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Biden's Five

Looks like Sarah has trumped the Biden pick by a mile......

Look at all the chicken crap little things you guys and the national media are crowing about.

Seems a certain party is very concerned on the Old Guys pick..... :lol:

Could this be Obama's undoing?

Has the Messiah been dethroned?

I tell you one thing...the Dem controlled media is doing a very good job at waking up the female voters of this country...and giving them a mission,both Dem and Gop.
Dell...today's paper said that the GOP wants to push McSame's "maverick" image...that same "maverick image" that had him running damn near dead last in the primaries, until he adopted the party platform. That'll be good...take a 72 year old man and play clips of him opposing the Bush tax cuts, then supporting the Bush tax cuts....clips of him opposing torture because "the US is better than that", the supporting torture when "the good guys" do it. Sponsoring legislation...then opposing the very bill he sponsored. Could come across less as being a 'maverick' and more as being "addled".

I think if anything, people will look at him as being less a maverick and more of a political animal. Look at his "outspokenness" on abortion...NOBODY knew where he stood on that issue...until he stands in front of an evangelical crowd and proclaims "Life begins at conception". How come this aspect was so well hidden from the public over the past 20 years that many thought he was pro-choice?
Dell...today's paper said that the GOP wants to push McSame's "maverick" image...that same "maverick image" that had him running damn near dead last in the primaries, until he adopted the party platform. That'll be good...take a 72 year old man and play clips of him opposing the Bush tax cuts, then supporting the Bush tax cuts....clips of him opposing torture because "the US is better than that", the supporting torture when "the good guys" do it. Sponsoring legislation...then opposing the very bill he sponsored. Could come across less as being a 'maverick' and more as being "addled".

I think if anything, people will look at him as being less a maverick and more of a political animal. Look at his "outspokenness" on abortion...NOBODY knew where he stood on that issue...until he stands in front of an evangelical crowd and proclaims "Life begins at conception". How come this aspect was so well hidden from the public over the past 20 years that many thought he was pro-choice?

Why attempt to convince anyone of your beliefs? Vote for your heroes and follow them and let the Godly people do the same. We all have a conscience with a God to follow...the underworld God is obviously your choice and that's fine, but why try to convince everyone else to follow you? Why would they? Why should they? How could the saved possible follow your path to destruction? Impossible and so are your arguments which are like urinating into a windstorm.
Just out of curiosity...let's say it's 2002 and Biden, a leader in Congress, voted against it. What would you be saying about him? Or better yet, let's say Biden said...Let's get more information before voting to invade...and questioned the urgency of an attack. Would you have applauded him for his moves, or would you accuse him of "putting the US at risk from an imminent threat"? Just curious.

The only reason I ask is because a lot on the right seem to feel that Obama is setting us up for an attack from Iran by trying diplomacy first.

Sorry Flyer, you nor I can change the realities of the past. It is, what it is. The facts speak for themselves, Joe Biden voted to lead the US into a war with Iraq. Joe Biden was not forced to vote yes as evident to the fact that there were other, less experienced Democrats who elected to vote No. The facts are clear; Joe Biden did seek more information on the intelligence used to support the urgent need to invade Iraq, after the fact! When Biden, as well as other career Democrat politicians, voted yes, they impeded the ability of other, less experienced Democrats who voted no, to question the urgency of the war.

As a career Washington insider with decades of experience in the Senate, are you suggesting that Biden didn’t have the intellect or means to investigate or question all forms of authority, especially on a matter as important as the invasion of a sovereign country? Just curious.

When Biden realized that public opinion had turned against those who authorize the war, he didn’t seem to have a problem finding all the pertinent information necessary to excuse him as an innocent, manipulated sock puppet of the Bush Administration. I see Biden for what he is . .a hypocrite. A hypocrite who accuses and bashes the Bush Administration for alleged atrocities against a sovereign country yet simply excuses his willing participation in the war as being a “victimâ€￾.

Obama has been running on a platform of “changeâ€￾. Now, in a move considered the mother of all flip-flops, selects a Vice Presidential candidate who represents everything but “changeâ€￾.
You just exposed yourself for the hypocrite you truly are.

Joe Biden, by authorizing the use of US military force, willingly participated and effectively started the war against Iraq.

Never knew one Senator had that much power. Congress voted too based on the false (lies) information that W and his administration put out.

This was then
Just 3 short months ago you expressed your disgust of a Vice President, who selfishly avoided the draft by seeking and receiving 5 deferments, who sent our young men and women to fight a war.

Cosworth, the last quote listed in my opening post was written by none other than you!

Yes, because he is the one of the strongest advocates of the war in Iraq which he said in 1984 would be a horrible idea. He sent them to war, what part of that do you not get?

This is now
Now your story is that you don’t care. You don’t care to hold Joe Biden to the same standard that you hold Dick Cheney. You don’t care, not concerned that Joe Biden authorized the US to lead the war against Iraq and send our young men and women to fight a war. You don’t care that Joe Biden avoided the Vietnam War by requesting and receiving 5 deferments.

As I stated in my original post, this issue is not about Biden, it’s about the hypocrites who are accountable for their baseless attacks over the years. One down, many more to go!

