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Mainline Pilot Manning

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First I am NOT defending pitbull she is the last person who needs defending as she manages that herself with no problems.

You are the one who is a weirdo, bragging about how you had people fired then telling everyone else what's right and what's wrong with the world.

I am not one bit interested in debating you Bob. I don't like you at all and think you are a jerk in need of some help with the way you carry on daily on these board spouting all you deluded wisdom.

I said it before and I’ll say it again Bobby boy, notice BOY. I will leave you alone and you do the same and we will be as happy as ALPA is with Lakefield, and you are with this management and their ways.
PineyBob said:
If you can't debate on the merits then resort to personal attack.
That might be just a tad hypocritical coming from you. 🙄

Time to adjust the meds, you are really becoming shrill, personal, and sounding more bizarre each day.

Wishing you good mental health and a nice weekend...

Turn off the computer, take a walk outside.... R E L A X. :blink:

Just curious PITbull, could you ever say that ANYONE who disagrees with your position has Integrity?
i must go on record saying "i chose to disagree with her before i agreed" :lol:
:cop: This thread is drifting. Please avoid personal insults or someone will be sent to the cornfield for the weekend.
PineyBob said:
the agony of reading US Aviation where approximately 7 or .00025 percent of the employees tell the world how the other 28,000 are thinking or feeling.

Just exactly who annointed you God any way? If you can't debate on the merits then resort to personal attack.
What about the agony of reading USAviation where 1 or .000000000025 percent of customers try to tell 28,000 employees how and why they should change their lifes and do what he says is best.

Just who annointed you God anyway? Oh I forgot you are 1 customer or just .000000000025 percent but you pay the employees salary. Yea ok
DOA@Airport said:
I see that you had to use a period of over 200 years to find 5 examples of military misconduct. I wonder how many military men and women have served over that period and what % of them were involved in any kind of misconduct like your examples?

In you ongoing fervor to attack and discredit A320, you have chosen to bash your own country's military in a pathetic effort to score a trite debating point. If A320 had said he admired Lakefield because he was Catholic, you'd be on here bashing the Pope and the Virgin Mary.

It would really be easy for me to get angry at pathetic dirtballs who stoop to such tactics...but actually, I feel sorry for you. And even more sorry for those people who have to be around you.
He could bash the abusive priests?

The point is there are good and bad people in all professions and just because someones in a certain profession it doesn't mean he is a good guy.

And to make my point:

USA320Pilot comments: As a retired military officer I take offense to your comment

I say ...case closed
PineyBob said:
To Walmart Greeter,

I am always skeptical of folks who pretend to speak for the masses. I am not a huge fan of some of A320's posts but he is free to post here, hopefully free from personal attacks.
Bob are you saying that Walmart Greeter is not wlecome to post facts that you perceive as personal attacks?
ual06 said:
9/11 ?????????????????????????????????????????
And linked to Iraq how??

Not to say the Middle East isn't a breeding ground for terrorists, or that they have no particular love for us.

But it was either keep our eye on the ball - OBL and associates - or nuke the whole Middle East, including our 'friends', the Saudis.
A military career, just as a career in the priesthood, or as a nurse or schoolteacher, does not, in and of itself, confer honor or dishonor.

There are long lists on each side of the equation. I know two retired Navy captains well. One is a complete scoundrel. The other is an honorable gentleman - and he is that, even though I disagree frequently with his politics.

Just as a fun sidebar - If serving in the military was, of itself, honorable, why does the military issue dishonorable discharges?

Things make sense, if you let them 😉
PineyBob said:
I'm not sure what his diatribe added to the debate is all! A320 is an interesting guy. I choose to challenge his assumptions not his personal integrity or lack thereof.

You and I tend to disagree, I certainly don't hate you. Annoyed maybe, yes! For the most part you are civil, lucid and well spoken. I think it's possible and preferred to avoid the personal attack and stay more focused on issues at hand.

Frankly I think it makes for a more robust debate when the personal stuff stays out.
Posted: Jun 18 2004, 10:57 PM
QUOTE (USA320Pilot @ Jun 19 2004, 03:55 AM)

USA320Pilot said: “I also like the fact he is honest and a fellow Naval Officer.â€￾

You have been kicked off the ALPA boards for lying and personal threats against fellow pilots (me). You need so sit out for a while and decide who you are for. Take a break. You are NOT a fine example of a retired military official, you are in fact the reverse. Take a break. We are all ashamed of you. Greeter.



The fact of the matter is USA320Pilot is the one that said he was honest person making insinuation that all naval officers were honest and since he was one, he was too.!!!
Wallmart greeter offered a first person fact regarding USA320Pilot's conduct on his own unions posting board. That he was actually kicked off (or suspended) for lying and personal threats. I have pointed out times USA320Pilot lied on this board so I also tend to agree he is far from a good let alone fine example of a retired (good)military official.
Wallmart did tend to speak for everyone about the ashamed part and he didn't make it clear who his "all" represented, was it employees, customers, officers or everyone.
I would say you and maybe I have also come off as speaking for more then just ourselfs before.
For the record I would say "tend" wouldn't be strong enough word for our tendances toward disagreeing, though USA320Pilot certainly takes that cake. Ditto the hate and annoyed part.
US Airways vote no:

US Airways vote no said: "The fact of the matter is USA320Pilot is the one that said he was honest person making insinuation that all naval officers were honest and since he was one, he was too.!!! Wallmart greeter offered a first person fact regarding USA320Pilot's conduct on his own unions posting board. That he was actually kicked off (or suspended) for lying and personal threats. I have pointed out times USA320Pilot lied on this board so I also tend to agree he is far from a good let alone fine example of a retired (good)military official.

USA320Pilot states: That's untrue. Before you misrepresent information I suggest you obtain the facts. As I have said to you before about cut and pasting private PM/s and then psoting the PM in public, your lack of decorum and now passing on false information speaks for itself. By the way, were you ever in the military and if not, how to possess to know anything about it? Any organization has bad apples, but the U.S. military has some of the most honorable men and women in the world. In regard to Mr. Lakefield, he is an honest and forthright man, regardless of whether or not he was a Naval Officer.



Walmartgreeter said: "You have been kicked off the ALPA boards for lying and personal threats against fellow pilots (me). You need so sit out for a while and decide who you are for. Take a break. You are NOT a fine example of a retired military official, you are in fact the reverse. Take a break. We are all ashamed of you. Greeter."

USA320Pilot says: "You my friend are a liar!


USA320Pilot said:
USA320Pilot says: "You my friend are a liar!
Now isn't that the pot calling the kettle black!
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