no peace and quiet until aa is out of bk and merger.
I believe you are wrong about the part I highlighted.I voted YES on the first day because it is what is right for me & my family you vote whatever way works for you, I will not be voting your way, I believe everyone else will also be voting for what is right for them as they should and only they can decide what is right for them not me or you, i'm not worried about this vote because I am sure that it will pass that is just my gut feeling after talking to others, if after it passes you cannot live with it then you are free to find a better job at another company, your choice.
I for one can't wait till August 7th and all this is over, no more arguing about it or guessing what will happen it will be over and we can move on to at least 6 years of peace and quiet, really looking forward to that.
1AA I agree the judge will not abrogate because we will have a 6 year contract this one in my opinion isn't hard to guess.
I voted YES on the first day because it is what is right for me & my family you vote whatever way works for you, I will not be voting your way, I believe everyone else will also be voting for what is right for them as they should and only they can decide what is right for them not me or you, i'm not worried about this vote because I am sure that it will pass that is just my gut feeling after talking to others, if after it passes you cannot live with it then you are free to find a better job at another company, your choice.
I for one can't wait till August 7th and all this is over, no more arguing about it or guessing what will happen it will be over and we can move on to at least 6 years of peace and quiet, really looking forward to that.
1AA I agree the judge will not abrogate because we will have a 6 year contract this one in my opinion isn't hard to guess.
I believe you are wrong about the part I highlighted.
The die-hard NO voters will vote NO, same with the die-hard YES voters no matter what.
The majority will bow down and vote the way their wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/husband tells them to.
Your new owners might not want a maintenance base.
Most I speak to will be voting no Go TUlThat certainly could be the case in your area but I believe that in my area that we will have peace and quiet after the vote on August 7th, most of the people I have talked to don't really care about the merger because they don't believe that Employee's will benefit from it, I think that is probably the case once we have a contract it's doubtful a merger will do anything to help Employee's in my opinion, I really don't see how it could.
Oh brother you are disillusioned. We will never have peace. I am convinced your a union stooge trying to sell a yes vote. Too bad you have no support for a yes vote here. I am confident from all that I am gathering from this site and my contacts throughout the system that this will not pass. It might be close but it will not pass.
Unless someone pulls a fast one like signing off on it regardless.
Very few changing there vote to yes lots changing there vote to no but don't tell the yes voters they tend to tear up when they hear that.Most I speak to will be voting no Go TUl
See? We can agree on something after all. I am thinking that the road show is making people angry. Also the fact that they admitted that there are going to be many jobs lost as the new airplanes arrive. Unless you have over 25 years at AA (Occupational seniority) you will be out of a job with in 3 years (estimating) if this passes. If it fails you will have a CHANCE to have a job in 3 years. Simple as that. Mr. Hewett and Mr. Bunch did not deny that AA would lay off more as new acft arrive. But denial ain't just a river in Egypt..
I also believe the 514 road show will make a difference in the vote.
Very few changing there vote to yes lots changing there vote to no but don't tell the yes voters they tend to tear up when they hear that.
I heard that during the 2003 concession, I personally couldn't find anyone who voted for it but it passed, I am still confused as to how it passed when no one voted for it, I suspect this will be the same no one will admit to voting for it but it will still pass.
Personally I wish we would have only had 5 days to vote that's long enough, 2 weeks is to long at least we only have 7 days left.