Where's the Birth Certificate?

Take it for what it's worth. Kinid of unusual to expedite a trail like this.

Pre-trial evidence released in GA: Obama using stolen SSN; passport & birth certificate show Indonesia birth; his selective service is a forgery; e-verify fails; Trial just moved up to TOMORROW, Hawaii officials in transit .

The GA citizenship trial was just moved up to JAN 13th, and Hawaii officials in transit. Here is list of evidence that will be used. If Obama loses, then not only will he be ineligible for electoral votes in Georgia, but no doubt this will go to the SCOTUS immediately and Biden may be sworn in. [Correction the election would likely be invalidated so the VP of 2004s election would be sworn in until new one can be scheduled -- Dick Cheney]

Balance of Story

This article was dated January 13th, roughly a week ago. Haven't seen anything else on this so who knows???
Take it for what it's worth. Kinid of unusual to expedite a trail like this.
This article was dated January 13th, roughly a week ago. Haven't seen anything else on this so who knows???
Didnt you just say you were not a Birther? Or we're you?

Slow Ron Paul day?
Didnt you just say you were not a Birther? Or we're you?

Slow Ron Paul day?

I'm not a birther, this showed up in my Facebook feed and it looks as if the case might have merit. So I posted it.

What makes me highly skeptical isthe rationale as to lie about place of birth? I don't think Mom & Dad sat around plotting 50 years ago saying "Well let's Jimmy up the birth place/certificate so when our son wants to run for President he can". It makes no sense to me. Yet here we go again
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  • #671
I went to The Anchor Bar in Buffalo.

Wings, but no Paul McCartney.

Circumstantial evidence.

Face and fingers prima facia..... :blink:

Is it worth checking out?

On another front:

"The Devil Went Down to Georgia"


Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire, nationally dubbed as the “queen of the Birthers Conspiracy,” has been given a small and outwardly dubious victory in her challenge to prove that President Barack H. Obama is not rightfully the President of the United States. Judge Michael Malihi signed an order denying the Obama administration’s motion to dismiss the challenge. In the current pre-trial order, Taitz represents Islamophobic Internet blogger and birther conspiracy theorist David Farrar (circa June 2009); i.e., (Docket No. OSAH-SECSTATE-CE-1215136-60-MALIHI).

However, the Office of State Administrative Hearings Docket, in short, states that Dr. Taitz, Esquire of California, will conduct a Direct Examination of President Obama based on the following questions:

Is the candidate’s birth certificate an authentic one issued by the State of Hawaii?;

Is the candidate an Article II natural-born citizen of the United States as established in Minor v. Happersett, 88 U. S. 162 (1874);


A challenge on O.C.G.A. (Official Code of Georgia) regarding the 'making of false statements generally,' i.e., is the candidate’s social security number authentic?

The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia
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  • #673
The wings were excellent.

Throw in Niagara Falls. And its worth the trip.

If some one asks you if your birth certificate is authentic. How would you you know? You were just a baby.

Blasted through the beautiful flat place on way to the falls on two wheels in 2000. Didn't know about the Anchor then or would have stopped. Saw it on Food Channel....They go through some tonnage in wings there.
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  • #674
Ga. judge orders president to appear at hearing


The Associated Press
Published: Friday, Jan. 20, 2012 - 2:54 pm
Last Modified: Friday, Jan. 20, 2012 - 3:09 pm

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/01/20/4203280/ga-judge-orders-president-to-appear.html#storylink=cpy#storylink=cpy

I'm shocked....