The logic is actually quite clear. You and so many other right wingers believe it's intellectually honest to hold Obama responsible for words uttered from the pulpit of his church - demanding that he denounce and disown - even if he wasn't there when those words were said. Meanwhile, Jews for Jesus spews their vile nonsense about Israel while Palin sits there in the pews and her pastor says he sees nothing wrong with it. Following right wing logic...we must conclude that Palin shares these exact same views. Further, continuing with right wing logic, since you see no reason to attack her over the episode at her church, we can also assume that you agree. It's classic guilt by association...and by your posts you seem to be quite comfortable with it.
I assume that any who embrace any given church over the course of many years are qualifiably likely to share elements of the core values therein...on EITHER side. It amuses me that you, as is so generally the easy case with the "lefties", find such a reasonable observation to be evidence of my being "right wing" = ANYONE who dares question the Holy Scriptures of the Left in any way... I think that whack-cases exist on both sides here...but the clear "Winner" has to go to the full-blown, nut job, loudly shouting that God should "Damn America". Realize that we're discussing America here..You know? = The very country obama wants to "lead"? Against that..you're fretting over iisues with Israel. We're not voting for the leadership of Israel here..........