officer !

Not for nothing, but one of my coworkers is a retired police officer. He was also one of the first in line to sign an A card.

Just sayin'...
Not a question of "Could I do a cops job", but "Would I do a cops job" and the answer is no !

Doesn't a cadet , who's applied to the police academy know before hand, what the general pay rates, pensions and insurance plans are before they apply ? It's a choice they make ! And don't mistake my answers for disrespect , because I respect anyone who puts their life on the line, when called to do so, but in the end, he made the choice to become a police officer !

By saying no to the latter you are answering no to the former. Just remember this, in spite of what you may think not every public employee has an awesone retirement where they can kick back after twenty.
By saying no to the latter you are answering no to the former. Just remember this, in spite of what you may think not every public employee has an awesone retirement where they can kick back after twenty.

I don't know where our colleague Southwind lives or anyone else for that matter. However I will tell you this. Government employees in some parts of the country get absolute sweetheart deals. My former state of NJ being one of them. In other parts of the country the exact opposite is true and you see pensioners in their 70's working because even with Social Security and the pension it's not quite enough for them.

Something that no one here has mentioned is the fact that with the notable exception of Police and Fire at the local level, everything else can be outsourced. So while I agree that Labor should have the right to organize in ANY state without the onerous rules trying to be established by Scott Walker. I would further submit that if more and more municipalities use Chapter 9 Bankruptcy proceedings to wipe out their obligations I think it safe to say that many jobs will also be outsourced as well.

I would caution Big Labor on this as it may turn into a "Be careful what you wish for" scenario. Again it goes back to free market economics. YES you can avoid the free market ruling by overpaying and giving people more then they would get in a Non Union work place. But ultimately it can become like the housing bubble in that the free market always has the final say. If this bubble bursts and it likely will you will see nearly every gain workers have made go out the window.
I don't know where our colleague Southwind lives or anyone else for that matter. However I will tell you this. Government employees in some parts of the country get absolute sweetheart deals. My former state of NJ being one of them. In other parts of the country the exact opposite is true and you see pensioners in their 70's working because even with Social Security and the pension it's not quite enough for them.

Something that no one here has mentioned is the fact that with the notable exception of Police and Fire at the local level, everything else can be outsourced. So while I agree that Labor should have the right to organize in ANY state without the onerous rules trying to be established by Scott Walker. I would further submit that if more and more municipalities use Chapter 9 Bankruptcy proceedings to wipe out their obligations I think it safe to say that many jobs will also be outsourced as well.

I would caution Big Labor on this as it may turn into a "Be careful what you wish for" scenario. Again it goes back to free market economics. YES you can avoid the free market ruling by overpaying and giving people more then they would get in a Non Union work place. But ultimately it can become like the housing bubble in that the free market always has the final say. If this bubble bursts and it likely will you will see nearly every gain workers have made go out the window.
I'm guessing SW lives around Datlanta. Truth be told, NJ gets a sweet deal, because a vast majority are employees in NYC. NYC gets a sweeter deal than the rest of us schmucks in NYS. They are exempt from many retirement deals that even police and firefighters can't beat.

Ah, but police and firefighters actually be outsourced, as private firms cater to government needs. Firefighters and police(who have their separate pension in NYS) can be outsourced, although they face a tougher fight due to their strong unions.

Municipalities are struggling to avoid BK because it would mean a State takeover like what happened in Buffalo or Erie county. If the state takes over operations, then all public employees are screwed.

NY got a big wish, by the governor's new Tier 6. Any employee now hiree after 4/1/12 is proverbially screwed. But it saved me, so who cares?

Questions? Clarification? Assumption?

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