It's very simple, someone who advocates war, especially one based on lies had better be willing to put his/her money where their mouth is. Cheney did not. Biden as not the one who started the war nore sold it to the US and the UN.

You’re joking right?

This, coming from a guy that conveyed his exact knowledge of the US nuclear policy of MADD?, told a bold story about a British Carrier “taken out†during the Gulf War, a carrier that wasn’t “taken out†and wasn’t in the Gulf War, enlightened me to the Filkins War? and estimated the cost of a $350,000 Exocet missile as $7,000! Wow, what an authority you are.

Please tell us more Cosworth, you’re shining like a diamond in a goat’s ass!

Already clarified that is was a Guided Missile Destroyer and that I meant to type $70,000 not 7,000. You don't think someone can pick a few older versions up on the black market for a few dollars under list?

I still haven’t seen the left “get up in arms†over the church that Baroque aligned with, got married in, baptized his children in and actively supported for 20 years. How long did it take for Bozama to distance himself from Wright? Newsflash! Wright was recently seen crawling out from under the BO bus and hitting the book signing circuit. Heeeeee’s Baaaaack!!

I’m positive the left doesn’t understand or comprehend the dim view Baroque, by the teaching instilled upon him by the racist and bigoted Jeremiah (God Damn America) Wright, has for the hard working, law biding citizens who have been memorized by the Messiah’s crafty but faux, “hope†and “change†message.

If you want 4 more years of Bush, vote Obama Bin Biden.

So is it OK to have a Jews for Jesus in your church saying that the Israels had it coming?
Sorry Flyer, you nor I can change the realities of the past. It is, what it is. The facts speak for themselves, Joe Biden voted to lead the US into a war with Iraq. Joe Biden was not forced to vote yes as evident to the fact that there were other, less experienced Democrats who elected to vote No. The facts are clear; Joe Biden did seek more information on the intelligence used to support the urgent need to invade Iraq, after the fact! When Biden, as well as other career Democrat politicians, voted yes, they impeded the ability of other, less experienced Democrats who voted no, to question the urgency of the war.

As a career Washington insider with decades of experience in the Senate, are you suggesting that Biden didn’t have the intellect or means to investigate or question all forms of authority, especially on a matter as important as the invasion of a sovereign country? Just curious.

When Biden realized that public opinion had turned against those who authorize the war, he didn’t seem to have a problem finding all the pertinent information necessary to excuse him as an innocent, manipulated sock puppet of the Bush Administration. I see Biden for what he is . .a hypocrite. A hypocrite who accuses and bashes the Bush Administration for alleged atrocities against a sovereign country yet simply excuses his willing participation in the war as being a “victimâ€￾.

Obama has been running on a platform of “changeâ€￾. Now, in a move considered the mother of all flip-flops, selects a Vice Presidential candidate who represents everything but “changeâ€￾.

I see you did not say that the information Biden found was false so it sounds as if you are admitting that Bush lied. I do agree with you that Biden as well as all the others who voted too support Bush should be impeached for not fulfilling their constitutional duty of oversight. I suspect that a portion of them voted with the war to save their political hide even though they did not favor the war which I find even more despicable. So it ends up that Biden and McCain both supported a war based on the lies and falsehoods propagated by the current CiC. Where does that leave us?
Looks like Sarah has trumped the Biden pick by a mile......

Look at all the chicken crap little things you guys and the national media are crowing about.

Seems a certain party is very concerned on the Old Guys pick..... :lol:

Could this be Obama's undoing?

Has the Messiah been dethroned?

I tell you one thing...the Dem controlled media is doing a very good job at waking up the female voters of this country...and giving them a mission,both Dem and Gop.

The real message I got out of the GOP convention is that McCain deserves the presidency because he is a POW. As I posted before, we have millions of POWs; they just don't have all that money backing to run for president.

As for the VP pick, I would need a little more leadership substance than a candidate that's a wonderful, loving mom. Hopefully her experience that she pouted is more global and will give her the edge on debating the real issues that face this nation and its citizens.

All I can say is that if she went from PTA, to Council on the school baord to Mayor and than gov of Alaska, who else ran against her and what were they offering that the voters rather chose a soccer mom with no real experience in running a huge oil state?

There won't be any script writing once the debates begin, so hopefully she can offer more than sarcasm to the table.

The good thing about this pick is that she "outshines" McCain. :up:
An on-record deferment from fighting in Vietnam should be a badge of honor. This is a free country and independent thought and action should be celebrated. Compelling anyone to fight in a war to which they're fundamentally opposed produces a lackluster soldier and, as a result, a losing team.
I see you did not say that the information Biden found was false so it sounds as if you are admitting that Bush lied. I do agree with you that Biden as well as all the others who voted too support Bush should be impeached for not fulfilling their constitutional duty of oversight. I suspect that a portion of them voted with the war to save their political hide even though they did not favor the war which I find even more despicable. So it ends up that Biden and McCain both supported a war based on the lies and falsehoods propagated by the current CiC. Where does that leave us?

