What Davex2 Want From Pilots

700UW said:
It is time to put up or shut up. You make a post with inaccurate information, now you posted that so you tell someone who knows the IAM M&R Contract backwards and forward what do you mean or is it just your usual BS to make people get scared?
Give that man a cigar.

Of course "reports" (from unidentified sources, no less) indicate as such, so is must be so.

The entire house of cards seems to be predicated upon another round of concessions from all unions on the property. If one does not play ball (and it certainly looks like the IAM has decided on their course of action), it will go bad for all groups. This, of course, scares the pants off the ALPA guys, as they are the only group left who have jobs and income levels that would be almost impossible to replace in the event of a U liquidation.

Ergo, the FUD we see in the media and on this BB.
Thats right let alpa guys take the hit they make all the big money
they will try to give as less as possible and make fleet, ticket.and MTC
give the most like they always do. This time they will be stopped in their
28yearsnojob said:
Thats right let alpa guys take the hit they make all the big money
they will try to give as less as possible and make fleet, ticket.and MTC
give the most like they always do. This time they will be stopped in their
Have you ever known a certain captain to encourage the other labor groups to do something that wouldn't benefit him? I didn't think so! Savy
To anyone who thinks that no pay for deadhead is not critical, please remember that time balancing will require deadheading for out of base trips. This alone will create massive amounts of deadheading as scheduling covers trips by assigning the low time pilot without regard to how many hours of deadheading are required. You could essentially have a very limited number of reserves in base and deadhead reserve coverage out of one very large base. Imagine deadheading to the coast to cover a sick call and only get paid for the leg home, or deadheading to cover a "system" trip that never materializes, such as a ferry, and then deadheading home for no pay at all (or rig which will probably be lost also).
The other issues seem more obvious, but this is the sleeper that will cause misery if not closely monitored. I fear great abuse of the provision of no pay for deadhead.

I agree. While deadhead isn't a major factor in the current pairings, as soon as it is "no pay" there will probably be a lot more of it - and that's just for line holders. The computer program that builds the pairings only cares about minimizing non-productive pay time - hence our current "productivity breaks".

usfliboi said:
PITbull said:
Ah, come on USfli, you just love to give. You should be waiting with anticipation...Pilots are just helping you out if they give this...so you can keep your butt on the airplane just a little longer! :up:

Its time for those "productivity enhancements" you have been bantering for..."help Dave", help Dave, he's only human, he's only human", blah, blah, blah...
Pit are you the only one on here who feels they are right and every one is wrong? I stated a fact .... AFA wanted to keep "me too" cant have your cake and eat "it" too... I deal with facts not rumor or speculation or emotion. I dont want to give anymore than you do . I for one dont operate my life from looking under neath a sand pile. Thank God Dave isnt either.
usfliboi why did you come to work at US Airways? Really? Why? Bash AFA all you want but you wouldn't want to work here if they had negotiated shi**y contracts for the past thirty years. You 'boi' are a direct benefactor of past good faith contract negotiations. You think you could do better? Run for office then. You're always putting down those higher on the senority roster. Sometimes a snot nosed gen Xer like you needs a little reality break. Go fly for a non union airline boi it's your natural habitat.
There are two issues that I have a comment about. The issue of being paid to deadhead and duty rigs. Isn't it the company's fault for inefficiently building scheduled trips with deadheads? There are no provisions in any of the contracts that says that crews have to deadhead to pick up trips or return to base. That is a fault of the company and building poor trip pairings and the crews shouldn't have to pay for that by not being paid.

As an example, PHL is presently the only crew base Overwater - Caribeean operations. This was the companies choice. So we currently have crews that will deadhead from PHL to CLT, PIT, BOS, IAD, LGA and DCA to pick up trips. Someone finally realized that this is an inefficient use of our crew resources and severly restricts our operational flexibility and CLT Crews are being trained on Overwater Operations. Training should be completed by the end of Feb. So is it the fault of the crews and their contracts or was it the fault of the company for not training other bases?

The same can be said for duty rigs. Is it the fault of the contracts or the company that the trip pairings are built with so much down time? Instead of lowering the duty rigs, wouldn't it make more sense to increase the efficiencies of scheduling crews and airplanes? Once again the rolling PHL hub idea would increase crew efficenceis and reduce the need for duty rigs.

