Bear96 said:Fliboi, I think you have already made it clear that you are willing to work for $0, even if U were profitable.
DCFlyer said:Everyone I know seems to fly just fine on Comair, American Eagle, Mesa and the rest just fine. Why are you worth so much more?
michael707767 said:Just to tag onto that, CMR, Eagle and Mesa are profitable. Why is our CEO worth more than theirs?
DCFlyer said:My Qualifications are an Undergrad and Grad Degree in the DC area. What do I make about 100k a year and have no union protections. At will Employment if you call it. I don't deserve more then I have earned - and it could change any day without me walking out.
BoeingBoy said:Without even reading between the lines, it is pretty apparent that you believe airline employees should only be paid as much as whoever is willing to do the job for the least - or you're just stirring the pot for the fun of it.
It's also reasonably apparent your knowledge of airline operations doesn't extend much beyond calling reservations and pushing the call bell button. Various comments about what various employees do and don't do make that obvious (loved the comment about the co-pilot "riding back and forth to Europe for fun and getting paid") - or you're just stirring the pot for the fun of it.
<_< OP is a troll. Finish or ignore.....
Boeing Boy save your intelligent and articulate debate for someone worthy of it. 😉
DCFlyer said:Final Note Jim - here is what I said "those extra co-pilots who flew to europe for fun on the clock in a business or first class seat". Please lay out the FAA requirements and then reconsider your comment.
deano said:I have a fewquestions for you: Just who in the hell are you anyway worrying about what people earn and asking them to justify it? Who appointed you King Tutu? Who gave you the final authority to even ask let alone pry into another mans personal business? Since when did passengers earn the right to say a damn thing about airline employees personal affairs? The Pineybob syndrome must be contagious and eradicate ASAP
BoeingBoy said:Sorry about the misquote - didn't take the time to dig it out and went from memory.
Since I know the FAA requirements I'll keep my comment intact, thank you. If you knew the FAA requirements you'd know how far off your comment was. But it was in line with many of your other comments.....
Busdrvr said:I was an Airline Pilot at a major.
Qualifications (I'm "typical"): Graduated from one of the top 5 Universities in the nation. SAT/ACT scores in top 1%, GRE's, top 4%. BS, MBA, currently working on PhD. Over 5000 flight hours (3500 military, 350 combat). Flight Instructor in supersonic trainer. Trained US and allied pilots. Worldwide experience, . . .
And humble too!! 🙄
Your post is WAY too long. Come on, you talk about why pilots contracts are so long, if your long-windedness is any indication, it is easy to understand. Although you have some valid points, people do not want to read a diseratation-save that for your doctorate.
elmerfishpaw said:I don't work for USAirways, but I do work for another airline. The question you ask is beyond tacky. I think a certain percentage of customers need to learn the difference between SERVICE and SERVITUDE. Just asking the question implys that you think you'll get an answer. Really, my financial opinions are none of your business.
WRONG! It is a perfectly valid question, that is what half these posts are about-people whining because they cant command a salary they feel they are "entitled" to.