Where's the Birth Certificate?

There's a big difference between WND and the National Review. The National Review is a reputable organization that does not lower itself to conspiracy theory peddling like WND.

I knew that when I posted the link to the National Review article that dapoes would run for the hills and you would probably make a joke while avoiding any discussion of it. Can't say that I am disappointed. ;)

Run for the hills because you um posted a link to a site? Huh?

Thats great. Bravo on your achievement to cut and paste. Bravo

Run for the hills because you um posted a link to a site? Huh?

Thats great. Bravo on your achievement to cut and paste. Bravo


Thank you for proving me right. While it might be easy for you to attack Politifact it's a lot harder to attack a conservative publication like National Review is'nt it?
Thank you for proving me right. While it might be easy for you to attack Politifact it's a lot harder to attack a conservative publication like National Review is'nt it?
Proving you right at what? Copy and pasting a link from a conservative website? Thats great. Your medal is in the mail. :lol:
First, I don't have to do squat...who the heck you think you are?

Second, I don't really care where he was born, I and many others only want to see actual proof other than a document used for people not born on the island as previously shown.

Third, if you think that passing reference proves Obama was born in Hawaii I'm amazed but that's about how you leftists operate.

And out of curiosity.....why would you add wording to a House Resolution in the first place?
I think that gives question to your credibility.
If I did that, you'd have Keith Olberman at my front door.

Have a nice night.

I could ask you the same question.

Using that logic dell I could say where's the proff that GWB was born in the USA. So where's the evidence, have you seen it? Until you have seen it must mean he was not born here.

I'm a leftist now? Why is that dell, because I disagree with you on this subject? Please come up with something better than that to prove I'm "leftist". If that's you litmus test then I guess Michael Medved is a leftist.

What does the name calling say about you dell? When someone is out of intelligent arguments they often resort to that. Or they question someone’s loyalty to their country.

My credibility? What does it say about yours when you try and make someone like Philip Berg appear to be a crusader for the truth and fail to mention he believes that George Bush orchestrated 9-11. You’re the one who posts a video of Obama's grandmother saying he was born in Kenya. Of course the only way you could know what she was really saying is if you spoke her language, which you don't. Or trying to use irrelevant polls to try and prove your point.

Or calling sites like Fact Check and Opensecrets "questionable" without showing in anyway how they are "questionable". While at the same time using an obviously biased site like WND that often twists the facts, lies or brings up things that are totally irrelevant.

Ever hear of logic and critical thinking?
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All the tap dancing aside.............what about you forging additions to a bill from the congress to support your agenda?

Tell me about true credibility.

Not mine, yours.....you shot yours in the ass.

I never thought you'd pull something off like that.
Rush says it best...

Where are the WikiLeaks documents to prove 9/11 was an inside job by George Bush and Dick Cheney? Let me ask you liberals, where are these cables? . . . Produce all this stuff that you kooks believe. Where are the documents to prove Bush intentionally lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in order to invade the country . . . Where’s all this good stuff? . . . Where is Obama’s birth certificate?
All the tap dancing aside.............what about you forging additions to a bill from the congress to support your agenda?

Tell me about true credibility.

Not mine, yours.....you shot yours in the ass.

I never thought you'd pull something off like that.

Buying into the arguments of charlatons is a whole lot worse my freind. Your posts show you to be totally incapable of logic or critical thought.
Rush says it best...

Where are the WikiLeaks documents to prove 9/11 was an inside job by George Bush and Dick Cheney? Let me ask you liberals, where are these cables? . . . Produce all this stuff that you kooks believe. Where are the documents to prove Bush intentionally lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in order to invade the country . . . Where’s all this good stuff? . . . Where is Obama’s birth certificate?

It's funny you would post this considering that in some cases birthers and truthers are the same people. Interesting company Rush keeps. And why the heck does he feel the need to site prisonplanet on his show?

Maybe if Rush knew how this country works he would ask "Where's the proof that Obama was born in another country"?
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Buying into the arguments of charlatons is a whole lot worse my freind. Your posts show you to be totally incapable of logic or critical thought.

Sure you aren't looking in a mirror Swazoo?

I guess I should have known better.......forgery is SOP on the left side.
It's funny you would post this considering that in some cases birthers and truthers are the same people. Interesting company Rush keeps. And why the heck does he feel the need to site prisonplanet on his show?

Maybe if Rush knew how this country works he would ask "Where's the proof that Obama was born in another country"?

Is this a question, statement or just being rhetorical?

You'll find Obama's Certificate of Live Birth alongside Bush's WMD. . . .
AND best of all, Sara Palin knows where both of them are !!!

There are so many unresolved questions in the history of our nation . .. 9/11, JFK, the list goes on and on . . .
And with so many issues one could choose to research and focus ones' energies on . . . some have chosen THIS one.

I fear we are alienating really good people from public life. . . .
People like Colin Powell.
People who will not subject themselves or their families to the kind of nonsesense present in this dialogue.

There was a time when our media and our public had the intellect to ignore the occassional mis-steps of our civic leaders.
We routinely ignored (and I believe we expected) a level of mis-representation in their personal lives.
We had the good sense to know that they were human too.
And, we focussed on things that mattered.

Today . . . we focus on personality and traits and we extole thinking which can only be rationale if given sound-bite duration attention.
And, we end up with leaders like Palin . . and Brown and . . . others - - at a time, when we need our very very best.

And they're out there - - but it is precisely the kind of diatribe and nonesense that you are witness to in this very discussion that keeps those great leaders out of the public limelight.
It is this kind of thoughtless, useless, discourse which can only exist for the sole purpose of political expediency which retards our great nation at one of its darkest hours.