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White Male Club

So you don't know anyone smarter than you to help you out?  Sad but not surprising.
Ms Tree said:
So you don't know anyone smarter than you to help you out?  Sad but not surprising.
http://www.us.mensa.org/join/testing/  Let me know how you do and what chapter you'll join, or must I presume you to already be a member?
Seriously, and sans contempt of any kind: If you've hidden horsepower, and have merely been holding back your game for the sake of more easily and generally accepted postings, well...feel free of any such restrictions in future. It might then become interesting.
Took the test a while back and did quite well.  Never saw the point of the group.
Look, I'm not trying to make you feel bad about your self but may be someone has a kid on your block who can help you out.  There is no shame in asking for help.
Ms Tree said:
Took the test a while back and did quite well.  Never saw the point of the group.
Look, I'm not trying to make you feel bad about your self but may be someone has a kid on your block who can help you out.  There is no shame in asking for help.
Define "quite well"? 😉 Why would anyone not see the point of the group in MENSA, but see some point in just posting here? This place can afford one some chuckles, but why deny yourself better in addition?
"may be someone has a kid on your block who can help you out." A fine suggestion, since I've little doubt the conversational experience would prove far more logical than what pathetic nonsense you've thus far offered.
No matter. To the point(s) at hand: Construct even the slightest, viable argument for social experimentation being a reasonable and foundational element for increasing military effectiveness, specifically within the context of young ladies, minorities and gays.....? If you can manage such...We'll talk again.
PS: You birthed this misbegotten thread. As it's mother: One would think you're properly required to nurture and defend it....No?
Try reading up on the Red Tails and see where it takes you. May be someone can explain the stuff you dont understand.
Ms Tree said:
Try reading up on the Red Tails and see where it takes you. May be someone can explain the stuff you dont understand.
No need. I've had the privilege of meeting a few Tuskegee Pilots and one Mechanic as well, and have studied their accomplishments. A truly excellent group of warriors.  I also had the privilege of being instructed, when I was but a baby LT in flight school, by a gasp! black gentleman/LTCol (who'd flown two tours over the north in F-4's), and found him both an amazing mentor and fine Officer. What's your point? Race isn't what we were discussing, or is everything in these obama days "racist"?
"May be" you can explain what I supposedly "don't understand" yourself....? As the old joke goes: I've got 3 seconds to spare. Tell me all you know about the Red Tails....?..and what they even slightly have to do with gays or ladies?
Ms Tree said:
Ive tried. You seem incapable.
"As the old joke goes: I've got 3 seconds to spare. Tell me all you know about the Red Tails....?..and what they even slightly have to do with gays or ladies?"
Ms Tree: "Ive tried. You seem incapable." That's truly your best effort? Sigh! Then don't blow any more professed "intelligence" BS smoke up anyone's tail here. Just a gentle suggestion.
I'm bored. Have a fine evening.
I would not give a bucket of warm piss for your suggestions.
Ms Tree: Try reading up on the Red Tails and see where it takes you. May be someone can explain the stuff you dont understand.
Ms Tree said:
Lol. Bit full ofmourself are we.
Well...perhaps we could start over with a discussion of the Tuskegee Airmen, known to you and mindless-movie-goers everywhere as nothing more than the fantasized-as-only-comic-book-characters "Red Tails"? 😉 I'm all ears. Perhaps you could begin by explaining all the stuff I "dont understand"?...No? The real men were/are a lot more impressive and far more intelligent than the video-game-BS clowns depicted in the film, just fyi, and they did suffer bomber losses of those escorted, and couldn't magically shoot down ME262's in droves, like clay pigeons. NO ONE could. Downing such a beast required very favorable tactical circumstances, or just good luck, and those gentlemen did get one, hardly as shown the film though. I cant honestly even imagine any real Tuskegee Airman much doing anything but shaking his head at that movie.
Sigh! Have a good evening.
It's all entertaining for a bit and then it just becomes tedious.  You ask for an example of social engineering in the armed forces so I mention the Red Tails.  Then you go off on some wild tangent about a Hollywood movie, Obama and race.  Completely unrelated to what was being discussed.  
Ms Tree said:
It's all entertaining for a bit and then it just becomes tedious.  You ask for an example of social engineering in the armed forces so I mention the Red Tails.  Then you go off on some wild tangent about a Hollywood movie, Obama and race.  Completely unrelated to what was being discussed.  
Indeed. You mentioned the "Red Tails", clearly without knowing anything about them. The example you would have us believe to be successful social engineering was merely that of continuing to have racially segregated units, which had been done as far back as the rather un-"Civil" War. Your very example, however unknowingly to you, would argue for, rather than against the continuance of such prejudice. I approve of no such discrimination based on anyone's skin hues myself, but that's another matter. You've yet to advance any argument that supports the idea that social experimentation via gays and women in any way enhances military effectiveness, while countless examples are available showing the problems and issues that've already arisen.You've used Israel as the best example for integrating females into combat arms, but are apparently unaware that the majority of those young ladies that are directly in combat positions are assigned to a single unit, and not-so-much distributed wholesale throughout their forces...? Why doesn't even Israel just assign them to each and every frontline combat unit? Do the Israelis, I mean just perhaps, know something you don't?
"Karakal is a special battalion (gdud) inside the realm of Chir that is comprised of both women and men, both of which do all of the training together and exercises/guarding which is required. It is a unit that is full capacity combat and mainly is stationed in the south at the Egyptian border and the Jordanian border."
For myself; I just want the strongest and most capable military for the nation that we can field. Show me how your notions help do anything of the sort. Whether the makeup of our forces suits my or anyone's personal wishes or agendas should be of no rational concern to any of us. Whether our forces are the best we can have, or not, certainly should concern us all.

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