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White Male Club

Ms Tree said:
Or show your obvious bias.
Ah! yes indeed! I'd briefly overlooked the obvious, in that everything's always all about either "feelings" or supposed "bias", especially when no rational counterpoint can be made...? 😉
How quaint.  You give no legal or scientific foundation for preventing over have the population of the US from volunteering to defend the country they live in.  Your only excuse to prevent women and minorities from serving is because the white males cannot contain their feelings and it is easier to remove the temptation than deal with the people who cannot control their feelings.  
Israel has an integrated military (women, minorities, non-Israelis, gays) and somehow they have successfully fought 7 wars and they arguable have one of the most capable military's in the world.  Yet in the 'land of the free and home of the brave' anyone who is a woman or minority has to fight legal battles galore in order to serve their country.  Go figure.  
Bottom line is that this is no longer the dark ages.  Minorities and women are in the military to stay and you might as well get used to it.  
Ms Tree said:
Your only excuse to prevent women and minorities from serving is because the white males cannot contain their feelings and it is easier to remove the temptation than deal with the people who cannot control their feelings.  

Bottom line is that this is no longer the dark ages. 
From what possible source you contrived that first line must remain a mystery. Per the last? = I almost hate to break this to you, and there's no gentle way to do it, so just strive to follow along here: Whenever it's time to order people to start killing other people, well, welcome to the Dark Ages. Per your: "this is no longer the dark ages."? Whew! Thanks for the best joke I've heard in a very long time. Our species is at best, still in infancy. Call me when/IF humanity ever advances beyond having warfare and mass murder be our historically, all-time, top "hobby". Should the day ever dawn when all live in a fed, caring and slaughter-free world, well, I'd then cheerfully indulge riding around on however many unicorns we can find. Until such time comes...methinks it's best to keep our national swords well-sharpened. If doing that the best we can means disregarding petty and purely personal wishes and concerns, it should still be done. War simply isn't any "social experiment", nor can any useful military ever be successfully made such. From General Thomas J. Jackson: "People who are anxious to bring on war don't know what they are bargaining for; they don't see all the horrors that must accompany such an event. It is painful enough to discover with what unconcern they speak of war and threaten it. I have seen enough of it to make me look upon it as the sum of all evils. When war does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard."​
EastUS1 said:
From what possible source you contrived that first line must remain a mystery. Per the last? = I almost hate to break this to you, and there's no gentle way to do it, so just strive to follow along here: Whenever it's time to order people to start killing other people, well...welcome to the Dark Ages. Per your: "this is no longer the dark ages."? Thanks for the best joke I've heard in a very long time.....

EastUS1 said:
Return to a traditionally male military that doesn't represent some spiritually sick society that's just perfectly fine with feeding even it's own young women into combat meat grinders.

