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Why I Voted Yes

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Read pages 20 and 21 in the Outsourcing language and the YES voters just voted to ALLOW AA to OUTSOURCE ALL A/C Maintenance. The 35% language has so many huge holes you could fly a squadron of aircraft thru them. What's sad is that most voters I talked to did not even read these pages. [#2 and #3 on page 21]

Bob Owens did his best to WARN us AMT's but the TWU traveling sales show was able to lead the sheep to the slaughter.

An AMT at TULE that does NOT like the division between the Line and TULE.

It is very hard to be on the same page and try to educate people when our union leadership is fighting against the membership side by side with the company.
So all we have now is the I told you so. What good is that now anyway. It is easy to get on this board and insult a group of people. Until you meet these folks and work with them then you stop the generalization and weed out the idiots. We did the same thing with the TWA guys. The union and company created this animosity. But until you meet these guys and have the opportunity to work with them you see that they are just like you. It's the sellouts that you have to single out and make them look like the idiots they are. I wonder how many guys are going to say I did not vote for this.
I have talked to several people who said they did vote for it as did I because it is much better than the Term sheet, your not going to beat a judge the company & the Government all teamed up together with a fragmented membership that never sticks together on any subject, sometimes you have to know when to stop rolling the dice take your chances with what you have negotiated, that's what the Majority did so just live with it & stop crying about & don't worry about Tulsa that is our problem & we will worry about it.
We made our bed & are prepared to sleep in it, not likely your ever going to find a yes voter who will say they think the term sheet would have been better regardless of how bad the contract ends up being.
I have talked to several people who said they did vote for it as did I because it is much better than the Term sheet, your not going to beat a judge the company & the Government all teamed up together with a fragmented membership that never sticks together on any subject, sometimes you have to know when to stop rolling the dice take your chances with what you have negotiated, that's what the Majority did so just live with it & stop crying about & don't worry about Tulsa that is our problem & we will worry about it.
We made our bed & are prepared to sleep in it, not likely your ever going to find a yes voter who will say they think the term sheet would have been better regardless of how bad the contract ends up being.

The Yes voter has made our bed you dope.
I have talked to several people who said they did vote for it as did I because it is much better than the Term sheet, your not going to beat a judge the company & the Government all teamed up together with a fragmented membership that never sticks together on any subject, sometimes you have to know when to stop rolling the dice take your chances with what you have negotiated, that's what the Majority did so just live with it & stop crying about & don't worry about Tulsa that is our problem & we will worry about it.
We made our bed & are prepared to sleep in it, not likely your ever going to find a yes voter who will say they think the term sheet would have been better regardless of how bad the contract ends up being.

The AA management never wanted to impose the term sheets or they would have asked the judge for relief after his 1st extenision.
The company would have never let Sam Cirri use the management conference room all day and pay mechanics on the clock for 2 hours + to hear his sales pitch for a Yes vote if they wanted the Term Sheets imposed.The AA/TWU machine invested a lot of money in getting this yes vote People need get their heads out of their I-Phones and observe what is going on around them.

AA/TWU were saying one thing but their actions were saying something completely opposite.
The AA management never wanted to impose the term sheets or they would have asked the judge for relief after his 1st extenision.
The company would have never let Sam Cirri use the management conference room all day and pay mechanics on the clock for 2 hours + to hear his sales pitch for a Yes vote if they wanted the Term Sheets imposed.The AA/TWU machine invested a lot of money in getting this yes vote People need get their heads out of their I-Phones and observe what is going on around them.

AA/TWU were saying one thing but their actions were saying something completely opposite.

Oh this isn't over yet & I suspect that before it is over we will see a term sheet imposed on one of the AA groups either the Pilots or the Flight Attendants when that happens I'm sure you will still be saying they wouldn't do it but they did do it. ;-)
AA has no problem imposing the term sheets in my opinion but a 6 year contract is better for them.
Oh this isn't over yet & I suspect that before it is over we will see a term sheet imposed on one of the AA groups either the Pilots or the Flight Attendants when that happens I'm sure you will still be saying they wouldn't do it but they did do it. ;-)
AA has no problem imposing the term sheets in my opinion but a 6 year contract is better for them.

