Where's the Birth Certificate?

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  • #647
Romney was born in the US (last I knew, you can never be sure about these things) to a Mexican born father and an American born mother.

Obama was born in the US to a Kenyan born father and an American born mother.

You like Mexicans better than Kenyans?

Romney's father was born in Mexico......you are right. But Romney's fathers parents were born in Utah. Gaskell and Anna Pratt Romney. They were Mormon missionary's. At least what I found....

Can you support a Mormon for President who wears Magic Mormon Underwear?

Do you have any idea what good for the country Magic Mormon Underwear could provide?

You haven't heard of Magic Mormon Underwear on MSM have you?

Hey.....Mexicans got some great food....Used to have some great weed back in the day....Never ate no Kenyan food. They hate too much we got over here....Brits and our heritage and all......Its in dreams of my father.
i believe the origins of the the whole birther issue came from the Hillary campaign, someone there had thought about putting it out to help her chances of getting the nomination. The MSM ignores that and only their fail-safe " right wing" attack for the placing blame.
I have a theory that The earth is flat.

Do you have any proof to support you supposition?

What's your problem Ms. Tree?

You asked cactusturdherder (LOL) if he could substantiate his belief that the birther movement started in the Democratic party. You also noted that you searched but couldn't find anything on the subject.

I simply replied to your question by providing a link to a story in Politico that you apparently overlooked in your failed search attempt. From that post Tech2101 concluded (foolishly) that MY standard of proof was based on an anonymous email of a Clinton supporter!

Now this; "I have a theory that The earth is flat" bullshiite! If you have a problem with what Politico reported take it up with them and leave me out of it.

I have a theory that when Ms. Tree can't lead, control or dominate a conversation he goes on the attack.

Do you have any proof to support your supposition?
Lets try this again. A theory was floated that the dems started the birther BS. I asked for some support for this idea.as I could not find any. I did see some theories about thisnon line but again they offered nothing to support the idea. Support equals proof. As I indicated with my comment about the flat earth theory there are quite a few hare brained theories out there. If they have no proof I fail to see why someone would mention them. The fact that you provided a link with out proof to support a supposition from another poster would seem to indicate that this is what you consider proof. Tech and I do not.

Since your post count is low, you know I am a guy and your registration is new it is obvious you have been here before and know how this works so get over your self.
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  • #652
Lets try this again. A theory was floated that the dems started the birther BS. I asked for some support for this idea.as I could not find any. I did see some theories about thisnon line but again they offered nothing to support the idea. Support equals proof. As I indicated with my comment about the flat earth theory there are quite a few hare brained theories out there. If they have no proof I fail to see why someone would mention them. The fact that you provided a link with out proof to support a supposition from another poster would seem to indicate that this is what you consider proof. Tech and I do not.

Since your post count is low, you know I am a guy and your registration is new it is obvious you have been here before and know how this works so get over your self.

Try the Telegraph/uk............. ;)

Hillary is who they point too....did you know Phil Berg is a Hillary supporter?

Do you know who Phil Berg is?
Try the Telegraph/uk............. ;)

Hillary is who they point too....did you know Phil Berg is a Hillary supporter?

Do you know who Phil Berg is?

Yes dell we know who Philip Berg is. He's the guy who near the begining of this thread way back when you were a big cheerleader of. Until that is I pointed out that he also believes that George Bush planned and orchestrated 9-11. Birthers and truthers,often the same people. Or at the very least the same mentality
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  • #654
Yes dell we know who Philip Berg is. He's the guy who near the begining of this thread way back when you were a big cheerleader of. Until that is I pointed out that he also believes that George Bush planned and orchestrated 9-11. Birthers and truthers,often the same people. Or at the very least the same mentality

Van Jones believes the same thing and he worked for Obama.

I am in no way or means a birther. A long time ago I thought you guys here would be interested in these bizzare claims made by a radical Hillary Clinton supporter.
Yes dell we know who Philip Berg is. He's the guy who near the begining of this thread way back when you were a big cheerleader of. Until that is I pointed out that he also believes that George Bush planned and orchestrated 9-11. Birthers and truthers,often the same people. Or at the very least the same mentality

Much as I hate to spoil this little love fest with a comment and opinion here goes.

One- Somehow I must have made a post suggesting I'm a "Birther" when if fact I'm not. Not a "Truther" either. So hopefully that clears that up.

Second -
The above being said there is just enough evidence that when strung together in a certain way that suggests that both Birther & Truther theories have some merit to them. Lot's of coincidence and circumstantial evidence but in either case no body and no smoking gun.

In the case of either Bush or Obama does it really matter? Those who despise or like Bush will likely be unswayed if the "Truther" Arguments were proven and the same for Obama. To me the whole thing is a distraction from the issues at hand which to me are far more serious then a person's place of birth or if their were a Criminal Conspiracy 11 years ago. One os old news and the other no news.
Yes dell we know who Philip Berg is. He's the guy who near the begining of this thread way back when you were a big cheerleader of. Until that is I pointed out that he also believes that George Bush planned and orchestrated 9-11. Birthers and truthers,often the same people. Or at the very least the same mentality
Van Jones believes the same thing and he worked for Obama.

I am in no way or means a birther. A long time ago I thought you guys here would be interested in these bizzare claims made by a radical Hillary Clinton supporter.
Hey Delldude, the cave just called it wants you back.
there is just enough evidence that when strung together in a certain way that suggests that both Birther & Truther theories have some merit to them. Lot's of coincidence and circumstantial evidence but in either case no body and no smoking gun.

You left out the grassy knoll and Paul McCartney is dead,