Same line of BS they (people like you) used back in the 60's but they just added the word 'white'.  Same line of BS they have been using for decades to prevent women from joining and the same line of BS to prevent gays from joining.  Yet the republic has managed to endure.  
As for the rest, are you Ginger or Fred when you dance?  Do you have a legal or scientific reason to go back to a 'traditional' military?  I guess traditional depends on your POV.  I think what we have today will be someones traditional military in a few years/decades.  The military we had in the 40's is a traditional military for some folks as well.  You want to go back that traditional one or the one you have made up?
Ms Tree said:
  The military we had in the 40's is a traditional military for some folks as well. 
Indeed, and said "traditional military" defeated two of the most monstrous and deadly foes to ever be faced in all of history. Do you pretend to have a supportive point for your views there?
Per: "I think what we have today will be someones traditional military in a few years/decades." Perhaps, but only assuming the nation survives.
EastUS1 said:
Indeed, and said "traditional military" defeated two of the most monstrous and deadly foes to ever be faced in all of history. Do you pretend to have a supportive point for your views there?
Per: "I think what we have today will be someones traditional military in a few years/decades." Perhaps, but only assuming the nation survives.
Yea yea... the world is coming to an end because women, minorities and gays are in the military.  Blah blah blah.
Ms Tree said:
Yea yea... the world is coming to an end because women, minorities and gays are in the military.  Blah blah blah.
A more brilliant argument for advancing your agenda couldn't be made. Seriously; I don't think you could make one, at least. 😉
"Bottom line is that this is no longer the dark ages." Really...?  http://www.historytoday.com/blog/2011/07/alarming-increase-wars
Ms Tree said:
Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution states that Congress shall have the power "to raise and support Armies …" and "to provide and maintain a Navy." In addition, Congress must provide for the state militias when they are called to federal service.
Article II, Section 2 states, "The President shall be the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States when called into the actual Service of the United States."
The President is commander in chief of the armed forces making him a civilian officer.
And you seem to waste a lot of posting blathering over nothingness.
Ms Tree said:
Israel has an integrated military (women, minorities, non-Israelis, gays) and somehow they have successfully fought 7 wars and they arguable have one of the most capable military's in the world.
"The survey found that LGBT soldiers were often victims of verbal and physical violence and that the phenomenon was, for the most part, ignored by commanders.
According to the survey, 40 percent of the soldiers were verbally abused due to their sexual orientation and 20% claimed to have been physically or sexually assaulted."
"Prince says women don't have to carry quite as much gear as men. But otherwise they're treated the same — in theory, anyway. Prince says in Israel's battle-hardened, male-dominated military, she still gets plenty of razzing."
Ms Tree: "and somehow they have successfully fought 7 wars"..? Umm....Wouldn't those actually be the wars fought by the above-noted "battle-hardened, male-dominated military"...?
"A female combat soldier needs to prove more," one explains. "A female soldier who beats up others is a serious fighter...When I arrived there was another female [who] was there before me...Everyone spoke of how impressive she is because she humiliates Arabs without any problem. That was the indicator. You have to see her, the way she humiliates, the way she slaps them, wow, she really slapped that guy."
"The Israeli news media heralded S. as proof that integrating women into combat roles had been a success. But the next day, the story shifted: Another woman in the unit, the one who radioed in the attack, had cowered behind a bush for an hour and a half, as her comrades feared she had been kidnapped or killed."
All of us are indivduals, each with different charater traits and qualities, and are not subject to any wide-brush-painting, except from fools. My honest question is when will anyone show how politically correct, social experimentation has actually ENHANCED, rather than arguably detracted from military effectiveness? How does such stuff solve, rather than create problems?
PS: What's the next brilliant and innovative notion from the Lib-Left going ot be?...I'm guessing that instead of fielding our absolute best; we should just select the Olympic and World Championships Teams based on politically correct slotting?...No? Than WHY would anyone outside of a complete lunatic want to to do such when actual war's concerned?
EastUS1 said:
A more brilliant argument for advancing your agenda couldn't be made. Seriously; I don't think you could make one, at least. 😉
"Bottom line is that this is no longer the dark ages." Really...?  http://www.historytoday.com/blog/2011/07/alarming-increase-wars
You have yet to provide a legal or scientific excuse to support your "traditional" military.  We are a nation of laws.  Put up or ..... in your case, keep whining.
Women have been in the Israeli military since day one.
Bigotry and sexism is all over.  Some countries deal with it and move forward.  Others (you) move backwards.  The republic thanks you for your service but you are a artifact of the past.  Time to move on.  Perhaps you can take up a hobby.
Ms Tree said:
You have yet to provide a legal or scientific excuse to support your "traditional" military.  We are a nation of laws.  Put up or ..... in your case, keep whining.
I assure you there's no "whining" going on here at all, merely rational concerns expressed. As I've noted; we all are individuals with our own sets of abilities and traits. Yours apparently kept you from ANY service whatsoever, yet you amazingly "feel" yourself magically qualified to speak on such as if an expert! 😉
"We are a nation of laws." I cordially invite you to try using those laws as a shield against incoming enemy ordnance, well...anytime you're feeling exceptionally lucky, that is. Try filing an injunction sometime: Hey you! Bullet/Cannon-shell/SAM/SCUD/IED/whatever! I've got a restraining order against you!..You just can't (BLAM!).....

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