You will love to see that wouldn't you? What a real scum-bucket you turned out to be.
Instead of supporting you fellow employees and being true to unionism you pound them. You are clueless to their contractual language and how it affects them. But yet you wish that Hell freezes over on them. Way to go LOSER!!

You will love to see that wouldn't you? What a real scum-bucket you turned out to be.
Instead of supporting you fellow employees and being true to unionism you pound them. You are clueless to their contractual language and how it affects them. But yet you wish that Hell freezes over on them. Way to go LOSER!!


I didn't say I wished it on them I just said I think it will happen if it goes to the judge, you are the one saying BYE BYE TULSA taunting Tulsa for voting yes, your the bad guy but that's fine you can wish us gone if you want too.
I didn't say I wished it on them I just said I think it will happen if it goes to the judge, you are the one saying BYE BYE TULSA taunting Tulsa for voting yes, your the bad guy but that's fine you can wish us gone if you want too.

NEWS FLASH: You voted yourself gone. I voted NO. I tried to save your job. But you do not understand what unionism is about.
I didn't say I wished it on them I just said I think it will happen if it goes to the judge, you are the one saying BYE BYE TULSA taunting Tulsa for voting yes, your the bad guy but that's fine you can wish us gone if you want too.

BTW, where are the numbers for 514?
NEWS FLASH: You voted yourself gone. I voted NO. I tried to save your job. But you do not understand what unionism is about.

No thanks we don't need your help, we will be just fine so don't worry about Tulsa, the contract passed so just get use to it & stop crying about it, i'm tired of hearing it.
No thanks we don't need your help, we will be just fine so don't worry about Tulsa, the contract passed so just get use to it & stop crying about it, i'm tired of hearing it.

I'm over it. I feel for all the guys that bought into the lies of local 514. Now they are the ones who will suffer the most. My own fellow union brothers, my own fellow AMT's voting themselves out on the street. That I am having a hard time to accept or maybe figure out why?
I'm over it. I feel for all the guys that bought into the lies of local 514. Now they are the ones who will suffer the most. My own fellow union brothers, my own fellow AMT's voting themselves out on the street. That I am having a hard time to accept or maybe figure out why?

I would hold off on the blame Tulsa. From what I am seeing so far, about 1,000 voted for it from the line stations and AFW. Assuming that title 2 voted for it like their idiots at the table, that would be about 1,900 votes for it. That would leave Tulsa with about 1,850 yes votes, and the vote goes down in Tulsa by a couple of percent. If so, that is an incredible effort by those who pushed for the no vote in Tulsa. So please hold off on the Tulsa criticism until the results are all out. Those who should be blamed at this point are those who were too lazy to vote by internet or phone. It doesn't get any easier than that.
I'm over it. I feel for all the guys that bought into the lies of local 514. Now they are the ones who will suffer the most. My own fellow union brothers, my own fellow AMT's voting themselves out on the street. That I am having a hard time to accept or maybe figure out why?

You have no idea what is going to happen, nor do I some of us just got tired of rolling the dice & decided we would choose this route so we made a choice & now we are going to make the best out of that choice & move on, the vote is now in the past & as such is now irrelavant, it can't be changed nor would we want to, some of us are looking forward to seeing how our choice actually turns out, I have no interest in looking backwards, i'm looking forwards & making the best of a bad situation, we are in bankrupctcy with few good options but the Majority picked one of those options & now we are going to deal with it as best we can & hope for the best so please stop with the doom & gloom that is pointless at this point & NOT helpful to anyone for any reason !
You have no idea what is going to happen, nor do I some of us just got tired of rolling the dice & decided we would choose this route so we made a choice & now we are going to make the best out of that choice & move on, the vote is now in the past & as such is now irrelavant, it can't be changed nor would we want to, some of us are looking forward to seeing how our choice actually turns out, I have no interest in looking backwards, i'm looking forwards & making the best of a bad situation, we are in bankrupctcy with few good options but the Majority picked one of those options & now we are going to deal with it as best we can & hope for the best so please stop with the doom & gloom that is pointless at this point & NOT helpful to anyone for any reason !

A few good options....name one Einstein.
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