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What Are You Really Worth?

those things dont happen every day i understand that but those people get on the plane Expecting employees to be able to handle those and other situations as well as the nice sunny day with no wind and a long dry runway.

thats what you pay me for, for the ability to handle those situations whether or not they occur once in a lifetime or once a day. when they occur on your flight by god give them all they are worth right? but what on the non event days give them less?

no you pay them to maintain a level of proficiency day in and day out. a level of professionalism that does not change with the day, month, weather, holiday. its just there, like it was decades before, or last week or next week.

picture you sending your child to school

begining in late aug or early sept. and then they come home in early june some 190-200 days later. except, they do not come home after school, they do not come home for dinner, they are not home during the weekends, they do not come home during holiday periods, they simply are not home 200 days out of 365.

that is what you pay me for. that is what my time is worth. you are paying me not only for my skills but i am trading my time for cash, on average crews spend 200 days a year away from home. period.

how much am i worth? millions (check out any flight crew 4 days post 9/11 that walked thru the terminal to their respective planes and got back in the air. bear in mind more flight crew died that day than police officers) but thats not they will pay nor what will ever be offered. you earn what you get, not what you are worth, that is what they call a contract. sometimes its good, sometimes its bad. but then nobody has ever said you must do this job. that purely is by my choice until such time I choose no longer to do it.
DCFlyer said:
I grow tired of all this whining: 😛

I think this thread has proven a point - that nobody here will give me a real number. Most of the numbers referenced here are a comparison (WN). US Air is not WN.

Here are my findings so far:

Mechs are more educated then pilots - they deserve every penny.

ATO Agents should make $25 an hour + benefits because that is what WN makes.

Pilots are really smart and important people - plus flying is really complicated. They should make a lot of money so one day they can read magazines in a glass cockpit.

Most interesting of all is we couldn't get answers from Flight Attendants or Baggage Handlers. I guess they are out sick with a doctors note.

Final Note Jim - here is what I said "those extra co-pilots who flew to europe for fun on the clock in a business or first class seat". Please lay out the FAA requirements and then reconsider your comment.

If you are really tired of all this whining then why don't you leave this forum?Happy New Year
You are right, Javaboy! I was compensated for all the irregularity in my life and that is why I did the job. Take away the money, the benefits and the perks and all there is left is a very difficult job. I have worked many a shift/day/week/month of irregular operations in my time. I would need a lot of money to give up my weekends/holidays off now that I have tasted it!!

😀 😀
deano said:
Who in the hell appointed you GOD of everyone’s business anyway, PAL?

WOW...DC you must have hit a nerve!!! Yet, I still haven't seen an answer to your question either.

As I mentioned in other posts, I am a nurse & almost always, in every hospital, when the place is losing money, it's blamed on nursing being expensive. But, who takes care of you in the hospital? It's a nurse...

What is it worth to you to have an educated, professional RN at your bedside? Should they get $10/hr, $20/hr, $30/hr?

In the same vein, what should a pilot or F/A or bag handler earn?

Salaries are always under discussion & what someone is worth for a dollar amt is hard to answer. As that RN at the bedside, I have a salary that's acceptable. Of course I would like more...we are all told to be happy in this country it takes more, more, more.

DC Flyer is simply asking what is an acceptable salary range? The flying consumer doesn't know - if you guys are going to keep railing management over pay cuts & wage issues, let us know what that is...keep your loyal customers in the loop. Should bag handlers earn $40K, 60K, 100K. A pilot, $200/hr? I mean really...$200/hr x 72 hrs/month x 12 months = $172,800 per year...pretty good for 72 hrs of work...I work 164 hrs/month & don't begin to make that.

So deano...what are good ranges?
resqicunurse said:
deano said:
Who in the hell appointed you GOD of everyone’s business anyway, PAL?

WOW...DC you must have hit a nerve!!!

So deano...what are good ranges?
Jerry is a what's called a specialist. His trade is human brutality the kind that affects not only your pocket book, but your mind. There is a special chamber in hell that awaits such individuals with its lowest setting being twelve thousand degrees Celsius.

