TomBascom said:
Sounds like you are pretty miserable. I'd advise you to quit.
Me, I don't mind the travel that comes with my job-- in fact I quite enjoy it.
Heck, I'm not miserable. I'm ok with it. I even enjoy it (most of the time anyway...) I just don't get how someone can think that just because they work for an airline they're somehow unique in having to deal with the hassles of travel and being away from home and family a lot. If it causes someone problems and stress then they really ought to find a different job.
Well I can't speak for others. I am just commenting on YOUR postings.
It seems like whenever someone in the airline industry posts the slightest indication that they have had a legitimate issue with the travel that is an inherent part of their work, you are immediately on here posting about how "You think YOU have it bad... you should see how bad ***I*** have it" (as if anyone cares), like some sort of poor martyr.
It comes across as this: "You think YOU have it bad walking to school in the snow... when ***I*** was your age, we had eight feet of snow on the ground we had to trudge through to get to school, year round. And WE had to walk five times as far as you did. AND it was uphill-- BOTH WAYS!"
And you don't seem to hesitate one millisecond to recommend that if someone doesn't like it, maybe their job isn't a good match for them.
And you seem to be insanely jealous that other people (i.e., airline employees) have negotiated (through their evil unions) certain protections that come into play should their employer take advantage of their desire to be employed and abuse them while they are on the road.
All of which seems to indicate to me that you are some poor schlub who is trapped in a job where much travel is required; you hate to travel; you are jealous of others who have the benefits of a collective bargaining agreement to protect them from the excessive greed of their employer; and how DARE anyone voice any type of dissent or try to improve things at their workplace-- we should be thankful just to have a job.
I agree with this part of your post though:
<If [travel] causes someone problems and stress then they really ought to find a different job.>
From this neutral oberver's perch, travel seems to cause you problems and stress.
So I guess you ought to find a different job.