Where's the Birth Certificate?

I'm NOT a "birther", However this little tidbit gives one an idea of the rancor that exists in the heartland.

Obama Blocked From Registering For Alabama State Primary Until Eligibility Is Validated By Court.

UPDATE: An Alabama Court has announced that it will hear arguments as to whether Barack Hussein Obama II is in fact eligible to appear on the State Presidential Primary Ballot.

Several Alabama citizens have filed a lawsuit within the Alabama Circuit Court to “prevent certification of President Barack Obama for 2012 Alabama ballot access pending final hearing based on factual evidentiary hearings.”

The deadline for any candidate to register to appear on the Alabama Presidential Primary ballot is just days away, but by agreeing to hear the case, the Alabama Courts have effectively stalled any efforts by the Democratic Party to place Obama on the ballot.

When did Alabama join the heartland?

OK, Then call it the Bible belt if it makes you all warm and fuzzy.

Nevermind the topic of the article. Don't worry Big Steel is coming back to PIT any day now, So y'inz have no need to worry. Just cozy up to an Iron City at the Sea Shell.
Think I'll get called back?

Obama jobs bill good for Pittsburgh?

Dell how could they not call you back?

BTW, I'm not low on material, I'm trying to focus on issues. When all I get from some is Bull Shite responses then I respond in kind.

Hey ever meet Bill George from AFL_CIO? Shared a flight with him once, I think I almost made him a Libertarian :lol: :lol:

Good Union Man, A lot of respect for him.
And people wonder why the 'South' is ridiculed.

OH and I guess any state that insists that the rule of Law be adhered to by all opens one up to ridicule?

If the Head Maggot had followed the COTUS maybe he would already be on the ballot in AL
Place of birth has been validated. Short form, long form, two birth announcements. The idiots in Alabama are idiots for denying reality. This has nothing to do with the COTUS, rule of law or anything else of any relevance. They are wasting court time and money on a fools errand.
Maybe you can go back to stealing it.

Or just posting Ron Paul videos nobody watches.

Why don't you watch? AFRAID?

Atlanta Court date set for Obama eligibility hearing. Public invited!

A hearing has been set for January 26, 2012 for the purpose of hearing the complaint of David Weldon, a citizen living in Georgia, where he questioned the Constitutionality of President Obama being allowed on the Georgia presidential ballot.

The hearing here in Atlanta will be on January 26th at 9 am. Since this is a public hearing, the public can attend. The location is the Justice Center Building, 160 Pryor St, Atlanta, GA – Courtroom G40 on the ground floor.