I"ll take one for the team from a mechanics perspective.

A top scale experienced AMT[A&P] who works directly on the aircraft or engines or related components should earn between $ 35.00 and $ 42.00 per hour.
This is based on heavy aircraft experience and working on Boeing 727-737-757,MD82 & 83's,and F-100 aircraft.

Swa [Southwest] pays their top scale mechanics approx $38.00/ per hour
UPS pays their top scale mechanics approx $42.00/ per hour

AA pays their top scale mechanics approx $30.00/hour [I know]
note [ we were at approx $36.00 per hour before concessions]
We were being properly compensated BEFORE the CONCESSIONS.

What does a top scale USAir mechanic currently earn?

Add into the receipe reduced or no retirement,reduced payed vacation and Holidays,reduced payed sick time and overtime rates and you wind up with a LARGE group of DISGRUNTLED employees.

It appears that SWA and UPS understand the importance of compensating AMT's properly for their skills.

I've got too many years invested at AA to leave now so I'll have to ride the ship where ever it takes me. [Including possibly sinking]
A 16 year UAIR mechanic is worth much more elswere. I know, I'm there! This is the reality of what an AMT is worth outside of the field. Looks like the airlines are just the bottom stepping stone in a technical career now. Unfortunate.
ggu23311 said:
A 16 year UAIR mechanic is worth much more elswere. I know, I'm there! This is the reality of what an AMT is worth outside of the field. Looks like the airlines are just the bottom stepping stone in a technical career now. Unfortunate.
sadly driving a delivery truck for some companies is a step up for many A&P's which only requires a commercial drivers license. to aquire your A&P certificates you must have 18-24 months of technical training before you can apply to take the oral and practical test which must be given by an FAA Designee. If you receive training with an FAA approved trade school the cost can exceed $20,000.00 dollars depending on the school and location. Once licensed most have to start at the Minor Leagues to gain experience because usually the Majors require 48 months of Heavy Aircraft Experience, then once an A&P is hired by a Major its usually a 10 year progression to the top pay scale. Lets not forget you are held liable for every component you repair or change, every structural repair you make, every aircraft you sign off as Airworthy and can be criminally prosecuted for any negligence on your part recieving Fines, license suspension, and up to Inprisonment. It is a Tremendous responsibility having literally millions of lives in your hands at any one time, yet we are constantly told we are over compensated for what we do not only by the Airlines but by the very people who place their safety in our hands!
local 12 proud said:
sadly driving a delivery truck for some companies is a step up for many A&P's which only requires a commercial drivers license. to aquire your A&P certificates you must have 18-24 months of technical training before you can apply to take the oral and practical test which must be given by an FAA Designee. If you receive training with an FAA approved trade school the cost can exceed $20,000.00 dollars depending on the school and location. Once licensed most have to start at the Minor Leagues to gain experience because usually the Majors require 48 months of Heavy Aircraft Experience, then once an A&P is hired by a Major its usually a 10 year progression to the top pay scale. Lets not forget you are held liable for every component you repair or change, every structural repair you make, every aircraft you sign off as Airworthy and can be criminally prosecuted for any negligence on your part recieving Fines, license suspension, and up to Inprisonment. It is a Tremendous responsibility having literally millions of lives in your hands at any one time, yet we are constantly told we are over compensated for what we do not only by the Airlines but by the very people who place their safety in our hands!

This is a very good posting relating to mechanics.
DCFlyer said:
This is crazy - from what I read (on usaviation) for United (as your post origionally referenced). The block holders had something like 36 hours a month. Plus those extra co-pilots who flew to europe for fun on the clock in a business or first class seat (because the union thought it was a good idea). I didn't bring United into this - you did.
Obviously you are trying to antagonize airline employees, it's too bad you didn't get sucked out of the UAL plane out of HNL.
You are either an idiot for posting stuff like pilots only working 30 hours a month, or you have an agenda. Either way shut the he&* up!
Please drive, or at least don't post...
deano said:
I have a fewquestions for you: Just who in the hell are you anyway worrying about what people earn and asking them to justify it? Who appointed you King Tutu? Who gave you the final authority to even ask let alone pry into another mans personal business? Since when did passengers earn the right to say a damn thing about airline employees personal affairs?

deano said:

Customers are like kids, to be seen and not heard.

