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White Male Club

Ms Tree said:
Im not here to be interogated by you. We disagree. What else is new. You dont answer any questions and all you seek to do is discount what ever I say. Have at it.
My advice to you...........stop living in the past!
southwind said:
My advice to you...........stop living in the past!
I'd respectfully differ there,  in that much can/should be learned from the lessons of history, which arguably serve to define who we are as a species, and what we're capable of and likely to do under given circumstances, as I'm sure you know.  Accumulated empirical data necessarily subordinates all theories and/or outright fantasies, as it logically should. Truly has it been said that "those who fail to learn from history are..."/etc.  I feel some proper pity for Tree there, in that there's nothing in history that supports his particular fantasies.
EastUS1 said:
I'd respectfully differ there,  in that much can/should be learned from the lessons of history, which arguably serve to define who we are as a species, and what we're capable of and likely to do under given circumstances, as I'm sure you know.  Accumulated empirical data necessarily subordinates all theories and/or outright fantasies, as it logically should. Truly has it been said that "those who fail to learn from history are..."/etc.  I feel some proper pity for Tree there, in that there's nothing in history that supports his particular fantasies.
Nothing wrong with learning from the past but, definitely something wrong with suffering from "White Guilt" for something you absolutely had nothing to do with and not understanding why others don't feel the same "White Guilt" !
southwind said:
Nothing wrong with learning from the past but, definitely something wrong with suffering from "White Guilt" for something you absolutely had nothing to do with and not understanding why others don't feel the same "White Guilt" !
BS Sir! Why, even as we speak; I'se considerin' filing anotha' suit against all the aristocratic-whitey-bastards in europe that brutally enslaved so many of both our peasant ancestors for centuries!...And I'se be'se demandin' proper "reperations" for us! I'se figgerin' the British Crown, (just for starters), owes just my family alone at a least a million-bazillion dollars/euros and a full, free ride for life!...And that's not even mentioning those Prussian bastiges! So don't dare even go there! Dem damn euro-whiteys just got's ta' pay! 😉
Personally? I can't honestly think of a single instance when I ever evidenced disrespect to a superior officer, any of equal rank, or any subordinate under my command, with any functional racial prejudice, so I think I'll cheerfully pass on ever taking any guilt trips as well.
Umm...Still waiting on the House of Windsor to finally send all those "just and righteous reperations" for centuries-ago-misdeeds of the Crown though. Seriously: Where's the outrage for all of us poor immigrant whiteys, who's families were once enslaved!? 🙂
Guys/Gals: When do we coose to call all this BS over? When do we finally start looking at other as individual people?
EastUS1 said:
BS Sir! Why, even as we speak; I'se considerin' filing anotha' suit against all the aristocratic-whitey-bastards in europe that brutally enslaved so many of both our peasant ancestors for centuries!...And I'se be'se demandin' proper "reperations" for us! I'se figgerin' the British Crown, (just for starters), owes just my family alone at a least a million-bazillion dollars/euros and a full, free ride for life!...And that's not even mentioning those Prussian bastiges! So don't dare even go there! Dem damn euro-whiteys just got's ta' pay! 😉
Guys/Gals: When do we ever choose to finally call all this BS as being over-and-done?...Ever? It's up to each individual to make that choice. When do we finally start looking at others as people?...Simply just people like ourselves, nothing more and nothing less? Do we really need a society that favors on the basis of skin hues, versus demonstrated abilities? Isn't it insane to afford anyone special privelges based on such? Should any "white kid" gain university acceptance for skin color? Should any "minority" kid get any false advantage for skin color? Equally: When do we stop pretending that just because anyone's "white" or more notably; currently considered to be in some fashionably fantasized (as something other than just plain people) "minority", that they/any people, magically come imbued with skills, abilities and intelligence that they might well not have, and are somehow "entitled"? When does this insanity ever end? An obvious racist = "White Male Club" started this so-titled thread. I'm just asking some hopefully reasonable questions here.
Aww...Nevermind. I got dangerously close to mentally cueing up John Lennon's "Imagine" for a moment, which quickly passed.
Mean while in the news flash world.
Republican men in Congress “aren’t as sensitive as they ought to be” when it comes to running against female candidates and appealing to female voters, Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Thursday.
I wonder, if the Speaker of the House speaks the truth, does anyone hear him?
Ms Tree said:
The white males in England led other white male out of bondage, not so much for the rest of the folks.
Are you WHITE? I hope not, because nobody needs a provolone discussing the evils of 'whites'!

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