Where's the Birth Certificate?

The way I see it is like this. There is still hope for the Republic when a single sovereign citizen can hold up ballot access of a sitting President until that sitting President satisfies the court. This is a good thing for all of us. It matters very little as to the actual status. What matters is John Q Public still has a say no mater how misguided he/she may be.

Yes, its nice to know that bigotry is alive and well down south.
How come none of the birthers have raised the issue of Mitt Romney's father being born in Mexico?

Romney's grandparents lived there.

I have not looked but if MIt's father was a US citizen at the time of Mit's birth that would be a non issue. I believe the birther crowd is trying to argue that both parents must be a US citizen in order for a person to be a naturalized citizen as opposed to just a citizen. Nothing I have read supports the contention that this was the intent of the COTUS. Given that this whole fiasco has not gone to court and no verdict has been rendered I believe supports the fact that this is by no means a clear cut case and that there is no merit to the case.
I have not looked but if MIt's father was a US citizen at the time of Mit's birth that would be a non issue. I believe the birther crowd is trying to argue that both parents must be a US citizen in order for a person to be a naturalized citizen as opposed to just a citizen. Nothing I have read supports the contention that this was the intent of the COTUS. Given that this whole fiasco has not gone to court and no verdict has been rendered I believe supports the fact that this is by no means a clear cut case and that there is no merit to the case.

His grandparents were US citizens. George Romney, Willard Mitts' Dad, was born in Mexico.

Surely the hair-splitting legal trolls of the Birther movement should be all over this.
It's not that I don't buy into the whole "Birther" thing...
So you admit being a Birther.

As an aside, this lawsuit was dismissed.

The Birmingham News
Published: Friday, January 13, 2012, 10:42 AM Updated: Friday, January 13, 2012, 11:10 AM

St. CLAIR COUNTY, Alabama -- A St. Clair County judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by a Pell City man challenging President Obama's inclusion on Democratic Party ballots in the March 13 primary, court records show.

The one-page order issued this morning by Circuit Judge James E. Hill, cited a ruling Monday by a Jefferson County Circuit Court judge dismissing a similar suit filed in December in Birmingham.

The Jefferson County judge, Helen Shores Lee, cited state laws and prior court rulings prohibiting courts from interfering in political party primaries when she dismissed the Dec. 14 suit filed by Birmingham resident Albert E. Hendershot.

Lee has set a hearing for Tuesday in a lawsuit filed by Harold Sorensen in Jefferson County this week that also seeks a court injunction to keep Obama off state ballots. Lawyers for state Democratic Party Chairman Mark Kennedy, the defendant in all three ballot suits, have asked Lee to dismiss Sorensen's case.

Sorensen has asked Lee to step aside in his suit, accusing the black judge of racial bias.

Courts will be closed Monday for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. The deadline for political parties to certify their primary candidates in Jan. 19.
I am sue there could never be a white judge sitting on the bench with racial bias....... Nooooooooo that could never happen. Gota love the South.
Do you have anything to substantiate that or is it just a WAG on your part? I searched and was not able to find anything.

I searched Google (for 20 seconds) and found this article in Politico. According to Politico, the theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.
I searched Google (for 20 seconds) and found this article in Politico. According to Politico, the theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.
So a Clinton supporter circulating an anonymous email is your standard of proof?
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I have not looked but if MIt's father was a US citizen at the time of Mit's birth that would be a non issue. I believe the birther crowd is trying to argue that both parents must be a US citizen in order for a person to be a naturalized citizen as opposed to just a citizen. Nothing I have read supports the contention that this was the intent of the COTUS. Given that this whole fiasco has not gone to court and no verdict has been rendered I believe supports the fact that this is by no means a clear cut case and that there is no merit to the case.

Natural born is only a prerequisete applicable in one instance only which IS defined in the COTUS. All these other court cases cited dealt with birthright citizenship. The term natural born has been batardized by too many.
Romney was born to American parent's in Mexico.....which makes him a natural born citizen and eligible to be POTUS, whereas Obama isn't natural born due to his father being a foreigner. Obama is a US citizen only. You got screwed when you supported him.
Four opinions cite the word parents in plural regarding natural born.
Why don't you file a brief with SCOTUS.
Romney was born to American parent's in Mexico.....which makes him a natural born citizen and eligible to be POTUS, whereas Obama isn't natural born due to his father being a foreigner. Obama is a US citizen only. You got screwed when you supported him.
Four opinions cite the word parents in plural regarding natural born.

Romney was born in the US (last I knew, you can never be sure about these things) to a Mexican born father and an American born mother.

Obama was born in the US to a Kenyan born father and an American born mother.

You like Mexicans better than Kenyans?
I searched Google (for 20 seconds) and found this article in Politico. According to Politico, the theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

I have a theory that The earth is flat.

Do you have any proof to support you supposition?