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White Male Club

Still cant find anyone to help you understand whats being discussed? Keep trying. I'm sure there is someone willing to help you.
Ms Tree said:
Still cant find anyone to help you understand whats being discussed? Keep trying. I'm sure there is someone willing to help you.
While that clearly constitutes a typically, rapier-like-witted riposte...Well...Just a gentle suggestion here, that perhaps a bit of professional training would facilitate your feebly attempted "arguments" a bit. A tutorial video follows. I'd mistakenly thought we were discussing the military and social experimentation therein, not the entire ills of the world, or whether women should be cops, etc...no? 😉
Still waiting on a predictably pithy response to the question Tree: If you're really intent on making any supposed case: Why don't you just take a moment to explain to me how the Tuskegee Airmen successfuly got through flight training, if they were "supposed to fail"? I'm ALL ears here....? Anything?  Anything to offer at all? No? Nothing?...Really? Then you best get back to pouting and practicing falling off walls. 😉
I have already explained the value I place on your suggestions.

There was a law suit forcing the issue. The mentality was that black were inferior. The expectation was that they would fail. They proved other wise.
Ms Tree said:
I have already explained the value I place on your suggestions.

There was a law suit forcing the issue. The mentality was that black were inferior. The expectation was that they would fail. They proved other wise.
I see now. So then; in a time when over 100,000 Japanese Americans were locked away in camps purely on the government's whim, while minor civil litigation from another disgruntled group was the true power "forcing the issue", and no-wise the need to field incredibly vast forces all around the globe. (Is it required that I keep a straight face here?)  "The" expectation was that they would fail...? Racial prejudice was rife in those times, but specifically who's opinion constitutes "The" in this case? No matter really, since the term "expectation" is in no manner a synonym for "supposed to"...which I see you've now retreated from anyway.
I suppose it better enables one to maintain their most cherished fantasies whenever they're only expressed in the vaguest of fashions and kept as flexible as possible.....?
You can do what you want with your face.  I have a few suggestions if you'd like to hear.
The Japanese aAmericans were considered a threat so there were no law suits.  The blacks were not and there was a law suit.  Not sure why that is so difficult to understand.  History is what it is, regardless of whether or not you'd like to believe it or not.
They were supposed to fail, they were expected to fail, but they did not fail.  Parse it to your liking.
Ms Tree said:
You can do what you want with your face.  I have a few suggestions if you'd like to hear.
The Japanese aAmericans were considered a threat so there were no law suits.  The blacks were not and there was a law suit.  Not sure why that is so difficult to understand.  History is what it is, regardless of whether or not you'd like to believe it or not.
They were supposed to fail, they were expected to fail, but they did not fail.  Parse it to your liking.
"They were supposed to fail", yet you can offer absolutely nothing more than petulant pouting to substantiate that fantasy. I've shown you just how easy it would have been to ensure failure of the program, while you've provided nothing solidly supportive of your position. Most amusing indeed. Sigh! I give all a glimpse into the liberal "mind" working along at it's highest processing power...and apparently, even in danger of overheating.
"History is what it is, regardless of whether or not you'd like to believe it or not." Just FYI: "So I got his rank wrong." fails to much support the thought that you've ever even studied the history concerned, as do your references to the Tuskegee Airmen as "Red Tails", versus their properly proud name.
If you are going to continue to put words in my mouth I fail to see why you are seeking a response from me.  
The military was segregated for a reason.  Black were considered inferior.
According to a report commissioned by the Army War College, African Americans were "careless, shiftless, irresponsible and secretive" and "unmoral and untruthful." Commanding officers were instructed to "handle" their African American subordinates "with praise and by ridicule." The accepted viewpoint of the day was that African American soldiers were not equally capable as -- and would require more intensive leadership than -- their white counterparts. Furthermore, the military believed black soldiers were unsuited to serve as officers.
