Where's the Birth Certificate?

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  • #541
It does not specifically define a what NBC is but it is being used as standard to define what a NBC is until the court says other wise. Since there has been no decision and the question regarding McCain and Obama was raised, the US code was used as the standard. So in that regard, yes the US code is what is currently being used to determine NBC status. So far, no one with legal standing has brought a case before the courts to challenge the current standard.

This whole issue arose because someone asked the question of what a NBC is and whether Obama is a NBC. Since there is no court decision to define a NBC, the US code is what we use to define a NBC. Whether or not you like it or not is irrelevant. There is no case law that pertains to a NBC. The US code is the only standard there is at the time. By this standard, Obama is legally a NBC and eligible to serve as POTUS.

Well then , show me specifically where the US Code says it defines NBC. Unless you can not, your argument is moot.

You argument is moot because you can not show any reference by the US Government defining NBC.

Show me where it is referenced by the government that US Code is a definition of NBC.

You jerked me around with your hair splitting logic on the S&P BS and now you want me to buy off on a non definition of a natural born citizen which you can not source?
Told ya that after 517........Duh

You missed the "now what" part. Assuming for a moment that there is no definition of what a NBC is, how do you plan on determining if anyone is a NBC? As 777 said, if according to you there is no way of determining what a NBC then you cannot claim being a NBC anymore than me or anyone else. Apparently the courts are satisfied with using the US code as a standard for NBC. Your move. What's your idea to fix it and how do you plan on executing that idea?
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  • #547
You missed the "now what" part. Assuming for a moment that there is no definition of what a NBC is, how do you plan on determining if anyone is a NBC? As 777 said, if according to you there is no way of determining what a NBC then you cannot claim being a NBC anymore than me or anyone else. Apparently the courts are satisfied with using the US code as a standard for NBC. Your move. What's your idea to fix it and how do you plan on executing that idea?

Where have the courts ruled on natural born citizen status referencing US Code?

In the absence of definitive SCOTUS rulings.......something should be done.
"something should be done". Are you Freaking kidding me? Thats all you have? Something should be done? Brilliant.

There has been no case and until such time the US code is the standard. There are numerous laws that are or were the "law of the land" that stood till the courts said yea or nay. Jim Crow and Separate are two obvious ones that come to mind of laws that were struck down. I am sue there are laws and or policies that are in violation of the COTUS or that have not been challenged in the courts to verify that they are OK.

The US cider is the law till the courts say otherwise. Thats how US law works. Im not in charge just a messenger. I dont care if you dont like it because I do not have the ability to change it.
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  • #549
"something should be done". Are you Freaking kidding me? Thats all you have? Something should be done? Brilliant.

There has been no case and until such time the US code is the standard. There are numerous laws that are or were the "law of the land" that stood till the courts said yea or nay. Jim Crow and Separate are two obvious ones that come to mind of laws that were struck down. I am sue there are laws and or policies that are in violation of the COTUS or that have not been challenged in the courts to verify that they are OK.

The US cider is the law till the courts say otherwise. Thats how US law works. Im not in charge just a messenger. I dont care if you dont like it because I do not have the ability to change it.

Since there has been no case, there is no standard. Its up to much debate.
Show me where US Code has defined natural born citizen.
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  • #550
Uh oh, found 4 cases that ruled on NBC..............

(source not approved by the official Office of Posting Rules and Etiquette.)

[very well sourced though]

Uh oh, found 4 cases that ruled on NBC..............

(source not approved by the official Office of Posting Rules and Etiquette.)

[very well sourced though]


If you found four cases then post a link to the cases on the the appropriate legal site and quote the portion the decision that address NBC.

Its really not that hard.

You can have a standard without a court decision. A court decision can come after the fact to either uphold the standard or strike it down. Right now tbe US code is tbe standard waiting for a court decision to either uphold it or strike it down.
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  • #555
If you found four cases then post a link to the cases on the the appropriate legal site and quote the portion the decision that address NBC.

Its really not that hard.

You can have a standard without a court decision. A court decision can come after the fact to either uphold the standard or strike it down. Right now tbe US code is tbe standard waiting for a court decision to either uphold it or strike it down.

You can provide a link proving US Code is the standard? Please do.