Where's the Birth Certificate?

Funny, hes conducted an official investigation along the lines of evidence and discovery, doens't seem to be a chooch.....this could be interesting.

Sure he is. Now I wonder how that has panned out for him? If you hear nothing else from him there's your answer. Maybe someone in Maricopa County should investigate where's he's getting the money and manpower to do this given the budget situation there. Would'nt it be funny if they find he has done no such thing and this is nothing more than him runnning his mouth?
Here's an interesting link on the whole issue and guess what, right in the first page the author mentions Minor vs Happersett.

He's a birther

Of course he's a birther. He cherry picks facts, makes claims that are not true or are half truths, ignores other facts and makes himslef look like a complete fool.
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  • #502
Then when why do you keep calling the Minor case the relevant issue then? Seems like you are contradicting yourself.

It is the first time I believe that SCOTUS mentioned parents in plural when referring to natural born. When the day comes Minor will be large in the argument and cited, among other case law ,as a courts prior definition.
It is the first time I believe that SCOTUS mentioned parents in plural when referring to natural born. When the day comes Minor will be large in the argument and cited, among other case law ,as a courts prior definition.

It's funny how you continue to mke such a big deal about the Minor case, yet ignore USA vs Ark.
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  • #504
It's funny how you continue to mke such a big deal about the Minor case, yet ignore USA vs Ark.

First, it isn't THE LAW OF THE LAND....its a legal precedent just like the reference to parents in Minor.

Second, USA vs Ark deals with birthright citizenship, not the issue of natural born citizen regarding eligibility for POTUS.

I haven't seen, in the case of USA vs Ark, any links to Minor when the natural born argument comes up, wonder why that is.

USA vs Ark is about citizenship and did not address the subject of what defines natural born, two different issues.

Lets put it this way, I seriously doubt Wong Kim Ark could run for President.
Dell, listen very carefully. The President is natural born. You fantasizing that he is not does not make it so.
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  • #506
Dell, listen very carefully. The President is natural born. You fantasizing that he is not does not make it so.

Without out anything objective to bring to the debate, you change the subject.

I am right and you are wrong.