There was a civil rights push prior to 1939 by the likes of the NAACP,  A Philp Randolph and William Hastie.  Congress finally passed an approprations bill with funds set aside to train black pilots.  If the military was so gung ho about the Red Tails why as that MS Roosevelt had to arrange for a private load of $175k to help build Moton FIeld?  In 1940 the census bureau said there were only 124 licensed black pilots in the US.  They never expected the number of qualified applicants that they received.  The military did not initiate this, they were forced into it.  Robert Selway, their first CO violated military policy by keeping the Red Tails segregated and these violations were supported by his superiors.  Milton Henry was court martialled for demanding equal access to the only officers club on base.  White officers were shuffled through the base just long enough to be promoted to their new rank while blacks were passed up.  As I recall reading, no Red Tails at the time held command.
Ms Tree said:
 If the military was so gung ho about the Red Tails .....
At what point did I ever even start to suggest such? I pointed out that the evil "White Males" you evidence such contempt for could have easily sabotoged the program's success, but didn't, and at no time was the program "supposed to fail" as you fantasize. Was there horrible racism present in America then? Duh! Of course there was....So? If your supposed point is that entirely segregated units can and have performed well in battle, well..that's hardly news to anyone with even the slightest knowledge of military history. Noting the extremely racist feelings of that era; Is it your earnest belief that the Tuskegee men could have successfully integrated into all squadrons as individuals, or just a few men even, without adversely impacting morale and operational efficiency? Or, using their experiences as a template: Can you be at all now suggesting that similar programs should commence with women's-only and/or gays-only units, to first test their battle effectiveness prior to later integration with others? No? I didn't think so, after all, even the biggest possible sack full of "policital correctness" ever stuffed couldn't explain the supposed "benefits" of having say, a 100 pound young woman, sometimes stuck trying to carry nearly her own weight in a rucksack, versus a naturally stronger and larger (by evolution, not politics) young man. Which of those two would be our nation's (not our indivdual egos or agendas) best choice to put in the field? Be advised that the military isn't able to indulge each indivdual's hopes, dreams and desires, nor provide customized training for each and every single person.
Nothing you've yet offered evidences even the slightest concern for military effectiveness. I suppose one must (very patiently) just wait for your attempted explanation of how your agenda would in ANY way enhance America's ability to put hurt on our enemies, versus detract from it.
Im not here to be interogated by you. We disagree. What else is new. You dont answer any questions and all you seek to do is discount what ever I say. Have at it.
Ms Tree said:
Im not here to be interogated by you. We disagree. What else is new. You dont answer any questions and all you seek to do is discount what ever I say. Have at it.
You've proved entirely unable to logically support your position, which is hardly my fault or concern. Whatcha' got in the way of questions you wanted addressed that I'd passed over?
Just a wry observation on these "interesting times". From the document: "For example, skinhead groups may adopt the swastika, the iron cross, the Confederate flag, and other supremacist symbols." So the Confederate flag is nowadays only a "supremacist symbol", even though many of America's greatest military leaders first fought under US Colors in mexico, and later against the north under that same Confederate flag, are studied in our military academies to this day for their leadership and tactics, but should perhaps be simultaneously now denounced as "supremicists"? Whew! Folks...you just can't make this kind of schizoid thinking up. Perhaps Generals Lee and Jackson should be purged from all texts now? I suppose it goes without saying that any members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans should immediately be forced from the ranks of all services as well, after all, we can't have anyone left around that at all respects the heritage and sacrifices behind one of the proudest battle flags to ever see action, can we?
Here's a bizarre bit for soldiers anywhere, under Hate Groups/etc: Stage 7: Destroying

The ultimate goal of haters is to destroy the object of their
Mastery over life and death imbues the hater with godlike power and omnipotence,
which, in turn, facilitate further acts of violence."
I'm picturing some successful young sniper trying to process the above, without feeling himself to suddenly be an unworthy person and a "hater"...Whew! That's all the sick, politically correct BS I can stand to read for the moment...Sheesh!...Think it's past time to take the unicorn out to the tribal shrine, have all form a circle-of-life, hold hands and sing at least a dozen sets of Kumbayah. 😉
Truly; May God help us all.....for none of our enemies will, that much is certain.
Ms Tree said:
Im not here to be interogated by you. We disagree. What else is new. You dont answer any questions and all you seek to do is discount what ever I say. Have at it.
WTF do you think you do Tree?

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