Where's the Birth Certificate?

His head is swelling so fast that it may explode.

ABC News:

Trump, who arrived this morning in the early campaign state of New Hampshire, said, "Today, I'm very proud of myself because I've accomplished what nobody else" was able to do.

"Our president has finally released a birth certificate," he said. Trump said Obama "should have done it a long time ago. Why he didn't.... I don't know."

Trump said he wants to inspect the newly released document to determine "Is it real? Is it proper?"

"I'm really honored in playing such a big role," Trump said.​

That was the best part of the article. I had to read it a few times to make sure I read it correctly. His level of arrogance is astounding. His statement has not more proof than those who said that we had no more attacks due to Bush and his antics.

I am some what disappointed that Obama yet again did not stick by his guns. I understand why he did it but I wish he did not do it, or if he is going to do it, wait till Oct 2012 and publish it. Let the birthers go on an on and bury them selves.
That was the best part of the article. I had to read it a few times to make sure I read it correctly. His level of arrogance is astounding. His statement has not more proof than those who said that we had no more attacks due to Bush and his antics.

I am some what disappointed that Obama yet again did not stick by his guns. I understand why he did it but I wish he did not do it, or if he is going to do it, wait till Oct 2012 and publish it. Let the birthers go on an on and bury them selves.

Time to face the fact that arrogant or not Trump with his non stop self promotion and haranguing caused a stare down and Obama Blinked while Atlas Shrugged :lol: :lol:
OR Trump jumped on to the band wagon that has been running for more than 2 years and Obama finally decided that enough was enough. There is no more proof that Trump had anything to do with the BC release than there is to prove that Bush had anything to do with the lack of attacks on the US. It is circumstantial at best. Of course, that will not stop Trump and his cheerleaders from saying otherwise.
As I recall, Trump was spouting off a few weeks ago about "how you won't believe what we found". Looks like he did not find jack. Trump is a lying, 4 time looser 2 time divorced self aggrandizing narcissistic punk. And he has been exposed for the liar he is.... again. Not that his supporters will notice.
The release will not change anything. There are to many people who are making a buck off this and even more people who are stupid enough to believe it.

Trump raising hell over the birth certificate accomplished something that even the Clinton's couldn't do and that's saying something.

Accomplished what? Getting the President to tell us something that those of us with a brain already knew?
Another thread joining 'The 2011 Depression' and 'Your Next President in 2012', not to mention the countless threads started by the ignored one and ignored by everyone (Imagine That).

What sheer stupidity is next?
Another thread joining 'The 2011 Depression' and 'Your Next President in 2012', not to mention the countless threads started by the ignored one and ignored by everyone (Imagine That).

What sheer stupidity is next?
You asked for it... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Afterbirthers Demand To See Obama's Placenta

"To this day, the American people have not seen a cervical mucus plug, let alone one that has been signed and notarized by a state-certified Hawaiian health official. If the president was indeed born in the manner in which he claims, then where is his gestation sac?" Keyes said that if Obama did not soon produce at least a bloody bedsheet from his conception, Afterbirthers would push forward with efforts to exhume the president's deceased mother and inspect the corpse's pelvic bone and birth canal.

The thing I love/hate about the Onion is they never let anything like decorum & good taste get in the way of a cheap laugh! :lol: :lol:

Whilst The Donald and the Empty Suit were sparring over the Birth Certificate silliness, did anyone bother to notice that the head of the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernacke made history by holding a Press Conference regarding the economy.

The more I think about it, why did Obama hold out the shiny metal object of his Birth Certificate mere hours before the Bernake Press Conference? Looks like someone in the White House is looking at the polls and financials for the USA.
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  • #343
Guess what I just heard from Uncle Jerome......

• If the original document was in a bound volume (as reflected by the curvature of the left hand side of the certificate), how can the green patterned background of the document's safety paper be so seamless?

• Why, if Obama was born on August 4, 1961, was the “Date Accepted by Local Reg.” four days later on August 8, 1961?

• What is the significance of the smudges in the box containing the name of the reported attendant?

• David A. Sinclair, the M.D. who purportedly signed the document, died nearly eight years ago at age 81. So he is conveniently unavailable to answer questions about Obama’s reported birth.

• In the “This Birth” box there are two mysterious Xs above “Twin” and “Triplet.” Is there a sibling or two unaccounted for?

• What is the significance of the mysterious numbers, seen vertically, on the document’s right side?

• Finally, the “Signature of Local Registrar” in box 21 may be a desperate attempt at establishing the document’s Hawaiian authenticity. Note to forgers: It is spelled “Ukulele.”
Your Uncle just confirmed what I said earlier.

P.S. Ask your Uncle Jerome when he's going to do a podcast with David Duke. ;)
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  • #345
Another thread joining 'The 2011 Depression' and 'Your Next President in 2012', not to mention the countless threads started by the ignored one and ignored by everyone (Imagine That).

What sheer stupidity is next?

That why you don't start threads?

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