To me, if these items are what the company is looking for in the contracts, then it they are not really looking at scheduling things efficiently. It is easier to bang on the employee rather then trying to utilize the crews and airplanes better. So what is really going to change in the "business plan" besides taking things out on the employees. These items are not the problem in the contracts. How we manage our resources is the problem. Start there first!
NONE OF THIS MATTERS!!! REVENUE IS THE KEY !!! Management is admitting, by their actions, that they do not have any idea as to how to increase revenue. Cutting costs is a temporary solution at best. And a huge down side to these actions is, they make UAIR a terrible place to work! What is this, 40 years of progress down the tubes in a few years?...such a proud legacy. :(
28yearsnojob said:
Thats right let alpa guys take the hit they make all the big money
they will try to give as less as possible and make fleet, ticket.and MTC
give the most like they always do. This time they will be stopped in their
Obviously you have no clue what you're talking about. We gave everytime you or anyone else did and after all that...they took our pension. Every time the company wants more, where do they start...ALPA. We're the FIRST ones on the chopping block. And we ALWAYS end up stepping up to the plate.

A320 Driver :down:

How about some cheez with that whine, 28!
Autofixer is dead right. Without a viable business strategy, the employees could work for free and the airline still fail. What will be different if there's concessions by the workforce????? . . . . marginally lower costs that still won't compete with JB and SWA? Does U still want to run feeders and a hub and spoke? Still want to run international routes? Still operate more than one fleet type????? If U is going to compete solely on the basis of an airline ticket price, then Dave might as well fold 'em now, because HE CAN'T complete while still trying to operate an traditional international airline. Dave's just rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking ship. He needs to decide on what kind of airline he wants U to be. Unfortunately, I think it's too late. I hope not, but my gut check says otherwise. The sad fact is that there's 20% too much capacity in the US airline system right now and will be for some time to come. Supply and demand, you can't get away from it.
ALPA represents about 10% of the workforce, is 30% of the total labor expense, and has provided greater than 60% of the concessions. ALPA was the only labor group to meet its targeted concessions and the only labor group to have its DB pension plan terminated. No other union can make these claims.

In my opinion, there will be new CBA’s between all of the labor groups and US Airways and if not, the company could end up liquidating because of ATSB and RSA requirements.

If a person hates working at US Airways they have the option to resign and go work somewhere else. Furthermore, before the resignation or liquidation, I believe its' better to have a job while searching for another job because you have pay, benefits, and travel privileges during the transition versus unemployment and Cobra..

In regard to the IAM, I am not free to discuss the issue, but without a resolution to the A320 overhaul and work rule issue that is acceptable to the company and the union, I understand the IAM-M could see some major negative changes imposed on their members that are permitted in the current CBA.



We've already downsized. The more we downsize, the more the LCC carriers come in to fill the capacity we left behind. Our flights are full. We broke records for trafffic in Janaury. The problems are the lack of utilization of the planes, gates, route structure, and fare price inconsistencies. Fuel should be hedged, and mangement should be trying to bridge relationships. Trust is vital at this juncture, and you can't just will the ill feelings to evaporate. This management has taken no steps to change the way we do business

You can always throw money at problems to keep afloat, but at the end of the day, the holes still exist. Modifying our work rules absent the above first, will only "burnout" your labor force and create more ill will, bad press, pax discontent, and failure.
USA320Pilot said:
In regard to the IAM, I am not free to discuss the issue, but without a resolution to the A320 overhaul and work rule issue that is acceptable to the company and the union, I understand the IAM-M could see some major negative changes imposed on their members that are permitted in the current CBA.


You know what, you really need to seek some help. You have a serious denial problem.

You post inaccurate information, deliberate falsehoods and when someone calls you out you either fail to reply or keep up the fiction.

You need a serious reality check, come out of your little fantasy world and get a dose or reality.

Come tell me what under my contract the company can envoke to make it worse?

I will tell you the answer, not a damn thing, because they would have done it all ready, enough with your blantant misinformation, try using the facts, oh wait if you did that you would have nothing to post and nothing to try to scare the good and honest employees here at US Airways.

Can you actually tell the differance between fact and fiction anymore?

You don't know a darn thing about the IAM contract nor what the company's plan is, and I don't want to hear we gave this we gave that. There are more laidoff mechanics, utility and flight attendants then pilots.

Pull out your calculator, the simple reason you gave more is cause you make WAY more then any other employee group on the property.

An A330 Captain made in excess of way over $200,000 a year for flying two trips a week, while a lowly utility person was lucky to make $30,000 working 40 hours a week, so take your invitation to your own pity party and stuff it.

The real truth is you are scared and you want to scare everyone else.

Why don't you take the time and educate yourself on the issues and the truth instead of trying to instill fear with outright falsehoods.

If you were so smart and know one tenth of what you claim why are you flying airplanes instead of running the company?