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What Are You Really Worth?

DCFlyer said:
I responded to your question " I have yet to see an agent wand me, fix the seat belts (sp), drive the de-icer.... They may fill out the security paper work...but back to my origional thread please answer the question."
What more do you want you asked me, I responded....bring it on! Spell out what more you want. I agree it ain't 9-5 but what did they sign up for?
I'll gladly take what i signed up for 6 years ago.
You sir,are an idiot for even starting this post. Go fly Value Jet, or whatever they call themselves now.

Thanks for the details.

So at $28.00 an hour what is the min-max one could make a year? Working the least possible number of hours or with full overtime?

Small Point - We all have a lot of expenses - but isn't the Per Diem supposed to cover tipping hotel van drivers?
DCFlyer said:

Thanks for the details.

So at $28.00 an hour what is the min-max one could make a year? Working the least possible number of hours or with full overtime?

I have no choice about the least number or the most number of hours I work. I am on reserve-and will be for many many more years if U survives. My "guarantee" is 71 hours/month. Figure 28 x 71 x 12. You do the math-I dont have time-(don't forget taxes) Gotta go commute to base to sit in a hotel ($79 a night) and wait for a New Years trip. (Ooooooohhh...maybe I'll get Syracuse this year!!!) Paying the sitter $35 a day for 3 kids, btw. It just keeps dribbling out....
4merresrat said:
elmerfishpaw said:
I don't work for USAirways, but I do work for another airline. The question you ask is beyond tacky. I think a certain percentage of customers need to learn the difference between SERVICE and SERVITUDE. Just asking the question implys that you think you'll get an answer. Really, my financial opinions are none of your business.
WRONG! It is a perfectly valid question, that is what half these posts are about-people whining because they cant command a salary they feel they are "entitled" to.

Too bad, I think it's tacky. He's an obvious troll. What would he/she do with the information besides for use in annoying everyone in a snarky way with why they shouldn't be worth all that. Discussing money is always in bad taste. What I gathered from the post, there was no altruistic motive.
Okay so 28x71x12 = 23,856 - Now what about all of these contract line items? Senior Pay Premiums? Aft Lead Premiums? Holding Pay? Understaffing Pay? International Pay? Training Pay? Language? Galley Pay? Holiday Pay? The list goes on....what is reasonable for a F/A? 30k...40k...50k...60k...70k...80k?

I know you work your butts off...but after all of this complaining. I am trying to get to the bottom line.
DCFlyer said:
Okay so 28x71x12 = 23,856 - Now what about all of these contract line items? Senior Pay Premiums? Aft Lead Premiums? Holding Pay? Understaffing Pay? International Pay? Training Pay? Language? Galley Pay? Holiday Pay? The list goes on....what is reasonable for a F/A? 30k...40k...50k...60k...70k...80k?

I know you work your butts off...but after all of this complaining. I am trying to get to the bottom line.
Why don't you ask what are the TOP dogs are worth? Where’s the outcry over golden parachutes for people that have been on the property for mere months becoming instant millions for accomplising zero!? You stir the crap trying to get people to justify what "little" they earn. You are a real piece of work, grad student my a-z-z. My son is also a grad student not far from his doctorate and thank GOD has more common sense they you obviously will never have.
DCFlyer said:
what is reasonable for a F/A? 30k...40k...50k...60k...70k...80k?

I know you work your butts off...but after all of this complaining. I am trying to get to the bottom line.


Perhaps the question should be raised in another manner: such as, how little is too little?

24K a year for a flight attendant with 6-7 years? (Sigh.)

The facts are rather evident: with no pension, minimal company 401(k) match, high medical deductibles, unpredictable schedule, questionable industry stability, no retiree medical, and on and on, PLUS a substandard paycheck, wouldn't you be just a smidge perturbed?

Does complaining solve anything? Of course not. But please, please show these people the empathy they deserve. Many are going through exceptional financial and personal turmoil by remaining dedicated to the future viability of an airline they once loved.

DCFlyer said:
Okay so 28x71x12 = 23,856 - Now what about all of these contract line items? Senior Pay Premiums? Aft Lead Premiums? Holding Pay? Understaffing Pay? International Pay? Training Pay? Language? Galley Pay? Holiday Pay? The list goes on....what is reasonable for a F/A? 30k...40k...50k...60k...70k...80k?

