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On 4/25/2003 9:47:35 AM PITbull wrote:

Take it easy Aeroman....

Ask me if I was offended? Answer. No.

I respect your opinions and expressions...and your last post about a new dictionary made me smile.

That wasn''t intended for you Pitbull. I also respect your opinions and expressions even though we disagree from time to time. It''s scary to say that sometimes I even agree with you but thankfully those times are few and far between! The thing that got the thorn in my foot was the insinuation made by the moderator. I''m glad you weren''t offended as it wasn''t intended to be a comment to offend but rather to cause a chuckle. I wasn''t familiar with the text you used and indeed used Merrian-Webster to familiarize myself with it.
On 4/25/2003 10:55:26 AM PineyBob wrote:

See LavMan the got ya!

"material adverse impact " WTF is that and just who decides? A court? Arbitration?


Not for arbitration...this was imposed on ALL employees... who decides are the courts.

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