Where's the Birth Certificate?

Really....IN the United States. So McCain couldn't have been president either?

Well according to one of, I'm sure, your favorite "Liberal Rags" the NY Times..........no McCain could not be POTUS and in essence they are saying, neither could Nobama ! :shock:


"Mr. McCain was born on a military installation in the Canal Zone, where his mother and father, a Navy officer, were stationed."

What military base was Nobama born on and what branch of the service did his father serve in ? :down:
sorry guys but i'm not buying your line of attack ...

most of us know who is forgien to our nation and who isn't ...

if you can't tell from talking to someone if they were born and raised here or not then i'd have to wonder where you grew up ....

sure actors can fake our dilaletc etc ....

but if most of you really think that the president is some forgine operative who was trained in another country , learned to mask his accent , then was inflitrated back into the country at ( what age did he come back from indonesa ) and has been plotting ever since to seize control of our goverment then i have some land to sell you on the moon ..

and let's just say for the sake of argument that you ARE right and he is a forgine operative who was inflitrated back into this country who knows how many years ago to take control of our goverment .... well heck if that was the case even the russians couldn't pull off the presdency , so what the heck , we might as well just accept the powers that be because if their that good then there's no beating them ..
back in the 60's it was possible to register foreign births in Hawaii if one of the parents was a US citizen, as a matter of fact it was done almost routinely.
so basically if someone had a child abroad but needed record of the birth.. it could be done in Hawaii at that time, but it would not have information such as place of birth such as a hospital, it would just be a document stating the actual date of birth..


I also do not think the founding fathers would have contemplated a US naturalized citizen being born outside the States.. being born in a US territory? that is not what they implied.

Panama is not a state, its a sovereign country.

election 2008? to me, should have been Mitt and Hillary..(if they want to get you know.. technical)
Well according to one of, I'm sure, your favorite "Liberal Rags" the NY Times..........no McCain could not be POTUS and in essence they are saying, neither could Nobama ! :shock:


"Mr. McCain was born on a military installation in the Canal Zone, where his mother and father, a Navy officer, were stationed."

What military base was Nobama born on and what branch of the service did his father serve in ? :down:

Read this and have fun.
He wont address it. He's running from it. He's feeling very nervous about it.

He has a right to be...

Why does he feel the need to disarm his own newly minted commissioned officers while they're in his presence?....

Graduating midshipmen of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis are being told in writing to leave at home or in their vehicles all "ceremonial swords" and anything else "that might be considered a weapon or a threat by screeners" for Friday's outdoor commencement ceremonies featuring an address by President Barack Obama.

Inside the Beltway has obtained the academy's list of prohibited items for this year's graduation exercises, which, besides ceremonial swords, includes umbrellas.

Yes, cell phones and texting are still allowed.
Why does he feel the need to disarm his own newly minted commissioned officers while they're in his presence?....

Words completely fail me with this utterly insane BS. Talk about the finest possible way to clearly demonstrate complete contempt for the new officers, the United States Navy, and the entire armed forces in general.....Sheesh!...Even Adolph Hitler wasn't that paranoid and hopelessly chickensh-t. Stalin might be proud of pwecious widdle baby-boy-barrack though.

I guess one has to be a saudi king to get any respect from this pathetic little creature and his minions......Any guesses if the king, while obama-baby was busy bowing to him, had disarmed his own people?

This bunch of buffoons is a sad and sorry stain on America.
i stand behind the president of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ....

i have no poltical affilation except to the PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ...

As far as my intellect is able , he and his cabnet have taken every concevable action to preserve our union from what i can tell . This economic crisis is one of the worst in our nations history , few understands the depts of it ...

The STATE of hawwii has stated that the birth certifcate is valid ... the people have chose him as president , come what may ... those of you here who have a problem with that will just have to accpe that fact ... this is how democracy works , we don't always like it but it's all we have ...

furthermore , i urge those of you who beleive in conspiraies to take a moment and rexamine those belifes .... challegenge yoursleves and ask what the sources are for that information and if they are valid .... sometimes conspiricies are real , and sometimes they are not ... don't even give in to complanceny ...
i stand behind the president of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ....

as far as my intellect is able , ...

1) "There's a sucker born every minute" Attributed to P.T. Barnum, whom, at least until recent times, best epitomized the ideal circus promoter.

2) No additional commentary required. Your witness.
If this "rumor" about Obama's citizenship were true, I have no doubt whatsoever that the previous republican-controlled FBI would have uncovered the truth.
sorry guys but i'm not buying your line of attack ...

most of us know who is forgien to our nation and who isn't ...

if you can't tell from talking to someone if they were born and raised here or not then i'd have to wonder where you grew up ....

sure actors can fake our dilaletc etc ....

but if most of you really think that the president is some forgine operative who was trained in another country , learned to mask his accent , then was inflitrated back into the country at ( what age did he come back from indonesa ) and has been plotting ever since to seize control of our goverment then i have some land to sell you on the moon ..

and let's just say for the sake of argument that you ARE right and he is a forgine operative who was inflitrated back into this country who knows how many years ago to take control of our goverment .... well heck if that was the case even the russians couldn't pull off the presdency , so what the heck , we might as well just accept the powers that be because if their that good then there's no beating them ..
okay I stand corrected .This is top 5 for sure and for God's sake get spell check
okay I stand corrected .This is top 5 for sure and for God's sake get spell check

If you are going to critique the spelling of others do you not think you should capitalize the beginning of a sentence and put the period in the right place? Just saying.
Why does he feel the need to disarm his own newly minted commissioned officers while they're in his presence?....
If you did a little research before posting this garbage you would know that swords are not worn at the commissioning ceremony.

2007 Commissioning Week Ceremony

Do you see the swords? :rolleyes:

Should I show you other years?

Here is the event schedule for the 2008 ceremony. I pasted the pertinent portion below. It is identical to this years:

The following items are PROHIBITED from entering through the gates. Individuals
shall be allowed entrance ONLY after disposing or securing prohibited items.
Furthermore, screeners we will NOT “holdâ€￾ items; the owner must dispose of or secure
the item(s) in their vehicle, etc.
Weapons/knives of any type, to include ceremonial swords
Bags larger than a typical purse (i.e., duffle bags, back packs, large camera bags, etc.)
Outside food or drink*
Anything that may be considered a weapon or a threat by screeners

You just take any piece of anti-Obama information and post it, truth be damned.

It is even worse when others here take your post as the truth and pile on.

Many here know better than to give you any credibility.
Words completely fail me with this utterly insane BS. Talk about the finest possible way to clearly demonstrate complete contempt for the new officers, the United States Navy, and the entire armed forces in general.....Sheesh!...Even Adolph Hitler wasn't that paranoid and hopelessly chickensh-t. Stalin might be proud of pwecious widdle baby-boy-barrack though.

I guess one has to be a saudi king to get any respect from this pathetic little creature and his minions......Any guesses if the king, while obama-baby was busy bowing to him, had disarmed his own people?

This bunch of buffoons is a sad and sorry stain on America.
See the above post...