Where's the Birth Certificate?

Never chk'd WND dude..... :lol:

Dell, what you provided was a link to a blog which provided another link to an article that failed to provide any evidence of their claims. I must add that the site in question justia.com has nothing to do with the Supreme Court. And as I pointed out before the Minor case is irrelevant since it had nothing to do with citizenship issues. The case that does is US vs Ark.

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  • #467
Dell, what you provided was a link to a blog which provided another link to an article that failed to provide any evidence of their claims. I must add that the site in question justia.com has nothing to do with the Supreme Court. And as I pointed out before the Minor case is irrelevant since it had nothing to do with citizenship issues. The case that does is US vs Ark.


The pitch is SCOTUS is on record for probably the first time citing 'parents' in plural regarding citizen status.
And it appears there was some hokey pokey...first denials of tampering, then things were put back, then access was made more difficult,then supposed software glitch and so on.
Still.....why would someone go to those lengths.
Leo Dinofrio is the one who discovered it while surfing in his supreme court robe and tin hat. :p


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  • #468
While everybody is foaming at the mouth over the birther issue, some respects ought to be paid to the people who started it in the first place.

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  • #470
He's right.....

I guess where you live gas and food are cheap.

Or you have a #### load of disposable income.
The pitch is SCOTUS is on record for probably the first time citing 'parents' in plural regarding citizen status.
And it appears there was some hokey pokey...first denials of tampering, then things were put back, then access was made more difficult,then supposed software glitch and so on.
Get an official copy of any United States Supreme Court Decision.

Squire, we were referring to another website.
Why do you have your shorts in a wad over some website that had some stuff removed.

Real researchers go to the source to get official docs...unless you are looking for some angle that fits onto your conspiracy theory.
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  • #474
Why do you have your shorts in a wad over some website that had some stuff removed.

Real researchers go to the source to get official docs...unless you are looking for some angle that fits onto your conspiracy theory.

I have no shorts.

If that was the case the world economy would have already come to a screeching halt.

It has not.

Well the world Economy isn't exactly sprouting extra wings and soaring through the stratosphere now is it? We are best with:

Staggering National Debt - At current growth rates it will be at 100% of GDP by Election Day 2012.
Commodity Inflation that dilutes the spending power of every working class citizen. Gas and food prices have soared. This it the current Legacy of the Empty Suit.
A fiat currency that causes commodity inflation
A central bank that has NEVER been audited
A central bank that in essence has more power then the POTUS.
A central bank that caused the Great Depression and the banking/real estate bubble
A foreign policy of policing the world for fun and profit
A foreign policy of Wars against sovereign nations without declaration
A foreign policy of Nation building. We bomb them and rebuild them.
A foreign policy of Imperialism and Interventionism that is slowly bankrupting us.
A mounting financial crisis in Europe and nations attempt to gain a handle on their debt

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Nearly all of the above was accurately predicted by Ron Paul as early as 1988. Truth is the world economy is near collapse and we are headed towards a Greek style meltdown.

Step away from the Keynesian Economics and explore the Austrian Theory of Economics and note which has been more correct. HINT: Keynesian School has been an abject failure. We are on the path that eventually doomed all great empires in history.
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  • #477
Thanks, I really didn't need that visualization... :lol:

...and I almost won the lottery yesterday. Just a couple of numbers off.

Back on topic.

Birthers never die.

Show me ONE politician worldwide not named Ron Paul who is willing to confront the Debt, fiat currency and central banks that have led us to the brink. We have a chance to save ourselves but apparently not the will.