with that train of thought why have the pilots and flight attendants put anything up for a vote? surely the company offered something in negotiatations? is something better than nothing? or are we again subsidizing everyone else?
So what will it be? the update from the twu states that if we vote down the TA (we are not allowed to see yet) the term sheet gets imposed. I was under the impression that regardless if we vote it down its aa "last best offer" that gets imposed. the ta would be aa "last best offer". so voting is more symbolic to say yes we accept it or no we reject it OVERWHELMINGLY to show we have no choice. but in a service industry you should think twice about employee morale.
with that train of thought why have the pilots and flight attendants put anything up for a vote? surely the company offered something in negotiatations? is something better than nothing? or are we again subsidizing everyone else?
The judge rules on whether or not to abrogate the CBAs that's it. He doesn't write a new contract or change the existing one or pick the last best offer. If we vote it down, the judge rules on the motion to abrogate, and we get stuck with the term sheet and the ability to continue collective bargaining. After AA outsources I expect it will be hard to get that work back.
Please folks, find out the truth anywhere but on this forum...!!That makes for a very difficult decision for you folks, and from many of the comments I read on here it doesn't seem like everyone realizes this (if this interrelation is true).
If it's 6 years with 1.5 raises ,, screw that, abrogate away Judge. I can't understand why you people would even entertain the thought of voting in something like that.
The judge rules on whether or not to abrogate the CBAs that's it. He doesn't write a new contract or change the existing one or pick the last best offer. If we vote it down, the judge rules on the motion to abrogate, and we get stuck with the term sheet and the ability to continue collective bargaining. After AA outsources I expect it will be hard to get that work back.
Keep the work, my arse.... Even the negotiated term is going to have huge advantages for the company contracting out and getting rid of jobs. Lets face it, we're like the welfare airline with 20 guys per plane while the other legacys are running much fewer.
I would hope the TWU is communicating the facts and consequences clearly of either a yes or no vote and responding to your concerns.
That's right Chuck!!
"They" the International will fight like hell to keep as many dues payers on the payroll. Even if it is at slave labor rates!!!
This is only to protect their outrageous 6 figure salaries, supplied vehicles and personal A6 travel for them and their families.
The "last and best" offer will be imposed if this is voted down. Everyone needs to block out a few hours and read a legal interpretation of the Chapter 11 USC (not from the TWU) and quit listening to company/company-union shills.The judge rules on whether or not to abrogate the CBAs that's it. He doesn't write a new contract or change the existing one or pick the last best offer. If we vote it down, the judge rules on the motion to abrogate, and we get stuck with the term sheet and the ability to continue collective bargaining. After AA outsources I expect it will be hard to get that work back.