Where's the Birth Certificate?

Perhaps we will get lucky and one of thee neanderthals will subpoena Trump to find out what unbelievable info his investigators found while in Hawaii. I bet the comedians are behind all this birther crap. This is an endless supply of material for them.
Perhaps we will get lucky and one of thee neanderthals will subpoena Trump to find out what unbelievable info his investigators found while in Hawaii. I bet the comedians are behind all this birther crap. This is an endless supply of material for them.

The way I see it is like this. There is still hope for the Republic when a single sovereign citizen can hold up ballot access of a sitting President until that sitting President satisfies the court. This is a good thing for all of us. It matters very little as to the actual status. What matters is John Q Public still has a say no mater how misguided he/she may be.

Wouldn't it be interesting if the Judge ruled against Obama? That WOULD be interesting indeed.
I doubt even the most hard core right wing bat chit crazy judge on the bench would allow this case to go forward. As stated at the bottom of the article there is not clear definition of what natural born means. Any judge who lets this case (or any other) will be reversed so fast the ink will not be dry on the ruling and he would be a laughing stock.

Obama is a siting president and he is a natural born citizen. It's done.

I am sure Obama is not loosing any sleep over a silly frivolous law suit that does not even meet the standard of a Hail Marry. At least a Hail Marry has a possibility of succeeding.
I doubt even the most hard core right wing bat chit crazy judge on the bench would allow this case to go forward. As stated at the bottom of the article there is not clear definition of what natural born means. Any judge who lets this case (or any other) will be reversed so fast the ink will not be dry on the ruling and he would be a laughing stock.

Obama is a siting president and he is a natural born citizen. It's done.

I am sure Obama is not loosing any sleep over a silly frivolous law suit that does not even meet the standard of a Hail Marry. At least a Hail Marry has a possibility of succeeding.

Somebody, some place thought the suit had enough merit to go forward in two states. It's not that I don't buy into the whole "Birther" thing it's more like I just don't care where he was born. George Washington could be his father for all I care. In my mind he's still a useless Political Parasite worthy of nothing but contempt. His place of birth will never change that view. If he is found not to be eligible to be POTUS then it will just reinforce my opinion of him. I didn't buy his feel good BS in '08 and I'm not buying it now.

Ron Paul my never be POTUS but at least I voted my conscience.
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I doubt even the most hard core right wing bat chit crazy judge on the bench would allow this case to go forward. As stated at the bottom of the article there is not clear definition of what natural born means. Any judge who lets this case (or any other) will be reversed so fast the ink will not be dry on the ruling and he would be a laughing stock.

Obama is a siting president and he is a natural born citizen. It's done.

I am sure Obama is not loosing any sleep over a silly frivolous law suit that does not even meet the standard of a Hail Marry. At least a Hail Marry has a possibility of succeeding.

Can't be natural born unless both parents were citizens. He's a citizen by birth. Look it up, its supported in more than four SCOTUS opinions.

It gets interesting at.....1:30 and 4:13
i believe the origins of the the whole birther issue came from the Hillary campaign, someone there had thought about putting it out to help her chances of getting the nomination. The MSM ignores that and only their fail-safe " right wing" attack for the placing blame.
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  • #625
i believe the origins of the the whole birther issue came from the Hillary campaign, someone there had thought about putting it out to help her chances of getting the nomination. The MSM ignores that and only their fail-safe " right wing" attack for the placing blame.

We have a bingo in aisle three.....
Can't be natural born unless both parents were citizens. He's a citizen by birth. Look it up, its supported in more than four SCOTUS opinions.
78 pages of this thread and you are going to go over it one more time. :blink:

Guess what. He is still the President of the United States of America.
i believe the origins of the the whole birther issue came from the Hillary campaign, someone there had thought about putting it out to help her chances of getting the nomination. The MSM ignores that and only their fail-safe " right wing" attack for the placing blame.

Do you have anything to substantiate that or is it just a WAG on your part? I searched and was not able to find anything.
78 pages of this thread and you are going to go over it one more time. :blink:

Guess what. He is still the President of the United States of America.

Hope springs eternal even in the face of reality. One would think if it were that cut and dry that the issue would have already been settled in court. We all know the world is round but there are still people out there who insist it is not. What can you do? You cannot force people to think a certain way. Each person has to look at the facts and decided on their own. Some people look at the facts and see a flat world. That is their reality. The rest of the world can still march on.
How come none of the birthers have raised the issue of Mitt Romney's father being born in Mexico?

Romney's grandparents lived there.