I know you work your butts off...but after all of this complaining. I am trying to get to the bottom line.

Senior Pay Premiums? Aft Lead Premiums? Holding Pay? Understaffing Pay? International Pay? Training Pay? Language? Galley Pay? Holiday Pay?

Hmmm...you don't GET these if you are not flying! International Pay? Aft Lead Premiums + Language? (International Only) I cant hold International. Holding Pay? Good Luck trying to GET it. Understaffing Pay? There is no more understaffing because there are no meals. Galley Pay? What's that? Holiday pay? Think about it-How many times does a credited holiday come along? At any rate, for a 3 day over Easter, I got $125 extra. Senior pay? 1.75 an hour. For a three day, (IF you can HOLD senior) it's about $25. Training pay? Sixty bucks a day for traveling to a base at 6 am and returning at 9 pm and 60 bucks for 8 hours of home study. Per year=$120.

Any other "premiums" you would like to address?
DCFlyer said:
I guess someone appointed you God - My only qualm is that US Airways is messing up the Star Alliance. I asked one question, and nobody will respond.
What do you mean by " messing up the Star Alliance " ? Do you have Dividend Miles? BTW, I will not answer your question about what you think my salary should be..... all I'll say about that is it is less that it was 10 yrs ago, oops..............4 months ago. :blink:
You are proving my point exactly. Airline Employees always toss around these meaningless numbers. Let me ask the question another way - Why don't we use something like Gross Compensation. If her total salary is 24k for the year, as I am being led to believe....I will give up on this.

I have plenty of empathy - but when they mess with a bunch of people by calling in sick. One has to wonder what is a reasonable salary?

ps. What should be a standard paycheck for a F/A?
you are in the back of an aircraft enjoying a frosty beverage, perhaps 3 hrs into your 5 hr flight. across the isle a person begins to have shortness of breath, turns blue and slumps.

in the next 20mins, the first aid kit is opened, the automatic defibulator is applied, the plane from 35000 feet is on ground with in 27mins, during that time, besides coordinating any efforts in the back, contacting medlink (a doctor), coordinating with atc to move airplanes out of the way, taking a descent that nomrally would take 30mins down to less than 15, ensuring the appropriate people are awaiting your arrival with paramedics and ambulence ready, flying an down and dirty (minimums approach) and getting that person on the ground and to medical personel in under 30mins.

now tell you tell me how much i'm worth.

picture this, that person was your mother, father, brother, sister, daughter or son, now how much am worth?

you live

now how much am i worth?
some dark stormy night you are out over the midatlantic. its late december, the water below has ships heading for cover. there's a bang, a shudder, and now the plane shakes. you are at least 90mins from landing,

now bring the plane down safely with 300 people with only one engine.

upon landing ask each and every one how much am i worth?
DCFlyer said:
If her total salary is 24k for the year, as I am being led to believe....I will give up on this.


"As you are being led to believe???" It is all there in black and white! I make $28 hour. $14 after getting paid half. My guarantee is 71. There are 12 months in a year. What am I leading you to believe that's not true???
As a CSA I made 45,000 per year before any of the paycuts. I believe that I would now make 32,000 per year if I was still with U. Add to that the benefit cuts....pension/vacation/sick leave/medical insurance premiums... and the compensation is more like 22,000 per year. Yes, I was well compensated for my time at U. That is why I worked shift work, holidays, mandatory overtime and 17 hour days with no meal break. On a bad weather day I even had a couple of customers knock on the stall door in the bathroom to ask questions! I was pounced on in the hallway, interrupted when I was trying to take care of my customers, spit on, screamed at, threatened and stalked! I really loved my job and I dealt with all of these situations with professionalism because I WAS WELL COMPENSATED!!!

BTW, I was a security manager the first year after 911. I wanded customers and was fully qualified to perform ANY security functions in the airport. TSA contracted with the airlines for that first year to use airline employees in that function.

It was a great job at one time, but not now. You really get what you pay for and I am worth far more than U is paying now!

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