Where's the Birth Certificate?

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  • #481
Show me ONE politician worldwide not named Ron Paul who is willing to confront the Debt, fiat currency and central banks that have led us to the brink. We have a chance to save ourselves but apparently not the will.

God said for us to vote for Obama's stimulus plan, that's good enough for me.
Why do you have your shorts in a wad over some website that had some stuff removed.

Real researchers go to the source to get official docs...unless you are looking for some angle that fits onto your conspiracy theory.

Well the thing is he has not proff it was actually removed. And as I pointed out before it's irrelevant anyway since that is just one website and the case that is relevant is US vs. Ark.
Well the world Economy isn't exactly sprouting extra wings and soaring through the stratosphere now is it? We are best with:

Staggering National Debt - At current growth rates it will be at 100% of GDP by Election Day 2012.
Commodity Inflation that dilutes the spending power of every working class citizen. Gas and food prices have soared. This it the current Legacy of the Empty Suit.
A fiat currency that causes commodity inflation
A central bank that has NEVER been audited
A central bank that in essence has more power then the POTUS.
A central bank that caused the Great Depression and the banking/real estate bubble
A foreign policy of policing the world for fun and profit
A foreign policy of Wars against sovereign nations without declaration
A foreign policy of Nation building. We bomb them and rebuild them.
A foreign policy of Imperialism and Interventionism that is slowly bankrupting us.
A mounting financial crisis in Europe and nations attempt to gain a handle on their debt

View attachment 9220

Nearly all of the above was accurately predicted by Ron Paul as early as 1988. Truth is the world economy is near collapse and we are headed towards a Greek style meltdown.

Step away from the Keynesian Economics and explore the Austrian Theory of Economics and note which has been more correct. HINT: Keynesian School has been an abject failure. We are on the path that eventually doomed all great empires in history.

As I pointed out in another post that list stating we have been at war 209 years was put together by someone who failed high school history and math.

Revolutionary war, without that we would not exist in our present form. Instead of having men like Washington and Jefferson on our money we would have as bunch of inbred monarchs.

War of 1812 that was the Brits trying to strong arm us. The White House was burned to the ground not Buckingham Palace.

The Mexican-American War lasted from 1846-1848, not 1836-1948. Come on people, how hard is it to use Google?

Without the Civil War how much longer would have the institution of slavery lasted. Do not let yourself be fooled by the revisionists, it was about slavery.

The Spanish-American war lasted about five months, not a year.

I don't know what history book this person read but our involvement in WW1 was from 1917-1918, a little over a year and a half.

World War 2 started for us when the Japanese attacked, not the other way around. The world would have been a very dark place if the axis powers had prevailed. Of course the writer of this list fails to mention that.

Korean War that was us coming to the aid of an ally. Just compare North and South Korea and tell me we did the wrong thing.

The Cold War really was not a war, that's why they called it the Cold War.

Grenada did not last a year.

And neither did Desert Storm.

Just do the math and it does not even come close to 209 years.
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  • #484
Well the thing is he has not proff it was actually removed. And as I pointed out before it's irrelevant anyway since that is just one website and the case that is relevant is US vs. Ark.

The Proff is in the links.......Minor vs Happersett is the relevant issue.
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  • #485
Dell, what you provided was a link to a blog which provided another link to an article that failed to provide any evidence of their claims. I must add that the site in question justia.com has nothing to do with the Supreme Court. And as I pointed out before the Minor case is irrelevant since it had nothing to do with citizenship issues. The case that does is US vs Ark.


The SCOTUS decision for the first time made mention of what is a 'natural born citizen' which is directly applicable to Presidential eligibility, and would be cited in a future opinion.That is why it is relevant.(Unanimous decision BTW)

If your case is the LAW OF THE LAND why has so much time been spent over McCain and Obama's eligibility? And now Mario Rubio is in question.

There has been no decision yet defining 'Natural Born Citizen' only mention from time to time. The key in previous decisions is the mention in plural of 'parents' which throws Kenyan dad out the window. Obama himself claimed he didn't meet the eligibility requirement.

You can't make the connection even though Article 2 Sec. 1, and McCain and Obama's eligibility were mentioned in quotes and links quite a few times? :rolleyes:

Here's an interesting link on the whole issue and guess what, right in the first page the author mentions Minor vs Happersett.

He's a birther
As I pointed out in another post that list stating we have been at war 209 years was put together by someone who failed high school history and math.

Just do the math and it does not even come close to 209 years.

I don't think the point of the poster was accurate math. I think it was designed to demonstrate our failed foreign policy. That was certainly my purpose in posting it.

Over the last 110 years I can think of exactly ONE hot war that the US was involved in that was a 100% dead bang right choice and that was WWII. The rest far less so. Especially our involvement in the Middle East.
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  • #488
As I pointed out in another post that list stating we have been at war 209 years was put together by someone who failed high school history and math.

Revolutionary war, without that we would not exist in our present form. Instead of having men like Washington and Jefferson on our money we would have as bunch of inbred monarchs.

War of 1812 that was the Brits trying to strong arm us. The White House was burned to the ground not Buckingham Palace.

The Mexican-American War lasted from 1846-1848, not 1836-1948. Come on people, how hard is it to use Google?

Without the Civil War how much longer would have the institution of slavery lasted. Do not let yourself be fooled by the revisionists, it was about slavery.

The Spanish-American war lasted about five months, not a year.

I don't know what history book this person read but our involvement in WW1 was from 1917-1918, a little over a year and a half.

World War 2 started for us when the Japanese attacked, not the other way around. The world would have been a very dark place if the axis powers had prevailed. Of course the writer of this list fails to mention that.

Korean War that was us coming to the aid of an ally. Just compare North and South Korea and tell me we did the wrong thing.

The Cold War really was not a war, that's why they called it the Cold War.

Grenada did not last a year.

And neither did Desert Storm.

Just do the math and it does not even come close to 209 years.

What defines war?
Since 1775 we been killing people one way or another over a period of some 236 years. :p
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  • #489
I just can't help myself, its like an addiction.......


Amid death threats, Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio is scratching his head over the major media's virtual silence about his decision to investigate Barack Obama's eligibility to run for re-election.

"Getting death threats is nothing new for me," Arpaio told WND, referring to his national reputation as a tough enforcer of immigration laws. "But why has the media has decided to black out all news of our Obama investigation? That's what I don't understand.

"I'm a controversial guy and usually the media is all over me," he continued, "but when I decided to investigate Obama, the media has suddenly gone missing in action."

Arpaio said that if the media's strategy is to minimize the impact of his investigation by ignoring it, it is not likely to work.

Read more: Sheriff Joe threatened for probing eligibility http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=366125#ixzz1dKrEa6W2

LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!

Whose attention is he trying to get is what I'm wondering. He should be carefull of what he wishes for. Maybe some journalist might ask him where he plans to get the money and manpower for this considering the millions in budget cuts for Maricopa Country.
I don't think the point of the poster was accurate math. I think it was designed to demonstrate our failed foreign policy. That was certainly my purpose in posting it.

No, what it did was to demonstrate the ignorance of the person who made the list.
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  • #495
Funny, hes conducted an official investigation along the lines of evidence and discovery, doens't seem to be a chooch.....this could be interesting.