Where's the Birth Certificate?

Ladies and Gentleman,

While I find it enviable that you enjoy the luxury of sitting around coming up with yet more reasons as to why a black man should not be president, please note that this company is on the brink of non-existence. And while that has nothing to do with Barack Obama, those of us who go to work everyday and make this operation function sort of resent the fact that we must do so to pay for your retirement, medical and flying priviledges. Particularly since most of us will know no such luxury.

I will thank you all to stop pretending that somehow God is as racist as you all are.

Yeah, I went there. And I bought property. <_<
Ladies and Gentleman,

While I find it enviable that you enjoy the luxury of sitting around coming up with yet more reasons as to why a black man should not be president, please note that this company is on the brink of non-existence. And while that has nothing to do with Barack Obama, those of us who go to work everyday and make this operation function sort of resent the fact that we must do so to pay for your retirement, medical and flying priviledges. Particularly since most of us will know no such luxury.

I will thank you all to stop pretending that somehow God is as racist as you all are.

Yeah, I went there. And I bought property. <_<

Just what the bloody ell are you talking about mate?
Ladies and Gentleman,

While I find it enviable that you enjoy the luxury of sitting around coming up with yet more reasons as to why a black man should not be president, please note that this company is on the brink of non-existence. And while that has nothing to do with Barack Obama, those of us who go to work everyday and make this operation function sort of resent the fact that we must do so to pay for your retirement, medical and flying priviledges. Particularly since most of us will know no such luxury.

I will thank you all to stop pretending that somehow God is as racist as you all are.

Yeah, I went there. And I bought property. <_<

Is LSD legal now? I always miss the good chit! :shock:
Facts are (TBOM), internet sites such as factcheck, snopes, wiki, etc… are not government sanctioned or authorized by the US GooBerment as a means of official information. Even though the GooBerment would like everyone to believe so.

Truth is that NoBama could put these concerns to rest ‘immediately’ but chooses not to do so for whatever reason. As long as he does not choose to disclose his information to the public (MeriKans N’Chit) then he deserves a long-deep and continuous questioning until full disclosure.

I find it quite odd that I have to disclose ‘everything’ to public record but the POTUS does not.
A few public numbers and info and ‘everyone’ in the world can see my information.
What makes him ‘special’
B) xUT
I think it is clear that just because Obama is black many are willing to overlook anything he does,the birth certificate is just one example
I think it is clear that just because Obama is black many are willing to overlook anything he does,the birth certificate is just one example

or it could just be that the vast majority of us don't buy it ... i mean he was already a US sentaor before becoming president of the united states of america ....i think most of us common trusting types just tend to assume that it's oftely strange how this became an issue upon him running for the highest office in the land ..... i mean you would have thought someone would have been checking on all of this when he was running to become a sentaor .....

oh well , i guess i'll just have to remain navie ...
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or it could just be that the vast majority of us don't buy it ... i mean he was already a US sentaor before becoming president of the united states of america ....i think most of us common trusting types just tend to assume that it's oftely strange how this became an issue upon him running for the highest office in the land ..... i mean you would have thought someone would have been checking on all of this when he was running to become a sentaor .....

oh well , i guess i'll just have to remain navie ...

Excellent choice............ :rolleyes:
Excellent choice............ :rolleyes:

it sure was an excellent choice , and if i could go back in time and register to vote , and then vote , i'd vote for obama ....

it really IS about change .... i'm glad that we have a young president who will be more able to shift and adjust as events require ...

times are about to change like nothing you have ever seen in yourlife time ... events are now unfolding as they will ...nothing can stop the collapse of the us economy ... and while we cannot save the economy , we can focus on starting a new one ... thank god we have a president who is mentally flexable to COPE .... there are some in this country who will end up sitting on the floor crying until the day they die after our economy collapses , and then there are the rest of us who will go on living as we start a new society and a new america .....

money will soon be worthless , we must be prepared to take RADICAL steps to continue to perserve our way of life ... SOCIETY must go on , our civilization must not stop because our economy oollapses ... this is what i stand for , this is what i advocate .
we must be prepared to take RADICAL steps to continue to perserve our way of life ... SOCIETY must go on ,

Cheer up. The sales of personal firearms and ammunition are now at an all time, never-seen-before high. :blink:

" thank god we have a president who is mentally flexable to COPE " now THAT'S truly hilarious :lol:
you dont have a clue. hows running up your credit card working for you?? I hope they lock you up
it sure was an excellent choice , and if i could go back in time and register to vote , and then vote , i'd vote for obama ....

it really IS about change .... i'm glad that we have a young president who will be more able to shift and adjust as events require ...

times are about to change like nothing you have ever seen in yourlife time ... events are now unfolding as they will ...nothing can stop the collapse of the us economy ... and while we cannot save the economy , we can focus on starting a new one ... thank god we have a president who is mentally flexable to COPE .... there are some in this country who will end up sitting on the floor crying until the day they die after our economy collapses , and then there are the rest of us who will go on living as we start a new society and a new america .....

money will soon be worthless , we must be prepared to take RADICAL steps to continue to perserve our way of life ... SOCIETY must go on , our civilization must not stop because our economy oollapses ... this is what i stand for , this is what i advocate .
Freedom....Watch that blood pressure, now!!!!

Our economy is not "collapsing"
The Free Market, read;AMERICANS will turn around our "sour" economy. Your inference to a "new" economy means Government.
W was not mentally incapable as you inferred.
A new society in a new America.......that meaning a one world Socialist agenda against America.
Your point of money being worthless. If the Chinese decide to cash in, it very well could be. Thank former, honorable, respected POTUS Clinton for that.
RADICAL steps WILL be taken to preserve our way of life. SOCIETY WILL go on, and will not stop because of our (pending) economic collapse.
But remember........It will not be because of Obamamania.

Good Day
Freedom....Watch that blood pressure, now!!!!

Our economy is not "collapsing"
The Free Market, read;AMERICANS will turn around our "sour" economy. Your inference to a "new" economy means Government.
W was not mentally incapable as you inferred.
A new society in a new America.......that meaning a one world Socialist agenda against America.
Your point of money being worthless. If the Chinese decide to cash in, it very well could be. Thank former, honorable, respected POTUS Clinton for that.
RADICAL steps WILL be taken to preserve our way of life. SOCIETY WILL go on, and will not stop because of our (pending) economic collapse.
But remember........It will not be because of Obamamania.

Good Day

Hmmm....let's see, over the last 28 years, Republican presidents have been in charge for 20 years, with Bill Clinton in charge for 8...yet it's all his fault...??? Tell me your not serious when you say such things. I mean, while i was born at night, it wasn't last night, LOL!!!
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Freedumb said:

it sure was an excellent choice , and if i could go back in time and register to vote , and then vote , i'd vote for obama ....

You ran your credit cards up to further screw the US economy and the US taxpayer......

Now after all your inane rants about politics.....you don't even have the guts to vote?