By voting YES to H.J. Resolution 114, Biden waved his right to study for a test he had just taken. Your suspicion is justified but slightly misplaced, as the majority of the Democrats who voted against H.J. resolution 114 did not lose their position but actually prospered from it. It’s unfortunate that you have come to support a candidate that can be so easily manipulated, intimidated (by your proclamation) by others in political power.

I have stated my opinion about the quality and truthfulness of the intelligence used to justify military action against Iraq. Nearly every prominent Democrat has repeated some version of the charge that Bush lied and deceived Congress into voting for military action and this notion has become the accepted narrative of how we went to war. Yet in spite of all the accusations of “manipulationâ€￾ and how the Bush Administration pressured intelligence analysts into connecting Hussein and Al Qaeda and concocted evidence about weapons of mass destruction, critics continually demonstrate an inability to distinguish making claims based on flawed intelligence from knowingly propagating falsehoods.

You should choose your words wisely Cosworth. How can you logically advocate the impeachment of Biden then turnaround and support him as your Vice Presidential candidate. Do you understand how utterly foolish that sounds?
The real message I got out of the GOP convention is that McCain deserves the presidency because he is a POW. As I posted before, we have millions of POWs; they just don't have all that money backing to run for president.

Best I could come up with by performing a cursory review of various data sources is that there are about 2-5,000 'living' POWs from WWII to date. You state that there are 'Millions', please provide your source of data.

Thanks :up:

B) xUT
An on-record deferment from fighting in Vietnam should be a badge of honor. This is a free country and independent thought and action should be celebrated. Compelling anyone to fight in a war to which they're fundamentally opposed produces a lackluster soldier and, as a result, a losing team.

I disagree. During that period, duty was compulsory, and ‘not to serve’ was a capitol offence. I respect the people that claimed a ‘conscientious objector’ status as this proves their fortitude against ‘a’ war.

Fake deferments, and folks running to Canada are of the ‘lowest’ moral fiber that I can think of. :down:

Badge of ‘honor’? View attachment 7865

Not hardly! :down:

B) xUT
So should Biden be elected to serve as Vice President you’ll immediately demand impeachment proceedings?

Why wait for him to be POTUS? Charges should be brought against members of Congress right now. So long as all the other senators and reps who voted for authorization are brought up on charges yes. Bush/Cheney would have to be convicted first though. Once it is proven that they lied, then the argument can be made that Congress failed to give proper oversight of the executive branch and allowed them to get way with conducting a war on false information.
Fake deferments, and folks running to Canada are of the ‘lowest’ moral fiber that I can think of. :down:

Badge of ‘honor’? View attachment 7865

Not hardly! :down:

B) xUT

100% agreed. I also have respect for those who were truly and honestly concientious objectors to any/all warfare, but it was my earnest observation that many who claimed such, were in fact, merely cowardly objectors. Any person who's so against war that they are willing to suffer any consequences attendant to their refusal to fight has my respect. Ironically; I've always been a great admirer of Mohandas K. Ghandi myself. On the other hand; the types that are against fighting soley because they might personally get killed are beneath contempt.
Ummm...earth calling Titan...please come in..if even for only the briefest of moments :blink: How did you even possibly come forth with that utterly nonsensical babble based on this posting?????? Seriously..as I'm curious, if only by way of evaluating just another example of the perversely Lib-Dem pathology.....

"When will the right get up in arms for the church that Ms Palin belongs too?"
Oh, I dunno..perhaps if it ever comes out that said church has an insanely greedy little farce of a "Pastor" who loudly called out to his psychotic "parrish" that God should "Damn America"???

"Where is the outrage on that? It is no where because it is easier to be angry at Wright than at Palin's pastor/church." Golly!..Gosh!!..I wonder why that could even possibly be true!!?? "

Pointing out the obvious fact that obama's "Pastor" is clearly a greedy, hate-filled, raving lunatic's no endorsement of any zealous religious bias at all, quite the contrary in fact....just FYI.

On the issue of skipping out on military duty = I've nothing but the fullest contempt for any person who finds themselves "Just too, too precious" to fight for our Nation, and that includes the little twerp curently infesting the oval office. I find Cheney and Biden to be equally despicable in that regard. That it's apparrently worth "bragging rights" on the news of late to note that Biden's son's going to deploy is nothing short of despicable-Demo hypocrisy of the highest order. Where was Joe when he had his chance?..Oh!..That's right!..he was glued to Jane Fonda during his political infancy...and she must have been pretty tired..being just fresly back from having her pics taken with North Viet anti-aircraft gunners..........and even saying "I would like to shoot down an American plane".

Folks: You just can't make that kind of crap up 😉

The logic is actually quite clear. You and so many other right wingers believe it's intellectually honest to hold Obama responsible for words uttered from the pulpit of his church - demanding that he denounce and disown - even if he wasn't there when those words were said. Meanwhile, Jews for Jesus spews their vile nonsense about Israel while Palin sits there in the pews and her pastor says he sees nothing wrong with it. Following right wing logic...we must conclude that Palin shares these exact same views. Further, continuing with right wing logic, since you see no reason to attack her over the episode at her church, we can also assume that you agree. It's classic guilt by association...and by your posts you seem to be quite comfortable with it.

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