DCFlyer said:
By no means am I the final authority, but as a tax payer I deserve to have some answers.
neverhome said:
Actually, I too am a taxpayer and have no idea how much they make at U. And guess what, it's none of my business and it's none of yours. Why don't you post what you do for a living and let these people tell you how much you should make? Good grief, your arrogance is astounding.
diogenes said:
Well, if that's all an agent did.
A lot of agents perform security checks, clean the a/c, deice it, is accountable to TSA on security, FAA on safety, etc. And it ain't 9-5 with holidays and weekends off.
sentrido said:
As a tax payer, I demand respect dammit! :angry:
deano said:
Who in the hell appointed you GOD of everyone’s business anyway, PAL?
I suggest no one respond to this whacko.

You know, I've been sitting here reading all this garbage, and I was going to take Curt's advice; but I just couldn't contain myself any longer. So you're a taxpayer, and you deserve to have some answers; DC. Well, I'm a taxpayer too. So, I'd like a few answers myself. How's your credit rating? You mind if I take a look at your checkbook? You got any kids? I need to talk to your wife about your love making skills. We might need to discuss your technique. Where do you work? I might need to meet with your boss and look at your last few performance reviews. How's your standing in your church? Hey, nothing personal, DC. I'm just a taxpayer; ya know? I deserve some answers. You ever been arrested? Recently? Just asking. You know; just trying to get to the bottom line. Just exercising my right as a taxpayer to delve into your private #### man! Nothing personal. You arrogant bag of hot air. I don't care if you're a mole, or a troll, or a plane ole a hole. I don't appreciate your questions, or your insinuations. I know what I'm worth buddy boy; but you aint worth very much to me!!! :down:

DCFlyer said:
Mr. Neverhome,
You are killing me (and everyone else)...so pilots were making more then the president of the US - we can go into details with the benefits and the likes (specifically union pensions and healthcare after retirement). But bottom line is that pilots were making more then the US President.
Abstract: The salary of the President of the United States remained unchanged, at $200,000 per annum from 1969 to 2001
Please let me know why a Pilot should be making more then the President of the Free World?

You think the President's ever made a dead stick in a Airbus with 200 passengers on board, with no fuel and limited flight controls, with a one shot chance of getting it on the ground without cracking it up or putting it in the drink and killing everyone on board? How much is the polot and copilot worth DC?

4merresrat said:
I think it is a perfectly valid question, he SIMPLY asked what do you as the worker feel a fair wage is? What do you as the worker feel you are worth? What do you as the worker feel is worth it to you to show up to work? what do you as the worker feel it will take that you feel appreciated and will come with an appropriate attitude and willing to work? By the looks of these posts -min $25.00 an hr, 50K plus a year for a customer service rep-that is laughable. Considering 95% of customer service agents in the us make $35,000 a year or less. You are in dream land, and as soon as U goes under you will start making 18-20k a year.

I'm a Fleet Service Lead Agent. I'm in charge of a crew of four to six agents a day. I coordinate the unloading and loading of aircraft. Depending on aircraft type I may also be in charge of weight and balance. I handle live animals, hazardous material, air starts, ground power units, de icers, air stairs, and sometimes lav carts and water carts. I am also expected to take care of scheduling and employee relations issues. These are only some of my many responsibilites. For this I was compensated 40,000 dollars last year; and after pay cuts I will be compensated about 30,000 this year. Am I worth it? Your F@cking right I am! Does this answer your question DC? Does this answer your question Rat?

The Lazarusman
FSA Lead
USAirways DFW
Some pilots may have made more than the President before Bush came to office; BUT, how many pilots get to fly a 747 where they want when they want? How many pilots have multiple bodyguards working for them? How many get free rent in a huge house and free food prepared by an executive chef? How many get 6 Secret service agents and an office after they retire?
damm...your worth more than that...come to PHL and show them how to be cross trained...

Two posters answered you but you never responded ?????????????????????????


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