Ms Tree said:
Israel has an integrated military (women, minorities, non-Israelis, gays) and somehow they have successfully fought 7 wars and they arguable have one of the most capable military's in the world.
"The survey found that LGBT soldiers were often victims of verbal and physical violence and that the phenomenon was, for the most part, ignored by commanders.
According to the survey, 40 percent of the soldiers were verbally abused due to their sexual orientation and 20% claimed to have been physically or sexually assaulted."
"Prince says women don't have to carry quite as much gear as men. But otherwise they're treated the same — in theory, anyway. Prince says in Israel's battle-hardened, male-dominated military, she still gets plenty of razzing."
Ms Tree: "and somehow they have successfully fought 7 wars"..? Umm....Wouldn't those actually be the wars fought by the above-noted "battle-hardened, male-dominated military"...?
"A female combat soldier needs to prove more," one explains. "A female soldier who beats up others is a serious fighter...When I arrived there was another female [who] was there before me...Everyone spoke of how impressive she is because she humiliates Arabs without any problem. That was the indicator. You have to see her, the way she humiliates, the way she slaps them, wow, she really slapped that guy."
"The Israeli news media heralded S. as proof that integrating women into combat roles had been a success. But the next day, the story shifted: Another woman in the unit, the one who radioed in the attack, had cowered behind a bush for an hour and a half, as her comrades feared she had been kidnapped or killed."
All of us are indivduals, each with different charater traits and qualities, and are not subject to any wide-brush-painting, except from fools. My honest question is when will anyone show how politically correct, social experimentation has actually ENHANCED, rather than arguably detracted from military effectiveness? How does such stuff solve, rather than create problems?
PS: What's the next brilliant and innovative notion from the Lib-Left going ot be?...I'm guessing that instead of fielding our absolute best; we should just select the Olympic and World Championships Teams based on politically correct slotting?...No? Than WHY would anyone outside of a complete lunatic want to to do such when actual war's concerned?